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Dispatcher (m/f/d)

Dispatchers: organisational talents with a broad field of activity

Ensuring that operating resources, personnel deployment and external services are optimally planned is probably a high priority for every company. Only with good planning can resources and costs be scheduled in such a way that consistent quality is ensured in the long term.

In many companies, for example, planning is carried out by department heads who plan the optimal use of personnel. However, in larger companies, dispatchers who are responsible for certain areas are indispensable. They are in charge. They coordinate and organise work flows in the company in such a way that operations run smoothly. The areas of application are diverse and range from personnel planning to goods and resource planning. As experts in professional organisation, they maintain a good overview of the allocation of goods or employees and ensure that the schedule is adhered to.



  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For feelancers

Are you looking for a job as a dispatcher (m/f/d)?

Are you an absolute organisational talent, do you know how to use the resources optimally and do you like to work in a punctual manner? As a dispatcher, you are responsible for the effectiveness of work processes and can contribute your knowledge in a wide variety of industries. Whether in human resources, logistics, merchandise management or freight transport – you are responsible for smooth processes.

Are you looking for an experienced dispatcher (m/f/d)?

Do you have the feeling that processes in your company could be planned more optimally and resources could be used more effectively? With a dispatcher your warehouse is always filled, the deployment of your employees is optimally planned and deadlines are met – with us you will find the organisational talent for your area.

Are you looking for an exciting project in planning?

Have you already ensured the professional organisation of personnel, goods or logistics in some companies? If you want to apply your experience in a specific area in a company, we will find exciting projects for you within the scope of which you ensure smooth processes and good organisation.

What does a dispatcher do?

There is no such thing as a dispatcher who performs the same tasks in every area. Depending on the industry, the areas of responsibility and thus also the know-how that we apply differ:

  • Warehouse dispatchers are responsible for ensuring that goods and raw materials are available in the warehouse in the right quantity at the right time.
  • Dispatchers in freight transport plan national and international freight transport tours. This includes the use of vehicles as well as the personnel. In addition, they coordinate delivery dates with customers and ensure the optimal use of resources.
  • Personnel dispatchers are mainly employed in temporary employment agencies or HR departments. You will be responsible for (future) employees and filling vacancies. In addition, you conduct job interviews and take care of billing.

Tasks and activities of dispatchers

As organisational talents of an organisation, dispatchers are responsible for the allocation of goods or services. The tasks are as diverse as the areas of application. Accordingly, dispatchers in logistics work differently than those who are responsible for human resources. However, the aim is always to make work and operating procedures as efficient as possible while keeping track of operational processes and deadlines.

Dispatchers in logistics are responsible for the following tasks:

  • Creation of duty rosters for specialist personnel
  • Deployment planning of vehicles
  • Planning of upcoming maintenance work
  • Checking delivery dates
  • Checking delivery documents
  • Coordination of appointments with customers and suppliers
  • Acceptance of transport orders
  • Preparation of quotations for the transport of goods
  • Processing of complaints
  • Control of trip recorders or tachographs
  • Control of on-board computers

In materials management, dispatchers are responsible for certain production processes and ensure that raw materials and required goods are available at all times. In this area, the dispatching tasks are as follows:

  • You request goods
  • You calculate costs
  • You calculate delivery times

In Human Resources, dispatchers are responsible for the optimal use of personnel resources for ongoing operations. They do not plan and organise goods, but human resources, i.e., employees. The following activities are involved:

  • Management of personnel deployment planning
  • Preparation of pay slips
  • Recruiting of new personnel

What is the average salary of a dispatcher?

Depending on the degree and industry, the salary of dispatchers varies. Beginners in this professional field earn between EUR 2,100 and 2,400 gross per month, i.e., the starting salary is between EUR 25,100 and 28,800 gross per year. In contrast, young professionals often enter the planning department with up to EUR 3,200 gross per month.

If they have gained some experience, dispatchers who have completed an apprenticeship can expect an average gross monthly salary of EUR 2,600. Academics, on the other hand, can expect a wage increase to EUR 3,800 gross per month and even more. Check our salary comparison to see which options are open to you.

Dispatchers are becoming increasingly more sought after. Especially in the area of freight transport, and organised dispatch is becoming more important than ever due to increasing transport volumes. Here, goods must be transported efficiently, cost-effectively and quickly from A to B. Many small forwarding companies, whose tours need to be planned and organised thus offer a variety of job opportunities and job offers for dispatchers in the logistics industry. The locations in which you can work are correspondingly diverse.

However, subject-specific dispatchers are also in demand in human resources and not only assume responsibility for personnel planning, but are also used for a wide variety of tasks according to their qualifications. So, it can happen that they are also used in companies in the entertainment industry for the planning of events.

