Faux pas in communication you should avoid.
Faux pas in communication you should avoid.
Faux pas in communication you should avoid.

The decision whether you are the right person for a job depends not only on your application. Another decisive factor is how you present yourself to the decision-makers – also beyond the interview. In the following, you can read about aspects not related to the actual interview that may have an impact on the final decision.

In the job world, the moments you don’t think often play an important role. There is plenty of competition for the best jobs. When a number of candidates share the same level of technical strengths and suitable experience needed for the job, more weight is given to each candidate’s interpersonal skills and the general way they conduct themselves.

Here are four ways to ensure you are aligning your words and actions.

1. Show that you respect your current employer

2. Anyone you meet may be asked for his/her opinion

3. Small talk can make a difference

4. Stick to etiquette even when being interviewed via video

4. Don’t allow yourself a faux pas in communication

  1. 1  
  2. 1. Show that you respect your current employer

    When asked if you can attend an interview during a workday beware the offhand remark. Saying, “Sure, I’ll make up something for my manager” or joking about creating a doctor’s appointment could run up a red flag. A potential employer will see the way you treat your existing employer as an indicator of how you will treat their organisation if you get hired.

    Accommodating interview times whether by phone, Skype or in person can be tricky. Most people conjure up a health appointment or family commitment so they can attend an interview. You may feel entitled to duck out given your record of providing hours of unpaid overtime to your organisation but that won’t impress a potential employer.

  3. 2  
  4. 2. Anyone you meet may be asked for his/her opinion

    Some candidates only focus on the moment when they meet their possible boss. However, this moment may never come if you fail to treat everybody else with the same respect and interest you want to demonstrate in the interview. Be aware that any person you deal with may be involved in the decision-making process. This could be, for example, your recruiter or the receptionist. Even an employee who brings you a glass of water or a potential team member who shows you the premises could influence the decision. Everyone may be asked about his/her impression of you or express it proactively.

  5. 3  
  6. 3. Small talk can make a difference

    Small talk is about building rapport. Think about suitable topics in advance and avoid controversial, gloomy and negative ones.

  7. 4  
  8. 4. Stick to etiquette even when being interviewed via video

    Interviews by Skype and video link are increasingly common in this busy world, so ensuring everything “in frame” reinforces the great stuff you’re saying is vital.

    Therefore, it should be a matter of course that you dress as you would in a personal interview. Make sure everything around you is tidy and that no personal things, such as dishes or laundry, are visible. If working documents or other confidential papers (such as bank statements) lie around, this will make you look careless and unprofessional. Furthermore, think carefully about whether your interviewer should see which book you are currently reading.

    Dress the set appropriately and keep it uncluttered so the interviewer focuses on what you have to say.

  9. 5  
  10. 5. Don’t allow yourself a faux pas in communication

    Always be professional with e-mails and messages. There is no point in investing hours in your cover letter and CV but writing casual, misleading or unprofessional messages.

    Make good use of the subject line of your e-mail so that the recipient directly knows what it is about. For example, name the job title and the keywords "Appointment for interview" or "My references". Moreover, use a suitable form of address, i.e. "Dear Mr XXX" or "Good morning Ms XXX". Always make sure that the names are correctly spelled. Don't be too relaxed chatting about everything and anything. Nicknames, like in "Hi mate", are also inappropriate.

    When looking for a job, your actions and interactions must always reflect the image you want to convey. Always keep that in mind. Even if you don't get the job, you have at least made a good impression. Who knows, it may be useful again later.

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What is a video interview, and what are the special types of video interview?

A video interview is a type of job interview in which the applicant talks to a recruiter via video chat. The conversation can take place either in real time or after a time delay. The synonyms for a video interview include online job interview, online interview, digital job interview, online job talk, digital interview and virtual job interview.
In a time-delayed video interview, the applicants are provided with a list of questions beforehand and have a certain amount of time to record and transmit their answers.
Another alternative is the so-called video pitch. This is a short presentation which the applicant records and sends to the company. It is a question of presenting yourself concisely and convincingly within a short time, and highlighting your own skills and experience. The video pitch is frequently used as a supplement to the CV and cover letter method, and can help applicants to be shortlisted more quickly.

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