
Jobsuche und Projektbörse
für Fach- und Führungs­kräfte


1959 Ergebnisse

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    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 780795/1
    Provide 1st and 2nd level support for staff and freelancers Assist in the ongoing maintenance of Macs, PCs and Linux machines Ongoing administration of technical inventory and license management Provide support for audio...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 780407/1
    Regulatory document and submission compilation External interface management Regulatory knowledge and strategy Stakeholder management and influencing Decision making...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776113/1
    Checking and booking all kind of vendor invoices according to German regulation Clearing dunning letters General support tasks within the Finance team...

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    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 779156/1
    Enhance the existing prototype Python tool, making it more robust and production-ready Develop a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to improve user interaction and accessibility Expand the tool's features, incl...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778889/1
    Develop and qualify robust, fit-for-purpose analytical mass-spectrometry methods and optimize existing LC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods to support development activities of Recombinant Product Development Execute method develo...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 778441/1
    Conduct searches in the Client Screening System Investigate alerts for PEPs and adverse media in the Client Screening System Utilize web research and various internal KYC systems to determine matches Assign cases accordi...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777475/1
    You implement secure solutions to ever changing requirements in customer requests either as new features being added to the system or existing features being adjusted You create technical concepts for requirements prior ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 777274/1
    You are responsible for the support, expansion and improvement of the software build processes You analyze the requirements of development teams and derive the technical implementation in the build process area You are r...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 776430/1
    Support in the procurement of subcontractor services in the real estate sector Contacting suppliers and creating bidder lists Preparation of strategic procurement events using the Coupa platform Preparation, follow-up an...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774169/1
    Corporate and trade tax declaration Support in the processing of tax issues Booking and posting of vendor invoices Refunding VAT and clearing VAT in SAP and validation of VAT Clearing dunning letters General support task...
    Mülheim an der Ruhr
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774585/1
    Analyzing checkout processes within store areas and collaborating with the product team and product owner to identify requirements for improvement Working closely with the product owner to translate business needs into d...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 725838/1
    You identify and plan the necessary Product Cyber Security activities within the development project from acquisition to SOP to comply with ISO/SAE 21434 You analyze the product scope regarding Product Cyber Security ris...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 774188/1
    Development, modification and maintenance of the controller software Further development and maintenance of the GUI / HMI Optimization of the existing system architecture Cooperation with international colleagues System ...
    Area Frankfurt am Main
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 766868/1
    Contribute to the development and delivery of premium connectivity and telematics solutions Component ownership of the telematics ECU for the global markets, responsible to deliver hardware and software on time, quality ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 764513/1
    Preparation of Spare Part offers for IGC and international clients, coordination of technical and commercial content of offers Maintenance/management of Material data for offer and contract Obtaining of offers from sub s...
    Mülheim an der Ruhr
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 770205/1
    Assisting the Director with strategic and operational topics Identifying areas needing attention in order to develop solutions Create and compile comprehensive and visually engaging presentation decks to communicate find...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 766294/1
    The backend teams are developing and optimizing connected services and intelligent cloud applications running in the cars. We are looking for a passionate Product Owner with a pioneering spirit for Personalization Offboa...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 766778/1
    As a Product Owner in the InCarStore Agile team in Berlin, you will have end to end ownership of discovering, defining, launching, and improving the InCarStore of our customer used by hundreds of customers worldwide to d...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 765643/1
    Develop software, implement unit tests and maintain existing or new software components Assist in defining software requirements and architecture Engage in integration tasks of software and hardware from internal and ext...


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    Selbstverständlich finden Sie in unserer Jobsuche auch Vakanzen in benachbarten europäischen Ländern. Neben dem DACH-Raum sind so auch die Niederlande, Belgien oder Polen mit offenen Stellen gelistet.

    Neben Jobs für Fach- und Führungskräfte finden auch Projekte für Freelancer in unserer Projektbörse – überwiegend auch in Remote. Wählen Sie dafür den Suchfilter “Contracting” aus.

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