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Teacher job profile (m/f/d)

Become a teacher: a diverse profession with high demands

Being a teacher is demanding and comes with lots of responsibility. You are not only a knowledge facilitator, you are also an important point of contact for your students. Your role is to support and encourage them in their development. To do this, you need to be professionally competent, as well as sensitive and resilient. As a teacher, you are a role model and should always be authentic and respectful.
We provide an overview of the profession as a teacher below and show you how to become a teacher – with and without studying.

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  • For applicants
  • For schools and educational institutions

Looking for a job as a teacher? (m/f/d)

Are you looking for a new career that is both challenging and rich in variety? Do you enjoy working with children and young people and would like to contribute your educational skills? Then becoming a teacher is the way to go. Search our job portal for current vacancies or contact us directly.

Looking for a suitable teacher? (m/f/d)

Do you want experienced and dedicated teachers who support and encourage your students in their development? In our pool of applicants you will find qualified teachers for various types of schools and subjects.

A teacher's role

The duties of a teacher are diverse. In order to encourage and support your students in the best possible way, you are a knowledge facilitator, a trusted person and an examiner all in one. You also have subject-specific responsibilities that differ depending on the subject and type of school.

The general duties of a teacher are diverse.

Plan and conduct lessons: You develop lesson plans and prepare materials and worksheets.

Impart knowledge: You convey subject-related content to the students and focus on individually fostering and strengthening their skills.

Check and evaluate: You check and evaluate the written and oral performance of the students and provide feedback.

Prepare for tests and examinations: You prepare your students for tests and examinations and carry them out yourself.

Promote personal development: You support the students in their individual development and promote their social skills.

Work together with parents and colleagues: You regularly exchange information with parents and colleagues to discuss the students' development and to work out solutions.

Which hard skills and soft skills should teachers have?

To become a good teacher, you need certain hard and soft skills, regardless of the type of school at which you teach.

Hard skills:

  • Subject-related skills: You have in-depth knowledge of your subject and can teach it.
  • Educational skills: You are able to support your students individually and provide them with appropriate guidance.
  • Didactic skills: You are able to explain complex facts in a way that's easy to understand and teach them in a practical and descriptive manner.
  • Organisational skills: You are able to plan and organise lessons efficiently.

Soft skills:

  • Empathy: You can put yourself in your students' position.
  • Patience: You understand different learning speeds and respond individually to the needs of the students.
  • Respectful interaction: You connect with your students on an equal footing and respect their personalities and needs.
  • Resilience: You can deal with stress as well as time pressure and keep a cool head even in challenging situations.
  • Communication skills: You can communicate your thoughts and concerns clearly and comprehensibly and are confident in discussions.

Become a teacher: the traditional path

How do you become a teacher? There are several ways to become a teacher. The traditional path is to study at a university or higher education institution followed by a traineeship. There are special teacher training courses in which you will learn both specialist and educational knowledge. The content and knowledge varies depending on which teacher training you choose (grammar school, secondary school or primary school). In the subsequent traineeship, you apply and enhance the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. After successfully completing the traineeship, you receive the teaching qualification and can work as a teacher. Please note that the training path in Germany may differ from state to state.



Become a teacher without studying

Become a teacher without studying? This is also possible. For lateral entry into the teaching profession, you should already have completed a degree in a related field. You can then acquire educational knowledge, for example, through distance learning or part-time training. Vocational schools offer the opportunity to become a teacher without studying. For this you usually need to have completed vocational training and have several years of professional experience in your specialist field. Lateral entry into the teaching profession at primary schools is also possible. However, for this you usually need to have completed educational training and have sufficient professional experience.

Lateral entry as a vocational school teacher: It is also possible to become a vocational school teacher without studying. For lateral entry into vocational school teaching, you need to have completed vocational training in a recognised vocational training occupation and also have several years of professional experience in this field. In some federal states, you must be a qualified specialist or master craftsman. You must then complete educational training or acquire educational knowledge through distance learning or part-time training.


Lateral entry into primary school teaching: For lateral entry into primary school teaching, you need to have completed educational training, e.g. as a teacher or social education worker, and have sufficient practical experience in this field. This improves your chances at becoming a teacher, even where you haven't completed any formal teacher training course. In some federal states, a university entrance qualification and/or subject-specific training may also be a requirement. You should then acquire educational knowledge through distance learning or part-time training.


Teacher's salary: What do teachers earn?

How much does a teacher earn? The salary or pay depends on various factors, such as the type of school, the state and the professional experience. It also makes a difference whether you are a school official or a salaried employee. The average gross monthly salary for a teacher is around EUR 3,500. Primary school teachers earn slightly less than grammar school teachers. A teacher's salary rises accordingly with increased experience and responsibility. Regional differences in the salary structure or pay grades are possible.

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Dream job and dream employee as a teacher – at Hays you will find both

In the past, job vacancies were often found by jobseekers. However, this is gradually changing due to the shortage of skilled workers and other developments. With our innovative "Find & Engage" approach, we find the perfect matches, connecting teachers and educational institutions. Our recruiters search for suitable employees based on data and build a close relationship with them. Looking for a new challenge? At Hays, you will find a job that matches your needs and qualifications. We not only connect you with renowned schools and educational institutions, but also provide you with personal advice. Together with you, we find out where your preferences lie and how we can best reconcile them with the demands of the employment market. Are you a school head or education authority and are looking for the perfect staff for your educational institution? With our sophisticated search and data analysis methods, we can find the profile that you need for the success of your institution. If the skills and requirements of the candidates match the requirements of your traineeship position, we bring both parties together. With Hays, you not only find the best teachers, but also a partnership based on cooperation and trust. The successful project in Saxony-Anhalt shows that with our approach you not only find new qualified employees, but also bring a more international flair to your classrooms.

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