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Content Manager -
duties, jobs and salary (m/f/d)

What does a content manager do?

The content manager manages a company’s online content as an editor, strategic planner and technician , and ensures that the latest topics and information are presented in an impressive manner across all marketing channels. This profession, which is still a relatively new one, combines organizational skills with technical competence and linguistic dexterity. The planning, management and strategic orientation of the content is particularly important.

What are the career prospects of a content manager?

Content managers have a wide range of tasks including the planning and management of multimedia content, maintaining the company web site and activities such as online editing. As well as dealing with their work within the company, such as coordinating web sites and customer experience trips, content managers are in demand wherever content is created, published and managed. Many content marketing managers start their careers with agencies before transferring to a company and focussing their expertise on a single area/industry. Be it in sales and marketing or IT , the job prospects are particularly lucrative due to the high level of demand for content managers.

For companies


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  • For applicants

Are you looking for a content manager (m/f/d)?

Do you need support in planning, management and the strategic implementation of your content on a variety of channels? Benefit from our large portfolio of qualified specialists who will advance your company with industry-relevant expertise and many years of experience. Please let us know your exact requirements and get in touch with us.

Are you looking for a job as a content manager (m/f/d)?

Support companies and agencies with your experience in planning, creating, maintaining and optimizing CMS and web content and with your know-how in the management of various marketing channels. Talk to us about your salary expectations and preferred areas of application - together we will find your dream job!

The content manager plans and manages content using a content management system, or CMS for short, such as WordPress or Drupal. He or she looks after text and image material for the web site as well as multimedia content, draws up editorial plans for future content and collaborates closely with employees from marketing, sales and customer support, and also with external specialists. Their tasks in content management also include the technical set-up of the CMS, the gathering of data and key figures and evaluating and preparing this information for stakeholders. The content manager’s job also includes creating and maintaining content for various social media channels. Depending on the industry and the company, the job also involves tasks in the print media area.


  • Planning, creation, maintenance and optimisation of content management systems and web content
  • Creation of image, text and multimedia content
  • Web administration
  • Online editing
  • Web shop maintenance
  • Optimisation of web sites, processes and employee potential
  • Data gathering and analysis
  • Collaboration with internal and external stakeholders


The content manager plans and manages content using a content management system, or CMS for short, such as WordPress or Drupal. He or she looks after text and image material for the web site as well as multimedia content, draws up editorial plans for future content and collaborates closely with employees from marketing, sales and customer support, and also with external specialists. Their tasks in content management also include the technical set-up of the CMS, the gathering of data and key figures and evaluating and preparing this information for stakeholders. The content manager’s job also includes creating and maintaining content for various social media channels. Depending on the industry and the company, the job also involves tasks in the print media area.


  • Planning, creation, maintenance and optimisation of content management systems and web content
  • Creation of image, text and multimedia content
  • Web administration
  • Online editing
  • Web shop maintenance
  • Optimisation of web sites, processes and employee potential
  • Data gathering and analysis
  • Collaboration with internal and external stakeholders


They require good editorial skills, experience with graphics processing and knowledge of CSS, HTML and SEO in order to be able to plan and manage content efficiently. The basics for this profession also include proficiency in using the most important content management systems, and familiarity with social media. Since the content manager often involves and coordinates internal and external employees in the job, organizational talent and communication skills are equally as important as the purely technical prerequisites. All in all, the main focus is on the following four requirements:

A good content manager mainly requires one thing in the job in addition to specialist knowledge: Creativity. The job involves drawing up editorial plans, linking content together in a creative way, and keeping an eye on layouts over long periods of time. A continuous influx of new ideas is required for this.

Basic technical knowledge
As well as the ability to visualise everything by means of creativity, a content manager must also be in a position to implement everything from a technical point of view. HTML and CSS skills should be available for doing this. Knowledge of graphic editing, video editing and SEO must also be available. In this job, expertise in social media is a basic prerequisite for achieving coverage and implementing good storytelling.

Analytical understanding
Part of the job is to understand connections and be able to classify the cause and effect thereof. A content marketing manager must be able to maintain an overview of complex topics and be a quick learner.

Ability to work in a team
As in the majority of jobs, being a good team player is regarded one of the most important qualities. An editorial team always consists of several people with whom the content manager collaborates closely, including online marketing managers, offline marketing managers and social media marketing employees.

