
Jobsuche und Projektbörse
für Fach- und Führungs­kräfte


461 Ergebnisse

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    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771221/1
    Business Process Analysis: Evaluate clients’ existing processes, identify areas for improvement, and propose solutions to enhance efficiency. Consulting and Recommendations: Advise clients on best practices for managing ...
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 761981/1
    Settle claims and disputed transactions with client's debit cards for all clients and external parties Handle customer complaints that are not part of the operational business, taking into account the company's principle...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 772137/1
    Execute broad writing and editing demands, in many forms Produce multi-disciplinary communication deliverables, these may include branding guidelines and activities, media relations initiatives and awareness campaigns, m...

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    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 772087/1
    Drive optimization by proactively balancing demand priorities against optimal production and efficient resource utilization i.e. equipment, staff, materials, etc. within the respective Horizon. Revise and maintain detail...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 772081/1
    Maintain and own an accurate packaging schedule in close collaboration with global and local functions Drive optimization by proactively balancing demand priorities against optimal production and efficient resource utili...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771739/1
    Collaborate with stakeholders to analyse and document business requirements related to HR product enhancements and initiatives Translate business requirements into technical specifications and design solutions that align...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771509/1
    Conducting financial analysis related to procurement activities Understanding new IT and Telecom technologies (Software, Services, Cloud, SaaS, etc.) Developing sourcing demand plans Conducting market research on IT prod...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771512/1
    Conduct detailed financial analysis on IT CapEx projects, including ROI analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and variance analysis Support in the preparation of the budget and forecasting. Collaborate in identifying deviatio...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771513/1
    Analyze the evolution, trends, and monitoring of the P&L of at different levels: Revenue, Opex, Capex and HC. A fluent communication with various project managers, accounting, etc. Support in the preparation of the budge...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 770360/1
    The team is closely associated with Biomedical Research within our BigPharma client They support scientists with solutions to identify hits in large libraries of samples from testing in cellular assays or with help of DN...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: 10/25
    Referenznummer: 770350/1
    Update documents (terms & conditions, IPIDs, Insurance Policies, forms. In total, around 400 documents (also including digital/online fulfilment). Work within the project team, manage prioritization of documents on behal...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771505/1
    Lead the planning, execution, and closure of IT projects, adhering to project management methodologies and best practices Define project scope, objectives, deliverables, and success criteria in collaboration with stakeho...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771514/1
    Manage and continuously improve IT Service Support and Service Delivery processes to meet business needs within ServiceDesk Responsible for successful delivery of a high-quality IT Service Desk to users To lead on workin...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771510/1
    Data analysis and reporting: Analyzes IT sourcing data, identifies trends and prepares reports to support decision-making and improve procurement processes Reviewing and analyzing agreements and purchase orders: Is respo...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771545/1
    Assess performance of manufacturing processes for products in scope and the portfolio and implement improvements related to robustness, speed and efficiency together with safety and sustainability elements, resolve produ...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771507/1
    Collaborate with key stakeholders across departments to understand upcoming IT initiatives, projects, and resource requirements Develop and maintain demand forecasts and plans for IT resources such as hardware, software,...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771506/1
    Collaborate with stakeholders at various levels, including executives, business units, and IT teams, to understand business needs and ensure architectural alignment Facilitate workshops and presentations to articulate an...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771508/1
    Analyse the organisation's IT portfolio to assess performance, risks, and opportunities for optimisation Develop and maintain portfolio management processes, including project selection criteria, prioritisation methods, ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771231/1
    Process Identification: Identify all the processes and subprocesses and the steps involved in the current market to order process Current State Mapping: Document the current processes, workflows, and interactions between...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    Startdatum: sofort
    Referenznummer: 771671/1
    This role is will manage CMO activities including all the documentation requirements of Packaging operations Management (development, review and approval of) new and modifications to technical profile drawings and purcha...


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    Selbstverständlich finden Sie in unserer Jobsuche auch Vakanzen in benachbarten europäischen Ländern. Neben dem DACH-Raum sind so auch die Niederlande, Belgien oder Polen mit offenen Stellen gelistet.

    Neben Jobs für Fach- und Führungskräfte finden auch Projekte für Freelancer in unserer Projektbörse – überwiegend auch in Remote. Wählen Sie dafür den Suchfilter “Contracting” aus.

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