Your recruitment agency
in Munich

Hays is your personnel service provider for Munich, Freising, Rosenheim and Starnberg

Are you looking for experts that will enrich your company, for interim managers or are you looking to develop yourself professionally? Then please contact us. Our employees in the Munich office will show you how we can support you. Whether in the search for suitable candidates, the acquisition of new projects or the revision of your application documents.

We bring the best managers and skilled professionals together with top companies in their respective sectors. We’ll not only find you the most appropriate candidates for temporary employment, but also place specialists and experts in permanent positions and project-related roles. In doing so, we respond to your needs and take your individual requirements into account.

You will find our premises in the centre of the Bavarian capital Munich, from where we have been successfully interacting as a recruitment agency for over 17 years.

Veronika Zacher &
Dominik Strohhäcker

Office Managers

Office address
Lilli-Palmer-Straße 2
80636 Munich

T: +49 89 5126 69 0
For companies

  • For companies
  • For applicants & freelancers

Are you looking for skilled professionals in Munich and the surrounding area??

Do you have staff shortages and are looking for highly qualified specialists? Hays recruits for you within the framework of temporary employment, as a freelancer or for permanent employment in Munich and the surrounding area.


Find your staff

Are you looking for a new job or project in Munich?

Then we are the right partner for you if you want it to be quick and uncomplicated. Simply upload your profile and find your new job or intermin job in Munich or the surrounding area


Find current job offers in Munich

Your benefits when working with Hays in Munich

All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.


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Address and directions in Munich


Lilli-Palmer-Straße 2
80636 München
T: +49 89 512669 0


Reception is located on the 3rd floor.
We wish you a good journey and look forward to your visit!

Accessibility:Our branch is barrier-free accessible. The barrier-free toilet is located on the ground floor. For further information on the subject of accessibility, please contact our visitor reception or

Parking:Parking garage beneath the building
Public Transport:Proceed from the main train station to the Donnersbergerbrücke stop.

Recruitment services right in the heart of Munich

Just a few minutes’ walk from the main train station and Munich’s shopping centre, we are ready to serve you in the award-winning and architecturally impressive “Nove” office building, which was designed by Italian architect Antonio Citterio. As a professional recruitment services provider in Munich, we coordinate job placements for numerous renowned companies in the region. Drawing on our extensive portfolio of opportunities, we place managers and skilled specialists from a variety of industries in attractive positions. We would be pleased to give you an insight into our renowned client portfolio:

  • Mobility sector:  Volkswagen AG, Brose Fahrzeugteile, Continental, and Assmann 
  • Aviation: Munich Airport, Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH and Aerotech Peissenberg

Would you also like to benefit from the advantages of a personnel consultancy and be offered suitable recruiting solutions in a short time? Whether you’re looking for a suitable candidate to fill a current vacancy or seeking your own dream job, please feel free to get in touch.

References that speak for themselves

Our portfolio not only includes mobility and aviation companies.  We also cooperate with interesting companies from other economic sectors, such as the BMW Group, IBM, MAN or Kabel Deutschland. From life sciences to insurance companies and the construction industry, we have you covered.


Take a look at some of our customers throughout Germany.


IT is your passion? Ours too!

Are you looking for a new challenge in the IT sector? Turn to us with confidence, the specialist in IT personnel services for Munich and the surrounding area. We offer attractive job opportunities for software developers, web developers, IT managers or SAP specialists in well-known Munich companies, such as BITMARCK , for example.

If you are a company looking for the best IT candidate for a position, you will find competent headhunters and job recruiters at Hays in Munich who, with their years of experience, can unerringly access suitable personnel from the extensive Hays pool. Or seek out new professionals who match your requirements. Because we know how quickly the market changes, especially in the IT sector.

Expertise across all sectors – Your versatile recruiter in Munich

Our customers aren’t just companies in IT and the mobility sector. What makes us stand out as the leading recruitment services providers in Munich is the diversity of our range of services. This is why both Bertelsmann Verlag and the Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften e. V. Acatech, the socio-political consultant for politics, business and science, trust us. For example, we can arrange attractive financial sector positions for the Swiss-based J. Safra Sarasin Group.

