Your recruitment agency
in Mannheim

Welcome to your personnel recruitment specialists in the Rhine-Neckar region!

If you're looking for managers and specialists in Mannheim and the surrounding area or if you yourself are looking for a job with a prestigious company in the Rhine-Neckar region, you've come to the right place. Whether it's experts in IT, the medical sector or finance – for more than 50 years we've been a trusted personnel services provider, bringing together specialists and companies in Mannheim and the surrounding area.

- Since 1995, our head office has been located in the heart of Mannheim, just a few minutes' walk from the main railway station. The largest team of specialists in the entire D-A-CH region will advise you on all matters relating to recruitment - reliably and competently. 

Are you looking for a new job or project in Mannheim? Then you have come to the right place. Find your new job in Mannheim and the surrounding area now.

Ulrich Otterbein
Branch Manager

Main office
Glücksteinallee 67
68163 Mannheim

T: +49 621 1788 0
Niederlassung Loksite in Mannheim
For companies

  • For companies
  • For applicants

Are you looking for specialists and managers in Mannheim and the surrounding area?

Our team in Mannheim and the surrounding area recruits highly qualified specialists from the fields of IT, HR, sales & marketing and many other specialist areas as temporary workers, freelancers or permanent employees.


Find your staff in Mannheim

Are you looking for a job in the Rhine-Neckar region?

Are you looking for new projects or a job in Mannheim?

Then we are the right partner for you. In a personal remote meeting or in our offices with a unique view over Mannheim and the Rhine, we will be happy to clarify open questions with you - e.g. how you come across as an applicant. We will support you with our many years of know-how in developing yourself and finding the right job in Mannheim!


Find current job offers in Mannheim

Your benefits when working with Hays in Mannheim

All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.


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Address and directions in Mannheim


Glücksteinallee 67
68163 Mannheim
T:  +49 621 1788 0

Our visitor reception is located on the first floor at the main entrance.

Accessibility: our branch is barrier-free accessible. The barrier-free toilet is located on the ground floor and on the 5th floor. For further information on the subject of accessibility, please contact our visitor reception or

Parking facilities: Parking garage Mannheim University or the parking garage Lokschuppen
Public transport: Lindenhof bus stop, Glücksallee or from the Krappmühlstraße on foot across the Kleinfeldsteg.

How we can help you with your job searches in Mannheim

As an individual, applying for jobs on your own, you'll face some tough challenges in finding the right position to match your skills and experience. Although there are a number of renowned companies in Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and Kaiserslautern, such as Fuchs Petrolub, die Heidelberger Lebensversicherung AG oder die Fiducia & GAD IT AG, not all advertise their available positions to the general public.

As experts in the field of personnel services in Mannheim, we have very good market access to many companies in the Rhine-Neckar region. This means that we often hear personally and exclusively about vacancies for specialists and managers. If you have the right qualifications, you stand a good chance of filling the corresponding vacancy in Mannheim.

We cordially invite you to visit us in our offices, from where you can enjoy a unique view of Mannheim. We would be happy to answer your questions in a personal exchange. We look forward to talking to you. Contact your personal contact person today or send us your unsolicited application.



Do you have a new project, are you expecting a major order or have you perhaps already accepted it? Then there is often a shortage of skilled workers - and unfortunately this is also unplanned. Temporary work enables you to fill vacancies within a very short time for an appropriate duration. You decide how long our highly qualified Hays employees are available to you within the framework of temporary employment. Contact our personnel service team in Mannheim directly.

Our specialists look forward to analysing your needs and then identifying candidates who perfectly match your requirements within just 24 hours. You can reach us by phone, e-mail or via our contact form! We will also be happy to advise you personally in our office and explain the advantages of the various models of temporary employment . Our premises are easily accessible and only five minutes away from Mannheim's landmarks, the water tower and the castle. 

Performance guarantee: Should one of our external specialists drop out, we will find a replacement at short notice.

Profit from our customer network in Mannheim

We will gladly take over the job search for you and give you the opportunity to get to know different industries and technologies. We cooperate with interesting companies such as Fuchs Petrolub, Heidelberger Lebensversicherung AG, Fiducia & GAD IT AG and many more.

Take a look at some of our customers throughout Germany.


Contracting in Mannheim as project option

If you're looking for a freelance architect, engineer or IT expert, contracting is the right option for you. Thanks to our many years of experience in recruitment, we maintain active relationships with one of the largest pools of freelance specialists in the German-speaking world. To find the right freelancers for your project, our key account managers in Mannheim use a multi-level quality assurance system that allows them to reliably match even the most complex requirements.

If you have any questions regarding contracts for work and services for self-employed individuals, we will be happy to address them with you in person. Please get in touch with your Hays contact in Mannheim and we will be happy to help you further.

Permanent employment – filling vacancies for executives and specialists in Mannheim

Permanent employment continues to be the most traditional option among employment models. If you are looking for long-term qualified specialists for your company in Mannheim or the surrounding area, we, as experienced personnel services providers, can support you in filling your vacant positions – quickly and reliably. In doing so, you save time and gain the expertise of a partner with over 50 years of experience in recruitment. Our team, headquartered at Glücksteinallee 67 in Mannheim, will professionally analyse your needs and then utilise various channels to find just the right individuals to suit your requirements.

