Use these modern technologies to drive your job search
Use these modern technologies to drive your job search
Use these modern technologies to drive your job search

Searching for a job is quite different to what it was five or ten years ago. The job hunting process is constantly changing due to new technologies: social media, online job boards and online and mobile applications have created new interactive and transparent opportunities you can take advantage of. If you apply for a job, you have now different options for improving your self-marketing.

Nowadays, you don't have to limit yourself to a conventional application to convince HR managers and employers of how well your extensive experience and personal strengths suit the job requirements. Apart from the cover letter, you can now prove your skills via various media channels such as LinkedIn or Xing and thus provide a full and robust declaration of your expertise and ambitions.

Searching jobs with less known technologies

In many industries, it has become a basic requirement for applicants to know how to successfully use social media. However, there are still a few extra, lesser known ways you can embrace modern technology to help you stand out from the crowd. Here are some of them:

1. Digital spring cleaning

2. Paying attention to details

3. Using the advantages of an interactive application

4. Effective networking

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  2. Digital spring cleaning

    As previously described, being social media savvy is now the least that employers expect of you. Many employers will search for you on Facebook, so make sure that, if your profile is easily discoverable, you haven’t done yourself a disservice in what information you include on there. However, your profiles on LinkedIn and XING should be easy to find and as meaningful as possible. If you are looking for jobs and want to sell yourself well, it is important to align your social profiles with your professional persona.

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  4. Paying attention to details

    Many CVs might not be considered, if the email address provided is unprofessional, whilst people form an impression of one another from their photo in one tenth of a second. Most of these issues come down to common sense; just make sure that you’re presenting yourself well wherever you can be found and that you’re offering current and accurate information.

    Using mobile options for applications

    With online job boards, job email alerts and recruitment company apps you can now job search wherever you are. Create a mobile-friendly downloadable PDF which will enable you to apply for positions on the go. In doing so you’ll be maximising your available job search time when sending an unsolicited application, as well as making sure you’re ready to apply for the most appealing positions as and when they are posted. Storing your CV in an easily accessible location online also means that employers can review it 24/7.

    Recruiters spend an average time of 5-7 seconds reviewing your CV, so make sure yours is devoid of all formatting issues. The information included needs to be readily-available and as clear as possible.

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  6. Using the advantages of an interactive application

    Video is something which is only recently beginning to be fully utilised in the job search process. Skype interviews are increasingly common; however, video CVs and cover letters have not quite taken off yet. Whether participating in a video interview, CV or cover letter, make sure that you’re fully prepared.

    A visual version of you provides far greater insight to prospective employers than a sheet of paper. Make the most of this by ensuring that the backdrop is clear, your dress smart and yourself well-rehearsed. YouTube is the third most visited site in the world – and its popularity shows no sign of waning – so video CVs might catch on a lot more in the next few years. They’re a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills and creativity.

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  8. Effective networking

    Effective networking is perhaps the most crucial step in your technology-savvy job search process. Make yourself easily discoverable across all social media sites. Interact with brands you love, contact people you admire and blog about things you’re passionate about. LinkedIn and XING are unrivalled for professional networking; it’s used by more than 90% of recruiters and employers to source new candidates. This way, you might be found instead of having to search for jobs and write applications.

    Using the right channels for your job search

    The last thing to understand about making full use of technology in your job search is knowing where to look. The latest and greatest positions can be found from a variety of sources, such as newsletters, individual job ads on LinkedIn, XING, online job boards and individual recruitment sites. You can also use your research skills to do some homework on your interviewer, should you be successful with your initial application.

Stay up to date

More and more new methods and platforms are emerging that play a role in job search and application processes – so, try to stay up to date. By taking advantage of this huge number of methods, you can definitely increase your chances of receiving positive feedback from potential employers. The above information will also help you keep up with the latest developments when looking for a job – which you should use to advance your career.

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What is a video interview, and what are the special types of video interview?

A video interview is a type of job interview in which the applicant talks to a recruiter via video chat. The conversation can take place either in real time or after a time delay. The synonyms for a video interview include online job interview, online interview, digital job interview, online job talk, digital interview and virtual job interview.
In a time-delayed video interview, the applicants are provided with a list of questions beforehand and have a certain amount of time to record and transmit their answers.
Another alternative is the so-called video pitch. This is a short presentation which the applicant records and sends to the company. It is a question of presenting yourself concisely and convincingly within a short time, and highlighting your own skills and experience. The video pitch is frequently used as a supplement to the CV and cover letter method, and can help applicants to be shortlisted more quickly.

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