Open the door now to the best employees for your company or apply for new opportunities in your chosen career. Or drop by for a visit and a cup of coffee. We’ll be happy to advise you further and help you find the most appropriate solution for your needs.

Make an appointment with us today. Call us (T: +49 89 512669 0), write us an e-mail (E: or simply submit the vacant position using our form. We look forward to receiving your enquiry and taking the next steps together.

Top job offers in Munich and the surrounding area

Reference number: 808031/1

Store Manager - München (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Eigenständige Leitung eines mehrstöckigen Stores 
  • Motivation durch die Store-Performance, maximales Potenzial ausschöpfen
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regionalleiter und dem HR Business Partner
  • Faire und engagierte Führung der bis zu 80 Mitarbeitenden mit Fokus auf deren Weiterentwicklung
  • Schaffung einer angenehmen Einkaufs- und Arbeitsatmosphäre
  • Überwachung und Steuerung der KPIs
Online since: Tue Feb 18 13:42:14 CET 2025
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Reference number: 769868/1

Steuerberater im internationalen Konzernumfeld (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Erstellung von Einkommens- und Umsatzsteuererklärungen sowie Gewährleistung der Einhaltung aller relevanten Steuergesetze und Vorschriften
  • Vorbereitung und Begleitung von Steuerprüfungen mit fachlichem Input für Wirtschaftsprüfer, externe Steuerberater und Steuerbehörden
  • Sicherstellung der nationalen Steuerkonformität durch Implementierung und Überwachung des Steuerkonformitätsmanagementsystems und der entsprechenden Prozesse
  • Beratung bei komplexen Projekten mit steuerlichen Aspekten, Analyse und Abschwächung potenzieller Risiken, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit Betriebsstätten
  • Unterstützung bei der Erstellung der Verrechnungspreisdokumentation und deren Umsetzung in enger Abstimmung mit den Experten der Gruppe sowie Unterstützung bei Verrechnungspreisprüfungen
  • Identifizierung und Umsetzung von Steuersparmöglichkeiten zur Optimierung der globalen Steuerposition
  • Liquiditätsplanung, Überwachung von Steuervorauszahlungen und Durchführung von Kontoabstimmungen
  • Berechnung und Darstellung von Steuerrückstellungen in Übereinstimmung mit den einschlägigen Rechnungslegungsstandards
Online since: Mon Feb 17 11:54:05 CET 2025
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Reference number: 808887/1

Customer Service Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
München oder Berlin
  • Zuverlässiger Ansprechpartner für Bestandskunden und Interessenten via Telefon, E-Mail oder Chat
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Fachbereichen bei komplexen Anfragen zur schnellen Lösungsfindung
  • Eigenständige Verantwortung für die Zufriedenheit und Bindung der Kundschaft
  • Kontinuierliche Erweiterung des Fachwissens im Finanzbereich
  • Nutzung des Kundenfeedbacks und enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Bereichen Product und Operations zur Identifikation von Verbesserungspotentialen des Produkts, sowie interner Prozesse
Online since: Fri Feb 21 15:24:59 CET 2025
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Reference number: 801817/1

Netzwerk- und Linuxadministrator (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Gemeinsam mit dem Team verantworten Sie die Pflege, Wartung und Weiterentwicklung der Linux-Server-Infrastruktur. 
  • Sie managen die Verwaltung und den Betrieb der Monitoring-Systeme. 
  • Die Analyse und Behebung von Systemstörungen gehören zu Ihrem Daily Doing. 
  • Auch die Durchführung von Backup und Recovery fallen in Ihren Verantwortungsbereich. 
  • Sie haben die Möglichkeit, die Netzwerkinfrastruktur in den Rechenzentren (Campus WLAN und LAN) weiterzuentwickeln.
Online since: Wed Jan 22 10:30:42 CET 2025
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