Job profile
Specialist lawyer for labour law

Top job offers for specialist lawyers for labour law

Reference number: 788655/1

Volljurist Arbeitsrecht (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Unterstützung und Beratung der Fach- und Führungskräfte bei allen arbeitsrechtlichen Themen
  • Gestaltung und Prüfung von Verträgen
  • Erstellung und Verhandlung von Betriebsvereinbarungen und Interessenausgleichen
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Personalabteilung und den Betriebsräten
  • Gerichtliche Vertretung
  • Auseinandersetzung mit tarifrechtlichen Fragen
Online since: Tue Feb 18 10:13:13 CET 2025
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Reference number: 763903/1

Rechtsanwalt Arbeitsrecht mit Berufserfahrung (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Frankfurt am Main
  • Sie beraten Mandanten auf höchstem Niveau
  • Sie beraten Arbeitgeber in der gesamten Bandbreite des Arbeitsrechts
  • Ihre Kernarbeit fokussiert sich auf komplexe Verhandlungen mit Betriebsräten in der Reorganisation, Arbeitszeitkonzepte und Compliance-Themen 
Online since: Mon Feb 10 10:54:02 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811531/1

Jurist mit Schwerpunkt Tarifpolitik und Arbeitsrecht (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Sie beraten die Mitgliedsverbände und Unternehmen des Kunden zu allen Fragen des Arbeits- und Tarifrechts z.B. zu den Tarifverträgen
  • Sie erarbeiten, prüfen und verhandeln Tarifverträge sowie arbeitsrechtliche Vereinbarungen
  • Zudem behalten Sie die Gesetzesentwicklungen im Auge und verfassen entsprechende Stellungnahmen zu neuen Gesetzesvorhaben sowie Positionspapiere
  • Sie betreuen die Gremienarbeit und vertreten die Interessen der Arbeitgeber der Branche in Verbänden und Institutionen gegenüber Staat und Gesellschaft
  • Zudem wirken Sie an der Entwicklung tarifpolitischer Instrumente mit
  • Schließlich führen Sie eigenverantwortlich Sitzungen von Arbeitsgruppen durch
Online since: Mon Mar 10 16:41:01 CET 2025
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Specialist lawyers for labour law: dealing with the legal basics of HR management

Specialist lawyers for labour law are key figures in HR management, especially in larger companies. They are contact persons for and provide legal advice to employers and employees regarding decisions in the field of HR policy.

Which opportunities do specialist lawyers for labour law have on the labour market?

Specialist lawyers for labour law currently have good prospects on the labour market. Positions are available at law firms as well as in the HR departments of companies, employers' associations, trade unions and social service providers. Further training may be required in special HR-related areas or in wage or insurance law.

What are the tasks and responsibilities of specialist lawyers for labour law?

Specialist lawyers for labour law have to master complex tasks and have a high level of responsibility. They are involved in the clarification of corporate labour law-related issues based on the current legislation. They also provide legal advice to the management board. Besides, they act in an advisory capacity in the field of HR policy (in cooperation with HR managers) and in the context of project planning and implementation.

In addition, they are responsible for the training of employees and for the enforcement of corporate interests, for example by issuing warnings to employees.

  • Processing of labour law-related issues
  • Elaboration of HR-related basics
  • Support with and provision of advice during projects on labour law-related topics
  • Provision of advice to the management board
  • Training of employees in the HR area
  • Negotiations related to labour law

Which hard skills and soft skills should specialist lawyers for labour law have?

Specialist lawyers for labour law must have an academic degree in law with specialisation in labour law. Basic skills in wage and insurance law, additional skills in the HR area and long-term professional experience are beneficial.

  • An accurate, solution-oriented way of working and a sense of discretion
  • Good communication skills, oral and written
  • Team spirit, diplomatic talent and assertiveness
  • Professional experience obtained at a law firm or company
  • The ability to prepare legal matters for various stakeholders in a comprehensible manner
  • Reliability

What is the average salary of specialist lawyers for labour law?

The income of specialist lawyers for labour law depends on whether they work for a company or a law firm. The location also has a strong impact, as the salary is higher in major German cities such as Berlin, Cologne or Frankfurt than it is in rural areas. The average salary of specialist lawyers for labour law is between EUR 42,000 and EUR 60,000 per year.