Job profile
Chemical technician (m/f/d)

Chemical technicians: ensuring smooth production processes in the chemical industry

Hygiene, safety and environmental protection: chemical technicians ensure smooth and safe production processes in the chemical industry. They adjust measuring and control devices and maintain pipelines, centrifuges and reaction vessels.

Chemical technicians mainly work in the chemical industry to produce chemical raw materials, fertilisers, plastics, detergents or chemical fibres. Other fields of work include mineral oil processing and the pharmaceutical industry, where they deal with the production of basic pharmaceutical products. Chemical technicians also work for manufacturers of paints and coatings or in the plastics industry dealing with the production of plates, sheets or tubes. The job prospects are good since chemical products from Germany are in demand worldwide. With further training as a technical business administrator or an industrial foreman, or with a degree in chemical engineering, chemical technicians have an even broader range of opportunities.


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Are you looking for a chemical technician (m/f/d)?

Do you need a chemical technician who supports the smooth and safe production in your company with their expertise? With the specialized know-how in your industry, as well as a high concentration and reliability, experts can execute the required processes correctly and ensure the quality of your production. We have the right candidates for you.

Are you looking for a job as a chemical technician (m/f/d)?

As a chemical technician, you contribute your know-how in the operation of machines and the handling of chemicals to a company. You can choose whether you want to work in the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical industry or the plastics industry.

What are the tasks of a chemical technicians?

Whether they control and monitor machines or analyse product samples in the laboratory – chemical technicians face a broad range of tasks every day, including numerous work steps:

  • Measuring and filling of commodities in the production plants
  • Continuous control of the production process
  • Temperature control or distillation of starting materials
  • Regular taking of samples
  • Review of the measured data
  • Logging of the production process
  • Inspection of the product quality
  • Monitoring the packaging of products
  • Environmentally friendly waste disposal
  • Maintenance of the plants
  • Process engineering

What is the average salary of chemical technicians?

The total duration of the training to become a chemical technician is 3.5 years. Depending on the year of their apprenticeship, they will earn between EUR 874 (year 1) and EUR 1,054 (year 4). When they have completed their training, they will receive a starting salary of about EUR 2,200 per month. In the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, the monthly gross salary is between EUR 2,500 and EUR 3,100. With increasing professional experience, the salary increases as well: 45-year-old chemical technicians receive a monthly gross salary of about EUR 3,989. Besides, it is often necessary to work in shifts in this industry. Shift work may increase the monthly salary by a further EUR 1,000.

The training to become a chemical technician takes 3.5 years. On average, the monthly gross salary in the first year of training is EUR 874 and increases to up to EUR 1,054 in the fourth year of training. The training is dual, i.e. both in the vocational school and in a training company.

After training, there are various forms of further training. These include further training to become a technical business economist or industrial foreman or a degree in chemical engineering. In this way you can expand the possible applications in this future-oriented industry.

The training to become a chemical technician takes 3.5 years. On average, the monthly gross salary in the first year of training is EUR 874 and increases to up to EUR 1,054 in the fourth year of training. The training is dual, i.e. both in the vocational school and in a training company.

After training, there are various forms of further training. These include further training to become a technical business economist or industrial foreman or a degree in chemical engineering. In this way you can expand the possible applications in this future-oriented industry.

Chemical technicians can only work for the chemical industry? That is not correct. In this job, too, applicants can choose from different sectors:

  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Plastic processing
  • Manufacture of paints and varnishes

Chemical technicians can only work for the chemical industry? That is not correct. In this job, too, applicants can choose from different sectors:

  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Plastic processing
  • Manufacture of paints and varnishes

Chemical technicians must ensure that the machines run without any technical problems and that each plant is maintained in the best possible way. Besides, a great deal of accuracy is required in the laboratory. They need to know exactly what they are doing and must always proceed in a careful manner.

During their training, chemical technicians acquire the necessary technical and chemical knowledge.

  • Experience in the operation of machines
  • Quality management skills
  • Experience in handling chemicals
  • Knowledge of chemical technology
  • Knowledge of electrical engineering and control technology
  • Safety
  • Familiarity with occupational health and safety regulations

As soft skills, you need the following to exercise the profession.

  • The ability to concentrate
  • A high sense of responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Reliability

Chemical technicians must ensure that the machines run without any technical problems and that each plant is maintained in the best possible way. Besides, a great deal of accuracy is required in the laboratory. They need to know exactly what they are doing and must always proceed in a careful manner.

During their training, chemical technicians acquire the necessary technical and chemical knowledge.

  • Experience in the operation of machines
  • Quality management skills
  • Experience in handling chemicals
  • Knowledge of chemical technology
  • Knowledge of electrical engineering and control technology
  • Safety
  • Familiarity with occupational health and safety regulations

As soft skills, you need the following to exercise the profession.

