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Scrum Master
job profile

What does a Scrum Master do?

They moderate more than they manage: This is, in a nutshell, the core task of a Scrum Master. In this role, this employee watches over project workflows and work scopes to which companies and organisations mistakenly paid too little attention in the past.

Whereas working using the Scrum method was confined mainly to software development a few years ago, this agile method has now expanded into different areas in organisations and industries. And the growing demand for this method has also made Scrum Masters increasingly popular.

Basically, a Scrum Master upends the roles of traditional project management. They moderate and organise agile project management and effective use of resources, They also ensure that all the established Scrum rules work. In doing so, they don’t interfere with the process within a developer team, nor do they make decisions about the scope of work.

More and more companies use agile alignment of their working methods by department or across the entire company. In particular with highly complex product development, a Scrum team is used to quickly develop competitive products with maximum value.

Scrum Master

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Are you looking for a job as a Scrum Master?

Does your heart skip a beat when thinking about agile working? Do you love supporting a team on its journey to success? And are you passionate about supporting other people’s growth? Then you should have a closer look at the job profile of a Scrum Master. A Scrum Master’s field of activity is not only versatile and varied but also challenging. If you are looking for a job with excellent prospects, you need to talk to us: We look forward to meeting you! 

Are you looking for an experienced Scrum Master?

Have you realised that a team with agile working methods can lead your projects to success more quickly and efficiently? Scrum Masters are not only highly qualified and extremely sought-after. They also act as coaches or moderators to help your developer team leap to new and quicker success. We'll find the right match for your company in our pool of applicants.

Are you looking for an exciting project as a Scrum Master?

Have you already worked as a Scrum Master to successfully implement various agile projects with different types of teams? Are you self-taught or can you certify your expertise? If you are currently looking for Scrum projects, we should meet and talk.

Scrum Master tasks: These are your challenges

But first of all: What is Scrum? Scrum is an agile method that helps the development team to organise itself. A traditional project manager is no longer required. Often, the team receives an externally defined goal, such as developing a new service or product, with the stipulation to achieve this goal as efficiently as possible and with minimum capacity. The team itself decides how this should be done.

The Scrum Master is responsible for this process and ensures that the team implements it correctly. They act as the mediator between the various team roles and continuously optimise existing Scrum-processes—always with the aim of maximising the gain. 

Another duty of the Scrum Master is to train the team—in particular those who are new to Scrum need coaching and close monitoring. To begin with, the Scrum Master also acts as a trainer and motivator if colleagues are not yet familiar with the guiding principle of the agile concept. The team recognises on its own that smart and agile collaboration always leads to a better end result.

That’s why the Scrum Master removes obstacles during each stage of the process, ensuring the information flow between product owner and team. They moderate the daily meetings, oversee all the processes and protect the team from external and internal disruptions.

Scrum Master salary

You would like to know how much Scrum Masters earn? The starting salary of a Scrum Master is between €45,000 and €52,000 Euro annually (before taxes). Starting salaries for Scrum Masters in the automotive industry, however, may be a little higher.

On average, experienced Scrum Masters working as agile coaches can earn around €55,000 annually. In the course of their career, they may earn up to €70,000 Euro annually with a reputed employer.

What is important is to continuously improve, attend trainings and build on proven success by developing your own skills. This means that it is not unusual to earn more than €80,000 annually after about ten years of working as a Scrum Master.

Scrum Master—opportunities in the labour market

Scrum Master is a popular job and in great demand—in medium-sized as well as large companies and/or organisations. Scrum Masters either join an agile project team or work in several Scrum teams at the same time.

Qualified and experienced Scrum Masters enjoy very good opportunities in the labour market. Your diverse skills will be required by all companies, especially by those that want to introduce and apply Scrum methods in their projects. You are in demand in the area of information technology, among others.

There is no standardised Scrum Master training in Germany. While certification is surely beneficial, it is not a must if you want to be employed as a Scrum Master. Many employees are self-taught, adopting the necessary framework consisting of organising the backlog, Sprint planning, Sprint and stand-up meetings. To those who have already proven their own know-how as Scrum Masters in companies and organisations, all doors will be open now and in the future.  If you are explicitly looking for training as a Scrum Master, you will find many different course providers. 

There is no standardised Scrum Master training in Germany. While certification is surely beneficial, it is not a must if you want to be employed as a Scrum Master. Many employees are self-taught, adopting the necessary framework consisting of organising the backlog, Sprint planning, Sprint and stand-up meetings. To those who have already proven their own know-how as Scrum Masters in companies and organisations, all doors will be open now and in the future.  If you are explicitly looking for training as a Scrum Master, you will find many different course providers. 

Even if the key hard skills vary according to the industry, company and/or organisation, graduates of computer science, psychology and communication science stand a good chance of getting a job as a Scrum Master.

What is much more important, however, is the practical experience gained in agile projects. Therefore, budding Scrum Masters should not only bring a passion for teamwork but also a lot of soft skills plus a determination to help others.

An express ability to communicate, a willingness to learn and curiosity coupled with open-mindedness for agility and related topics are just as important.

Even if the key hard skills vary according to the industry, company and/or organisation, graduates of computer science, psychology and communication science stand a good chance of getting a job as a Scrum Master.

What is much more important, however, is the practical experience gained in agile projects. Therefore, budding Scrum Masters should not only bring a passion for teamwork but also a lot of soft skills plus a determination to help others.

An express ability to communicate, a willingness to learn and curiosity coupled with open-mindedness for agility and related topics are just as important.

Find your next dream job as a Scrum Masters—with us!

Are you a versatile, qualified and experienced Scrum Master looking for a new professional challenge? Then talk to us and let us find that challenge for you. Because we will bring you together with promising companies from numerous industries. In a personal conversation, we will jointly find out the requirements and needs you pursue and the goals you want to achieve as a Scrum Master.

Our innovative Find & Engage concept establishes the contact between interested companies and you as an expert. And since we know the reasons and motivation of both sides very well, we will only bring those people together who truly are a good match.

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