This includes both our internal network and the use of external channels such as job advertisements in selected print and online media as well as job boards. We even pre-select the candidates for you. You can then rest assured you have an applicant that has been checked in accordance with GDPR and is available. Over 3,300 customers already place their trust in us.

Get support from the global Hays network and benefit from the many advantages in recruitment we offer in Mannheim. Give us a call (T: +49 621 1788 0), send us an email (E: or simply submit your vacancy using our web form. We look forward to hearing from you.

Top job offers in Mannheim and the surrounding area

Reference number: 812501/1

Inbetriebnehmer PCS7 Loopcheck (m/w/d)

Freiberuflich für ein Projekt
  • Eigenständige PCS7-Inbetriebnahme und Loopcheck
  • Selbstständiger Test und Simulation (nicht in SIMIT)
  • Durchführung von Störungsdiagnosen bei Anlagenlauf und Erkennung von Anlagenfehlern
  • Analyse von Schnittstellenproblemen für TCP-Koppelungen
  • Bearbeitung von Prozessautomatisierungsanlagen in der Lebensmittelindustrie (Zuckeranlagen für Zuckerbohnen)
Online since: Fri Mar 14 16:26:52 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812303/1

Sachbearbeitung Qualitätssicherung (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Unterstützung in der Qualitätssicherung
  • Eigenverantwortliche Bearbeitung von administrativen und kaufmännischen Aufgaben
  • KPIs erfassen und Listen erstellen
  • Pflege von Datenbanken und administrative Unterstützung im Tagesgeschäft
  • Erstellung und Verwaltung von Dokumenten, Grafiken, Berichten und Statistiken
  • Kommunikation mit Kunden, Lieferanten und internen Abteilungen
Online since: Fri Mar 14 14:45:34 CET 2025
View now
Reference number: 812264/1

SAP eWM / WM Berater (m/w/d)

Freiberuflich für ein Projekt
  • Mitwirkung an spannenden Projekten zur Transformation von SAP WM zu EWM
  • Zusammenarbeit mit Service Managern und Business Process Specialists zur Schätzung des Aufwands für die Entwicklung von Lösungen im Rahmen von Änderungsanforderungen und Projekten
  • Durchführung umfassender Geschäftsanalysen zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung im Zusammenhang mit den Lösungen
  • Enge Kommunikation mit Geschäftsinteressenten, um deren Anforderungen zu verstehen und Lösungen zu entwickeln, die mit den Zielen übereinstimmen
  • Unterstützung bei der Verwaltung, Wartung und Optimierung interner und funktionsübergreifender Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit internen Dienstleistungen
  • Tätigkeit als Fachexperte für SAP WM und SAP EWM, Beitrag zu laufenden Operationen und zur Entwicklung neuer Lösungen
  • Anleitung temporärer Teams, Sicherstellung der Aufgabenerfüllung und des Wissenstransfers nach Bedarf
Online since: Thu Mar 13 14:50:39 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812212/1

Order Manager (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Monitoring des Bestelleingang/Auftragserfassung
  • Auftragsverfolgung (Monitoring der DLZ, und Einleitung evtl. notwendiger Aktionen)
  • Einhaltung der Vorschriften Außenwirtschaftsrecht/Exportkontrolle
  • Kontinuierliche Analyse der landspezifischen Key Performance Indicators bzw. Prozesse
  • Ableitung von Maßnahmen und Nachhaltung der Umsetzung inkl. Dokumentation
  • Kommunikation zu internen Stellen und Kunden
  • Monitoring der Einhaltung der Global Supply Chain Standards und Kommunikation zu den Logistikverantwortlichen der Länder bzw. Kunden bei Nichteinhaltung
  • Bereitstellung landesspezifischer Informationen zur Erstellung oder Kommentierung der monatlichen Reports
Online since: Thu Mar 13 14:05:25 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812103/1

Logistikmitarbeiter / Staplerfahrer im Luftsicherheitsbereich (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Entladen von LKWs mit Gabelstapler und anschließendes Aus- bzw. Umpacken der palettierten Ware
  • Kontrolle des Wareneingangsscheins und Überprüfung der Richtigkeit der Ware mit dem Lieferschein
  • Transport von Paletten in den entsprechenden Lagerbereich 
  • Verbuchung von Warenbewegungen in SAP 
  • Entsorgung sowie Überprüfen von Abfallpaletten 
  • Auslagerung der gepackten Paletten für den Versand
  • Tätigkeit im Luftsicherheitsbereich
Online since: Thu Mar 13 11:15:25 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811844/1

Experte - E und Leittechnik Dokumentation (m/w/d)

Freiberuflich für ein Projekt
Biblis und remote
  • Prüfung und Abgleich der Schaltschrankdokumentation (z.Bsp. Stromlaufpläne, Klemmenpläne, Stücklisten, Schrankzeichnungen) mit der realen Installation auf der Baustelle
  • Identifikation von Abweichungen oder Fehlern zwischen frei sichtbarer Installation und der Dokumentation 
  • Dokumentation von Abweichungen oder Fehlern in den Unterlagen
  • Technische Klärungen mit dem Lieferanten und internen Abteilungen
  • Verfolgung aufgezeigter Fehler oder Abweichungen bis zur abgestimmten Red- Correx- As built Dokumentation
Online since: Wed Mar 12 15:37:53 CET 2025
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