  • The ability to concentrate
  • A high sense of responsibility
  • Resilience
  • Reliability

Top job offers for chemical technicians

Reference number: 677619/1

Chemikant pharmazeutische Produktion (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Sie sind zuständig für das Herstellen von Zwischenprodukten
  • Sie bereiten die Anlage für die Produktion vor und rüsten diese um
  • Sie überwachen die Anlagen und Prozesse mittels PLS und nach Betriebsanweisung
  • Außerdem nehmen Sie Proben im Rahmen der In-Prozess-Kontrollen über GC, K. F. und LOD
  • Sie protokollieren die Abläufe nach ISO 9001
  • Sie reinigen die Anlagen entsprechend vorgegebener Reinigungsanweisungen
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Reference number: 805698/1

Chemikant (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Kontrolle der sicherheitsrelevanten Einrichtungen in der Anlage
  • Steuerung und Überwachung chemischer Prozessanlagen
  • Durchführung von Kontrollgängen
  • Herstellung von spezifikationsgerechten Produkten
  • Durchführung von Laboranalysen
  • Außer- und Inbetriebnahme von Anlagenteilen
  • Vorbereitung von Anlagenteilen für die Instandhaltung
Online since: Fri Mar 21 05:58:07 CET 2025
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Reference number: 814316/1

Laborhilfe/Chemiewerker (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Vorverwiegung von Einsatzstoffen zur Herstellung von Medien und Lösungen in der Produktion Umgang mit verschiedenen Einsatzstoffen und Gebinden (bis zu 25 kg)
  • Reservierung der erforderlichen Geräte/Anlagen und Bestellung von Verbrauchsmitteln/Rohstoffe/Einsatzstoffe
  • Reinigen der Geräte/Anlagen und des Arbeitsplatzes nach Vorschrift, Entsorgung von Abfällen laut gültigem Entsorgungsplan
  • Dekontaminieren, Spülen und Autoklavieren von Laborglas, Gebrauchsgegenständen
  • Dokumentation der durchgeführten Schritte gemäß GMP Vorgaben
  • Durchführung/Unterstützung bei Wartungen
  • Unterstützung bei der Lagerhaltung (Kanban Lager sowie Einsatzstoffe in Raumtemperaturlager, Kühl- und Gefrierraum)
  • Einfache Labortätigkeiten nach Vorschrift unter Anleitung
Online since: Wed Mar 26 11:43:16 CET 2025
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Reference number: 799005/1

Quality Performance Specialist (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Ausführen grundlegender Dateneingabeaufgaben
  • Ablegen und Abrufen von Dokumenten aus den Ablagesystemen des Unternehmens
  • Ablegen von Unterlagen oder Dokumenten nach Anweisung
  • Ausführung operativer Aufgaben unter Befolgung etablierter Prozesse. Umfasst das Arbeiten innerhalb vorgegebener Einstellungen oder Parameter
  • Folgen eines einfachen verbindlichen Verfahrens zur Gewährleistung, dass Arbeiten den erforderlichen Qualitätsstandards entsprechen und/oder zur Gewährleistung der Einhaltung externer regulatorischer Kodizes und interner Verhaltenskodizes
  • Arbeiten nach einem zugewiesenen Zeitplan
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:17:16 CET 2025
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Reference number: 719972/1

Bio Operator Formulation (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
Großraum Ulm
  • Sie rekombinante Proteine und monoklonale Antikörper im Produktionsmaßstab mittels prozessspezifischer Chromatographie- und Kassettensysteme
  • Sie führen verschiedene Filtrationen und Herstellungen von Pufferlösungen im Produktionsmaßstab durch
  • Sie sorgen für die Reinigung, Bestückung und Sterilisation von Prozessequipment zu Ihren neuen Aufgaben
  • Sie haben die GMP-gerechte Chargendokumentation, die weitestgehend über eine elektronische Herstellungssoftware (BioMES und Papierdokumentation) abgebildet wird, im Blick
Online since: Fri Mar 21 05:57:54 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812848/1

Produktionsmitarbeiter Ansatz / Labor (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Hält die regulatorischen Vorgaben aus IVDD, QS-Reg und GxP-Regeln sowie die gesetzlichen Vorgaben der Arbeitssicherheit und des Umweltschutzes ein
  • Beachtet die Vorgabedokumente und arbeitet danach
  • Einwiegen und buchen (SAP) von Einsatzstoffen. (WICHTIG: Heben von Lasten bis 20 kg mehrmals am Tag)
  • Neben dem Wiegen ist auch die Herstellung von Reagenz-Ansätzen vorgesehen
  • Dokumentation des Fertigungsprozesses
  • Reinigung und Pflege von Equipment, Arbeitsflächen und Produktionsanlagen
  • Portionierung von Zwischenprodukten
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:13:31 CET 2025
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