They require good editorial skills, experience with graphics processing and knowledge of CSS, HTML and SEO in order to be able to plan and manage content efficiently. The basics for this profession also include proficiency in using the most important content management systems, and familiarity with social media. Since the content manager often involves and coordinates internal and external employees in the job, organizational talent and communication skills are equally as important as the purely technical prerequisites. All in all, the main focus is on the following four requirements:

A good content manager mainly requires one thing in the job in addition to specialist knowledge: Creativity. The job involves drawing up editorial plans, linking content together in a creative way, and keeping an eye on layouts over long periods of time. A continuous influx of new ideas is required for this.

Basic technical knowledge
As well as the ability to visualise everything by means of creativity, a content manager must also be in a position to implement everything from a technical point of view. HTML and CSS skills should be available for doing this. Knowledge of graphic editing, video editing and SEO must also be available. In this job, expertise in social media is a basic prerequisite for achieving coverage and implementing good storytelling.

Analytical understanding
Part of the job is to understand connections and be able to classify the cause and effect thereof. A content marketing manager must be able to maintain an overview of complex topics and be a quick learner.

Ability to work in a team
As in the majority of jobs, being a good team player is regarded one of the most important qualities. An editorial team always consists of several people with whom the content manager collaborates closely, including online marketing managers, offline marketing managers and social media marketing employees.

Content manager salary - how much can you expect?

The tasks involved in the job as a content manager can vary considerably. The requirements and tasks are very dependent upon the size of the company or organization. These factors also affect the potential earnings. Content managers can therefore expect an average annual salary of EUR 40.500, which will increase as the content manager acquires more qualifications.

Top job offers for content managers (m/f/d)

Reference number: 814081/1

Content Manager (m/w/d)

Freiberuflich für ein Projekt
  • Erstellung von Inhalten für externe (Hilfe-FAQ)-Websites
  • Durchführung von Bedarfsanalysen
  • Projektmanagement für die Umsetzung von Inhalten
  • Umgang mit Content Management Systemen (CMS)
Online since: Wed Mar 26 15:10:35 CET 2025
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Reference number: 805434/1

Content Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Aktualisierung von Webseiteninhalten, besonders der Homepage
  • Pflege von Newslettern und Mitwirkung an Marketingkampagnen
  • Unterstützung bei der Erstellung neuer Landingpages
  • Qualitätssicherung der Inhalte und Fehlerberichterstattung
  • Kommunikation und Abstimmung mit Stakeholdern bzgl. der Inhalte
  • Briefing der Redakteure und Koordination von Übersetzungen
  • Prozessoptimierung und Weiterentwicklung der Teamabläufe
Online since: Thu Mar 06 14:32:37 CET 2025
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Reference number: 810732/1

Applications Manager ECM (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Betreuung und Administration des Enterprise Content Management (ECM)-Systems sowie kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der Systemfunktionen und -prozesse
  • Einrichtung, Anpassung und Pflege von Aktenstrukturen, Workflows und Metadaten im ECM-System
  • Verwaltung von Zugriffsrechten und Rollen im Rahmen des definierten Rollen- und Rechtekonzepts
  • Überwachung und Sicherstellung der Systemstabilität, inklusive Fehleranalyse und Koordination von Lösungen mit internen und externen Partnern
  • Unterstützung bei der Datenmigration und Integration von Schnittstellen zu anderen Systemen (z. B. MS365, ERP, CRM)
  • Monitoring der Systemnutzung
  • Umsetzung von Anpassungen basierend auf neuen fachlichen Anforderungen
  • Dokumentation der administrativen Tätigkeiten und Anpassungen am System
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:13:14 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811655/1

