Job profile
Assistant tax consultant (m/f/d)

Assistant tax consultants – shaping the image of the tax consulting office

Assistant tax consultants are the right-hand men of tax advisors and keep them free for other tasks. They independently carry out most the of the relevant tasks. In short, assistant tax consultants help individuals and companies avoid the pitfalls of tax law.

Assistant tax consultants have excellent prospects on the labour market. In Germany, there are approximately 85,000 tax consulting offices, and skilled assistant tax consultants are highly sought-after. Besides, assistant tax consultants have good development opportunities: they can undergo further training to become balance sheet accountants or tax specialists, and after ten years of professional experience, they can found their own tax consulting company and become self-employed tax consultants after having passed the tax consultant examination.

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Are you looking for an assistant tax consultant (m/w/d)?

Do you need an assistant tax consultant to support you in consulting activities for your clients? With specialized know-how in your industry, an understanding of complex relationships and problem solving skills, experts can assist both private individuals and companies in dealing with taxes. We have the right candidates for you.

Are you looking for a job as an assistant tax consultant (m/w/d)?

As an assistant tax consultant, you contribute your know-how in the organisation and processing of tax documents to a company. You can choose where you want to work as an assistant tax consultant in a tax consultancy office.

What are the tasks of assistant tax consultants?

Assistant tax consultants perform a broad range of tasks. When tax consultants provide advice to clients, such as individuals, companies and freelancers, assistant tax consultants support them by carrying out many tasks independently. This enables them to gain deep insight into different working environments.

  • Review of client documents, such as invoices, bank statements and receipts
  • Taking care of the financial accounting for companies
  • Preparation of the annual financial statements of companies
  • Creation of the payroll accounting for companies, including the calculation of income tax, church tax and social contributions
  • Support with the income tax notification of individuals
  • Processing of tax assessments
  • Creation and maintenance of files and registers
  • General office work, such as correspondence and appointment scheduling
  • Preparation of client meetings

What is the average salary of assistant tax consultants?

The average annual income of assistant tax consultants is approximately EUR 28,800 gross, with a starting salary of approximately EUR 2,000 per month, strongly depending on the region and the size of the company.

The profession as a assistant tax consultant requires three years of training. Due to the variety of tasks, the position is varied. Assistant tax consultants must have a great soft spot for numbers. In addition, they should be enthusiastic about tax law and accounting and be interested in economic contexts. Lifelong learning is the most important basic requirement in the job, as tax law is complex and subject to constant change. Therefore, graduates with the Abitur / advanced technical college entrance qualification have better chances for an apprenticeship. A big advantage: the large number of tax consulting offices promises a future-proof perspective for all tax specialists.

The profession as a assistant tax consultant requires three years of training. Due to the variety of tasks, the position is varied. Assistant tax consultants must have a great soft spot for numbers. In addition, they should be enthusiastic about tax law and accounting and be interested in economic contexts. Lifelong learning is the most important basic requirement in the job, as tax law is complex and subject to constant change. Therefore, graduates with the Abitur / advanced technical college entrance qualification have better chances for an apprenticeship. A big advantage: the large number of tax consulting offices promises a future-proof perspective for all tax specialists.

Assistant tax consultants must have completed a three-year apprenticeship. They need to have a real talent for figures and a great interest in economic correlations and must be enthusiastic about tax law and accounting. Lifelong learning is essential in this job, as tax law is complex and subject to constant change.

Assistant tax consultants are shaping the image of the tax consulting office. They must have strong communication skills and remain calm even in stressful situations.

  • An independent and conscientious way of working
  • A sense of discretion
  • A good command of MS Office programs and DATEV/Navision
  • A strong understanding of complex matters
  • Good communication skills, oral and written
  • Great empathy and team spirit
  • A good knowledge of human nature
  • Flexibility
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • A quick perception
  • Resilience

Assistant tax consultants must have completed a three-year apprenticeship. They need to have a real talent for figures and a great interest in economic correlations and must be enthusiastic about tax law and accounting. Lifelong learning is essential in this job, as tax law is complex and subject to constant change.

Assistant tax consultants are shaping the image of the tax consulting office. They must have strong communication skills and remain calm even in stressful situations.

  • An independent and conscientious way of working
  • A sense of discretion
  • A good command of MS Office programs and DATEV/Navision
  • A strong understanding of complex matters
  • Good communication skills, oral and written
  • Great empathy and team spirit
  • A good knowledge of human nature
  • Flexibility
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • A quick perception
  • Resilience

Top job offers for assistant tax consultants

Reference number: 813534/1

Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Deine Aufgaben umfassen die eigenverantwortliche Finanzbuchhaltung deines Mandantenstammes 
  • Du bist zuständig für die Bilanzierung und Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen, Steuererklärungen sowie die Durchführung von Beratungen 
  • Du berätst deine Mandanten in allen Belangen und übernimmst die Korrespondenz mit den Behörden
  • Du organisierst die Vorbereitung an Betriebsprüfungen und nimmst an diesen teil
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Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Führung der Finanzbuchhaltung für einzelne Mandanten 
  • Abstimmung der verschiedenen Konten (z.B. GuV, Bilanz)
  • Ansprechpartner (m/w/d) für andere Abteilungen und Externe 
  • Mitarbeit und Unterstützung bei Monats- und Jahresabschlussarbeiten 
  • Durchführung von Steuererklärungen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Auswertungen 
  • Optimierung von Prozessen und Mitwirkung bei Projekten 
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Steuerfachangestellter/Finanzbuchhalter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Bearbeitung von Finanzbuchhaltungen
  • Erstellung von Steuererklärungen für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen
  • Vorbereitung von Jahresabschlüssen
  • Unterstützung bei Betriebsprüfungen
  • Beratung unserer Mandanten in steuerlichen Fragen
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Finanzbuchhalter / Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Erstellung der kompletten Finanzbuchhaltung
  • Überwachen und verbuchen der Zahlungseingänge und Zahlungsausgänge
  • Klärung offener Posten und Durchführung von Kontenabstimmungen
  • Kontierung und Erfassung von Rechnungen im ERP-System.
  • Vorbereitung von Monats- und Jahresabschlüssen zur Weiterbearbeitung durch den Steuerberater
  • Erstellung der Umsatzsteuervoranmeldungen
  • Durchführung allgemeiner Buchhaltungs- und Verwaltungsaufgaben.
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Reference number: 804729/1

Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Sie sind erste Ansprechperson für unsere Mandantschaft rund um steuerliche Themen und Fragestellungen
  • Sie unterstützen oder erstellen Jahresabschlüsse und Steuererklärungen von Unternehmen verschiedener Größenklassen und Rechtsformen
  • Sie erstellen die laufende Finanzbuchhaltung und auf Wunsch auch Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen
  • Erstellung von Einkommensteuererklärungen
  • Mitwirkung bei Betriebsprüfungen
  • Nutzung der DATEV-Programmwelt einschl. Unternehmen Online
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Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Erstellung von Jahresabschlüssen aller Rechtsformen und Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnungen
  • Erstellung von Steuererklärungen
  • Durchführung von steuerlichen Berechnungen
  • Erstellung und Vorbereitung des Schriftverkehrs mit Mandanten und BehördenDrei6null Zirch & Partner mbB
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Steuerfachangestellter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Erstellung von Buchführungen, Jahresabschüssen (i.d.R. Bilanzen) und Steuererklärungen mit DATEV
  • Mitwirkung bei Rechtsbehelfsverfahren, Teilnahme an Betriebsprüfungen
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