Dispatchers are becoming increasingly more sought after. Especially in the area of freight transport, and organised dispatch is becoming more important than ever due to increasing transport volumes. Here, goods must be transported efficiently, cost-effectively and quickly from A to B. Many small forwarding companies, whose tours need to be planned and organised thus offer a variety of job opportunities and job offers for dispatchers in the logistics industry. The locations in which you can work are correspondingly diverse.

However, subject-specific dispatchers are also in demand in human resources and not only assume responsibility for personnel planning, but are also used for a wide variety of tasks according to their qualifications. So, it can happen that they are also used in companies in the entertainment industry for the planning of events.

Depending on the industry in which dispatchers are active, commercial or technical training and knowledge of administration are a good prerequisite. Coupled with sufficient knowledge in the field of personnel management and the ability to deal with people, personnel from the planning department have great organisational talent, leadership qualities and think entrepreneurially. In addition, they are resilient, react quickly to change and keep an overview.

In addition to the knowledge imparted during training or studies, the following soft skills are particularly advantageous for dispatchers:

  • Reliability
  • Resilience
  • Social competence
  • Communication skills
  • Logistical planning capability
  • Organisational talent
  • Flexibility

Depending on the industry in which dispatchers are active, commercial or technical training and knowledge of administration are a good prerequisite. Coupled with sufficient knowledge in the field of personnel management and the ability to deal with people, personnel from the planning department have great organisational talent, leadership qualities and think entrepreneurially. In addition, they are resilient, react quickly to change and keep an overview.

In addition to the knowledge imparted during training or studies, the following soft skills are particularly advantageous for dispatchers:

  • Reliability
  • Resilience
  • Social competence
  • Communication skills
  • Logistical planning capability
  • Organisational talent
  • Flexibility

The path to a dispatcher profession can be diverse. Because there is no one training or course of study that aims at planning work. Nevertheless, certain training courses are particularly well suited to get started in the areas of warehouse planning, freight transport planning or personnel planning.

Suitable training courses include:

  • Railway and road transport clerk
  • Freight forwarding and logistics services clerk
  • Courier, express and postal services clerk
  • Personnel services clerk
  • Industrial management assistant
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Wholesale and foreign trade management manager

In these training occupations the basics are taught, which are ultimately also applied in the different areas of planning. If you want to specialise, you can also complete special training courses for dispatchers. These often only last a few days and give more concrete insight into the responsibilities, rights and laws, stress management, damage management or planning of existing resources.

As a basis for dispatchers, a course of study is also an opportunity for dispatchers to prepare for their profession. For prospective dispatchers in human resources, the Human Resources Management or Personnel Services degree programmes are recommended. For planning in the warehouse or freight transport, however, there are no courses of study that prepare people for the activities. Even if a logistics or business administration degree can be helpful, the pathway via training is still the standard in these industries.

The path to a dispatcher profession can be diverse. Because there is no one training or course of study that aims at planning work. Nevertheless, certain training courses are particularly well suited to get started in the areas of warehouse planning, freight transport planning or personnel planning.

Suitable training courses include:

  • Railway and road transport clerk
  • Freight forwarding and logistics services clerk
  • Courier, express and postal services clerk
  • Personnel services clerk
  • Industrial management assistant
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Wholesale and foreign trade management manager

In these training occupations the basics are taught, which are ultimately also applied in the different areas of planning. If you want to specialise, you can also complete special training courses for dispatchers. These often only last a few days and give more concrete insight into the responsibilities, rights and laws, stress management, damage management or planning of existing resources.

As a basis for dispatchers, a course of study is also an opportunity for dispatchers to prepare for their profession. For prospective dispatchers in human resources, the Human Resources Management or Personnel Services degree programmes are recommended. For planning in the warehouse or freight transport, however, there are no courses of study that prepare people for the activities. Even if a logistics or business administration degree can be helpful, the pathway via training is still the standard in these industries.

In the search for new projects and professional challenges, we support dispatchers as well as companies that need new personnel in planning. Thanks to our innovative "Find & Bind" concept, we find the perfect match between candidates and the company. For this purpose, we compare the data of the applicant profile and the skills, experience and wishes specified therein with the requirement profile and the job offers of searching companies. If we are of the opinion that a profile is suitable for open job advertisement, we establish direct contact. In this way, discussions can be held, and possible cooperation can be considered. If this is desired by both sides, the framework conditions for this are coordinated with Hays. Shape your professional future with us.

In the search for new projects and professional challenges, we support dispatchers as well as companies that need new personnel in planning. Thanks to our innovative "Find & Bind" concept, we find the perfect match between candidates and the company. For this purpose, we compare the data of the applicant profile and the skills, experience and wishes specified therein with the requirement profile and the job offers of searching companies. If we are of the opinion that a profile is suitable for open job advertisement, we establish direct contact. In this way, discussions can be held, and possible cooperation can be considered. If this is desired by both sides, the framework conditions for this are coordinated with Hays. Shape your professional future with us.

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