Job profile
Test engineer (m/f/d)

Top job offers for test engineers (m/f/d)

Reference number: 813964/1

Versuchsingenieur Fahrerhaus (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Ihre Aufgaben umfassen die Erprobung von LKW Fahrerhauskomponenten sowohl auf Prüfständen als auch auf Erprobungsfahrten im Inn- und Ausland
  • Sie planen und führen selbstständig die Versuche an mechanischen Interior und Exterior Fahrerhauskomponenten durch
  • Dabei arbeiten Sie eng mit den Schnittstellenabteilung Konstruktion Fahrerhaus, virtuellen Simulationsabteilungen, dem Prototypenbau, sowie Entwicklungspartnern zusammen
  • Sie erstellen die erforderlichen Versuchsberichte und Mängeldokumentationen in den verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen
  • Sie arbeiten im Team mit weiteren Versuchsingenieuren jedoch auch selbstständig und eigenverantwortlich
Online since: Mon Mar 24 16:15:30 CET 2025
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Reference number: 812376/1

Versuchsingenieur Zugang -/ und Verlassensystem (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Tests und Absicherungen von Funktionen des Zugang -/und Verlassensystems am Prüfstand und am Fahrzeug
  • Mitarbeit bei der Fehleranalyse/ Fehlerticketmanagement
  • Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Testfällen
  • Mitarbeit bzgl. Konfiguration und Management von Pool-/Erprobungsfahrzeugen
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:08:37 CET 2025
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Reference number: 806902/1

Prüfingenieur / Prüftechniker Elektrotechnik (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
Frankfurt am Main
  • Prüfung der elektrischen Sicherheit von Maschinen wie bspw. Reinigungsgeräten, Haushaltsgeräten und Multimedia-Geräten
  • Erstellung von Prüfberichten (Deutsch/ Englisch)
  • Interpretation, Bewertung und Dokumentation von eigenen Prüfergebnissen
  • Unterstützung bei Prüfungen im Herstellerbereich bzw. bei Zertifizierungsprojekten
  • Mitarbeit bei der Entwicklung, Optimierung und Verifikation neuer Prüfmethoden und Prüfaufbauten
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:04:53 CET 2025
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Test engineers: advancing the development of products

Test engineers test and improve products during the development phase. They are responsible for the planning, management and execution of tests and for the subsequent evaluation, documentation and presentation of the related results. Furthermore, they develop solution approaches.

Which opportunities do test engineers have on the labour market?

Test engineers have very good prospects. They can find a job in all industries where product development plays a role, such as the automotive industry. To start a career as a test engineer, an academic degree in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering is required. In certain industries, university graduates in materials engineering, process engineering, computer sciences or natural sciences are highly sought-after as well. Test engineers who have a master’s degree in an engineering-related field have even better chances on the labour market.

What are the tasks and responsibilities of test engineers?

The range of tasks of test engineers depends on the industry. Their key tasks usually include the application of scientific findings to the development of products, systems or entire plants. In this context, they plan and manage tests and are responsible for the evaluation and presentation of the related results. The mission of test engineers is to improve the functionality of products and systems. To achieve this, they develop improvement measures by deriving solution approaches from test results.

Apart from testing and optimising existing products, they also develop and implement solutions to create new products. The close cooperation with development and research departments and the regular exchange with production and quality management units belong to their daily business, too.

  • Planning and execution of qualification and development tests
  • Evaluation and presentation of results
  • Elaboration and implementation of improvement measures
  • Exchange with development and research departments

Which hard skills and soft skills should test engineers have?

Test engineers must possess an analytical way of thinking and a focussed, disciplined way of working. They require technical expertise and business administration skills to be able to assess the profitability of processes and products.
For the successful planning and execution of tests, they need to have a high level of creativity and a good sense of organisation. Good English skills enable them to smoothly and effectively communicate with different specialist departments.

  • Scientific knowledge
  • Accuracy
  • Patience
  • Strong communication skills
  • Team spirit

What is the average salary of test engineers?

On average, test engineers with no managerial responsibility have an annual salary of EUR 62,000. Test engineers with managerial responsibility, by contrast, earn approximately EUR 100,000 per year.