Digital Product Manager 32h/Woche (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Vorantreiben der erfolgreichen Entwicklung und des Wachstums digitaler Produkte durch Abstimmung der Geschäftsziele mit den Nutzerbedürfnissen
  • Entwicklung einer Produktstrategie: Festlegung einer klaren Vision und eines Fahrplans für das Produkt auf der Grundlage von Geschäftszielen und Markttrends
  • Verwalten von Anforderungen: Erfassen, Priorisieren, Abstimmen und Kommunizieren der Produktanforderungen von Stakeholdern (TA, Brand Family, Content Manager & Channel Orch. Experts), um sicherzustellen, dass das Produkt den Geschäftsanforderungen entspricht
  • Steuerung der Produktentwicklung: Überwachung des Entwicklungsprozesses, Zusammenarbeit mit funktionsübergreifenden und internationalen Teams, um eine pünktliche und budgetgerechte Produktlieferung zu gewährleisten
  • Analysieren der Leistung: Überwachung und Analyse der Produktleistungskennzahlen, um verbesserungswürdige Bereiche zu identifizieren und die Übereinstimmung mit den Erfolgskriterien sicherzustellen
  • Leitung des Produktmarketings und der Produkteinführung: Entwicklung von Marketingstrategien, Koordinierung von Einführungsaktivitäten zur Förderung der Produktakzeptanz und des Erfolgs
  • Vorantreiben und Umsetzen von Kanalverbesserungen in Zusammenarbeit mit Channel Orch. Experten
  • OCE Insights Generation und Closed Loop Customer Experience
  • Unterstützung des OCE Insights Manager bei Kampagnenberichten
  • Unterstützung des Data & Analytics Teams bei der Erstellung von Berichten
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:00:14 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811270/1

Marketing Automation Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Verantwortung für CRM und digitales Projektmanagement
  • Entwicklung, Konzeption und Steuerung von Mulitchannel Kampagnen für Newsletter und App
  • Contentpflege und Maintenance der Website
  • Regelmäßige Testings auf Nutzerfreundlichkeit der Website und Optimierung
  • Monitoring der Kampagnenperformance und Identifizierung von Optimierungspotenzialen
  • Erstellung von Reportings und Potentialanalysen
  • Sicherstellung der DSGVO konformen Arbeit mit personenbeziehbaren Daten
Online since: Mon Mar 10 13:36:48 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811772/1

Social Media Manager International (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Entwicklung und Aufbau von individuellen Social-Media-Kanälen für das In- und Ausland (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Youtube)
  • Ständige Beobachtung des Marktgeschehens 
  • Fach- und zielgruppengerechte Repräsentation unserer Marken
  • Austausch und Aktionen mit internationalen Händlern
  • Eigenständige Planung und Erstellung von Beiträgen, Reels, Storys und Kampagnen
  • Recherche geeigneter Kooperationspartner in verschiedenen Ländern
  • Betreuung von Influencern, Planung und Briefing ihres Contents
  • Stetiger, freundlicher Austausch und intensive Kommunikation mit der Community
Online since: Tue Mar 11 16:51:29 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812603/1

Marketing Manager (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Erstellung einer Medien- und Redaktionsplanung für die einzelnen Produktbereiche inkl. Anzeigenschaltung und Berichterstattung in Fachmedien
  • Planung und Durchführung von strategischen ganzheitlichen Vertriebskampagnen zur Leadgenerierung, Umsatzsteigerung und Markenstärkung über Digitale Kanäle (Direktmailing, Social Media, Homepage, SEO, SEA) sowie Fachmedien (Anzeigenschaltung, Berichterstattung) und Bereitstellung von Kommunikationspaketen (Präsentationen, Broschüren, Banner, Werbemittel)
  • Planung, Organisation sowie Durchführung nationaler Messeauftritte, Kundenevents, Seminare und Presseevents sowie lokaler Support bei der Organisation und Durchführung von internationalen Leitmessen in Deutschland inkl. anschließender Erfolgsmessung
  • Erstellung von Content, Feeding und Monitoring der verschiedenen Social Media Kanäle sowie konzipieren und durchführen von Social Media Kampagnen zur Technologiekommunikation und Markenstärkung (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Weiterentwicklung von Produktmarketingstrategien, sowie Identifizierung neuer Marktpotentiale und Trends auf Basis nationaler Kundenbedürfnisse
  • Erstellung und lokale Adaption von branchen- und produktübergreifenden Marketingmaterialien für vertriebliche Zwecke
  • Erstellung & Verantwortung für das regionale Sales & Marketing Budget unter Berücksichtigung strategischer Messgrößen und Marktpotentiale
  • Marketingkonzeption in Abstimmung mit der Landesleitung und den einzelnen Divisionsleitern, Umsetzung der Marketing-Maßnahmen und Controlling
  • Erstellung & Durchsetzung eines jährlichen Marketing Action Plans
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:15:00 CET 2025
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