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Tax consultants (m/f/d)


The complexity of the tax system poses an enormous financial challenge for companies and individuals alike. Tax advisors are therefore indispensable in helping companies navigate safely through the tax jungle and the maze of laws. These experts support clients in complying with legal regulations and optimizing their tax affairs. As the tax system is constantly evolving, it is essential for tax advisors to keep abreast of the latest laws and tax regulations. 
This is the only way they can always provide legally compliant support for companies and private individuals with tax returns, review annual financial statements and tax structures, and meet important deadlines. For their clients, these specialists are additional contact persons for the responsible tax office and are in close contact with your financial accounting department.


Tax Consultant

  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancers

Are you looking for a job as a tax consultant? (m/f/d)

Are you an experienced tax consultant looking for a new professional challenge and suitable job opportunities? Are you passionate about legal issues, think economically and enjoy solving tax problems? Then we have the perfect job for you!

Find out more in our job exchange or contact us - we will be happy to advise you.

Are you looking for a qualified tax consultant? (m/f/d)

Numbers and constant changes in the law cause an uneasy feeling in your company? In our pool of applicants, we will work with you to find exactly the right experts for your tax affairs who can identify potential for improvement and determine better internal processes for you.

Are you looking for an exciting project as a tax consultant? (m/f/d)

As an independent tax consultant, have you already prepared numerous tax returns and annual financial statements? Then take the opportunity to further develop your skills in exciting projects that we can offer you. We would be happy to discuss your desired projects with you.

What are the tasks of tax consultants?

Tax consultants are responsible for all fiscal matters and the communication with tax offices. They prepare tax returns and submit them to the tax office on behalf of their clients. Furthermore, tax consultants perform accounting tasks, review balance sheets, advise clients and recommend tax strategies.

  • ✔ Preparation and review of current tax documents
  • ✔ Development of tax strategies and exhaustion of tax structuring options
  • ✔ Representation of clients vis-à-vis tax authorities and tax courts
  • ✔ Advice on future investments as well as company formations
  • ✔ Support in controlling and financial analysis


How does one become a tax consultant??

According to the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), the profession of tax consultant is only possible through appropriate training. There are various ways to learn the profession. An apprenticeship as a tax clerk with subsequent qualification via an additional examination is just as possible as a full-time course of study in the field of business administration, economics or law or a dual course of study in business administration or taxation. After successful completion of the training or studies, professional experience in the field of tax law must be gained in order to be able to take the tax consultant examination. The professional experience required for admission to the examination can be between two and ten years, depending on previous education.

Tax consultant salary
What do tax consultants earn?

The average starting salary for tax consultants (m/f/d) is usually between 40,000 euros and 50,000 euros gross per year. The salary can vary depending on the region or company. In addition to external circumstances, professional experience and additional qualifications also play a major role. Depending on the company, salaries of up to 70,000 euros per year are realistic.

Finance Salary Report

What skills do professionals in tax consulting need?

In addition to professional expertise in tax consulting, a tax consultant should have the following:

  • affinity for numbers and analytical thinking skills.
  • Solution-oriented approach to work
  • accuracy
  • high level of initiative


What development opportunities are there in the area of taxes?

The know-how of tax consultants (m/f/d) is currently in high demand - accordingly, many jobs are available. Those starting out in their careers often work in permanent positions in order to acquire practical knowledge. With increasing professional experience, many tax consultants become self-employed and set up their own office. Those who already have a degree as a tax consultant in their pocket can continue to climb the career ladder with additional training and switch to auditing or specialist consulting.

Is there a perfect match between tax advisors and companies?
Hays gets closer to the goal for you

We are convinced that there is a suitable match for every position and every company or organization.
In order to meet the needs of all sides and to place successfully, we rely on our innovative concept "Find & Engage". This means that we create comprehensive profiles of both our clients and candidates and compile all the information on requirements, skills and individual wishes in detail. When we have found the perfect candidate, we compare the profiles of the companies with those of our candidates and only contact our potential partners when all criteria are met.
In an interview, companies and tax consultants find common ground in order to decide together whether they can imagine working together.
If there is sincere interest, we at Hays will take over the structuring of the (contractual) framework conditions. Tax consultants can conclude a contract directly with the company or with Hays within the framework of employee leasing. 
We will be happy to advise you personally. Why not ask about your options right now? We look forward to hearing from you.


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