
Business Analyst (M/W/D) Jobs


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27 Ergebnisse

27 Ergebnisse

    Referenznummer: 796275/1

    Business Analyst - MES Expert (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    Basel Stadt
    • Review, refine (also challenge status quo) existing manufacturing process requirements with manufacturing stakeholders; scope is the full E2E processes
    • Simplify, harmonize and baseline manufacturing process requirements far as possible 
    • Align manufacturing process requirements to technical requirements and towards out-of-the-box MES features & functions as far as possible in collaboration with Requirements Engineers and/or MES vendors 
    • Ensure GMP/GxP/CSV compliance 
    • Organize and lead requirements workshops, align business and IT needs & wants
    • Collaborates with manufacturing process owners, enterprise and IT solution architects, requirements engineers, systems owners
    Online seit: Fri Nov 29 14:24:08 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 799459/1

    Finance Analyst in Global Regulatory Affairs (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    • Analyzes financial information and economic data for strategic and operational decisions
    • Evaluates ecomonic, financial, industry and market trends to forecast the organization`s short
    • Expense and Headcount demand planning and forecasting
    • Performs budget and forecast planning
    • Create financial status updates for different stakeholders 
    • Support GRAs resourcing activities and vendor contracting in collaboration with R&D Business Operations Netzwork teams
    Online seit: Fri Dec 20 09:16:43 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 782893/1

    Product Specialist (m/f/d)

    Permanent employment with our customer
    The goal of Product Specialist is to ensure optimal processing of MedTech’s customers in Denmark so that this forms the basis for stability in results and the customer’s perception of collaboration with FK. Moreover, you will work with FK MedTech’s product portfolio and services in relation to customers and you will support the preparation of the Danish budget. Gain access to customers by using network and create a high interest level from the customers to maintain ongoing conversations and to give support to the customers. Key responsibilities include:
    • Continuously acquire professional knowledge at a level to organize customer meetings and trainings for the district’s customers (nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and medical technicians)
    • Support the product specialists in the team with a higher level training on MedTech products 
    • Support healthcare professionals when discharging HPN patients 
    • Dialogue and contact with buyers 
    • Responsible for achieving sales targets for own product area in own district 
    • Preparation of a semi-annual district plan with associated account plans. 
    • Planning and execution of customer visits, activities and projects according to agreed segmentation and targeting criteria, frequencies and goals 
    • Initiating, planning and participating in FK’s profiling activities in relation to the customer group, including morning meetings, evening meetings, courses, exhibitions, etc. 
    • Responsible for exhibitions in own district within your own product area in terms of stand set-up and exhibition material. 
    • Co-responsible for customizing material for use in detailing, instructions, etc. 
    • Idea generation for new projects in the district, initation and implementation of relevant projects, etc. 
    • Support in budget preparation for Denmark 
    • Attendance at relevant European and Nordic meetings 
    • Support Nordic colleagues on major assignments 
    • Support Nordic colleagues with specialized product knowledge 
    • Various ad hoc tasks according to agreement 
    • Follow-up on ongoing activities, including monthly reports 
    • Registration and reporting of completed and planned activities in CRM
    • Updating customer database in CRM
    • Updating customer information in CRM
    • Handling of complaints/side effects according to FK’s instructions
    • Co-responsible for the area’s competitor monitoring
    Online seit: Mon Nov 11 13:33:16 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 798166/1

    Client Activation Project Manager (m/f/d)

    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    • Clienteling tool for Internal and External boutiques : Onboarding/training: manage onboarding, new users and training about new features
    • Hypercare: Create and follow up on support tickets related to the platform
    • Collect of needs and Change request creation: Gather feedback from users and create change requests for the platform.
    • Monthly/Bi-weekly Meeting with Richemont PO: Attend regular meetings with Richemont project owners to discuss progress, challenges, and alignment
    • Communicate effectively: Regularly communicate project status, updates, and challenges to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and alignment
    • Client Satisfaction Initiative : Manage existing and new surveys: Develop and manage the creation of new surveys, Including content management, translation, and testing
    • Deep Dive Satisfaction measurement: Conduct in-depth analysis of client satisfaction data, Identify key insights, and develop action plans to address areas for improvement
    • Monthly/Bi-weekly Meeting with Richemont PO: Attend regular meetings with Richemont project owners to discuss progress, challenges, and alignment
    • Communicate effectively: Regularly communicate project status, updates, and challenges to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and alignment.
    • Performance : Collaboration with Data Analyst: Work closely with the Data Analyst to monitor platform performance, identify areas for improvement, and conduct best practice sessions
    Online seit: Wed Dec 11 14:31:08 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 799435/1

    Business Analyst Valuation (m/f/d)

    Poste permanent chez notre client
    • Analyser et modéliser les besoins des clients, puis rédiger les spécifications fonctionnelles pour notre centre de développement
    • Soutenir les équipes IT lors des différents cycles de développement
    • Assurer la qualité des données pour garantir des livraisons précises et ponctuelles
    • Intégrer les solutions dans le système d'information global en réalisant des tests d'intégration et en gérant les changements
    • Coordonner les phases de test avec les utilisateurs finaux
    • Proposer des optimisations et des améliorations des processus
    • Fournir un support de niveau 3 en cas d'incidents de production
    Online seit: Fri Dec 20 09:22:59 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 780849/1

    IT Business Analyst (m/f/d)

    Poste permanent chez notre client
    • Recueillir, analyser et comprendre les besoins métiers.
    • Documenter et formaliser les processus en collaboration étroite avec les équipes métiers.
    • Traduire les spécifications fonctionnelles en cahier des charges détaillé.
    • Rédiger et exécuter les scénarios de tests fonctionnels (UAT).
    • Cartographier et modéliser les processus métiers pour en faciliter la compréhension et l’optimisation.
    • Gérer les priorités et les évolutions des solutions.
    • Coordonner l’exécution des projets.
    • Réaliser et documenter les tests en collaboration avec les parties prenantes.
    • Assurer le respect des délais et la maîtrise des coûts.
    • Participer à la formation des utilisateurs lors du déploiement de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
    Online seit: Wed Dec 11 10:57:35 CET 2024
    Referenznummer: 788878/1

    SAP (PP) Senior Business Analyst (m/f/d)

    Poste permanent chez notre client
    Le Brassus
    • Concevoir et implémenter des solutions adaptées en respectant les exigences existantes
    • Évaluer les besoins en capacité pour maximiser la valeur des projets selon les demandes du secteur
    • Gérer les demandes de changement et les incidents, en coordination avec les développeurs
    • Assurer les formations de niveau 2 et 3, ainsi que le support aux utilisateurs
    • Garantir la sécurité des données (disponibilité, confidentialité, intégrité) et définir les processus de migration
    • Participer activement à toutes les phases des projets en suivant les méthodologies en place
    • Soutenir et promouvoir la culture d’entreprise, les valeurs, et les standards de manière intègre
    • Collaborer avec les analystes métier d’autres secteurs pour faciliter le changement
    • Former et motiver les équipes, simplifier les processus complexes et orienter l’équipe vers les objectifs de livraison
    Online seit: Wed Dec 11 11:14:06 CET 2024


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