Job profile
Employer Branding Manager (m/f/d)

Employer branding managers hold important positions in the constantly changing world of human resources, since the employer branding is already one of the most important instruments of personnel marketing.

This corporate strategy tool uses a variety of marketing approaches to present one’s own company with a brandthat stands out from other companies and, at best, occupies unique subject areas. Companies and organisations should now create the basis to bring their own employer brand into the main recruitment channels and to present themselves as an attractive employer. A well thought-out strategy is necessary to build and maintain a strong employer brand that successfully attracts and retains talent and skilled workers for a company.

And thus employer branding managers are becoming increasingly important. An employer branding manager is responsible for developing, managing and implementing the employer branding strategy across all channels. This includes working with marketing, communications and recruiting teams to ensure that the employer brand is consistently and effectively represented both internally and externally.

The aim is to create a positive perception of the company, which ultimately leads to better hiring results and thus to successful recruitment.

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  • For freelancers

Are you looking for a job as employer branding manager? (m/f/d)

You already have experience in employer branding, personnel marketing and/or HR communications, are a mature personality who loves to act smart and plans the next steps carefully and in a structured way. So, if you want to work in a interdisciplinary way and are interested in the topics HR, marketing and branding, then we should get to know each other – and define your next career path together.

Are you looking for an employer branding manager? (m/f/d)

Do you want to optimally position your employer brand in the most important recruiting channels and sustainably sharpen your company profile in order to inspire the right candidates? Employer branding specialists give your company a differentiated and credible external image, optimise the key touchpoints of your recruiting channels and and attract experts for today and tomorrow for your own company.

Are you looking for an exciting project as employer branding manager?

You help companies create an attractive employer brand and have already achieved this successfully in the past? You know the right recruiting channels and how you can inspire professionals in various industries to work for your company? If you are looking for new projects in employer branding, let’s get in touch. Together, we will find the right assignments in which you can apply your various strengths and skills for companies.

Employer branding managers are responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the employer brand. They are the link between the internal and external perspectives of a company. Therefore, they not only have a deep understanding of the organisation and culture of the company, but are also always up to date on current trends in the labour market.

As an employer brand manager, it is important to closely work with the management. Because he or she needs their backing to be successful. Employers are increasingly confronted with reviews on Google or kununu and they need to learn how to deal with them. In order to prevent negative reviews, employer branding managers need to be proactive and take steps to ensure that their own employees are content and committed.

This can include regular surveys, organising focus groups or events to reinforce team building and communication. Through measures like these, employer branding managers can help create a positive corporate culture that encourages employees to express positive opinions about the company online.

Another essential task of employer branding managers is marketing.

Here the following measures and objectives must be pursued:

  • Strategic development of the external image
  • Creation or support of the company’s recruitment and career pages
  • Creation of suitable campaigns to support recruiting
  • Set-up and maintenance of recruiting profiles on job boards
  • Administration and management of employer evaluation portals
  • Participation in relevant recruiting and job fairs
  • Development and establishment of (local) career fairs together with other companies in the industry

Employer branding managers are responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the employer brand. They are the link between the internal and external perspectives of a company. Therefore, they not only have a deep understanding of the organisation and culture of the company, but are also always up to date on current trends in the labour market.

As an employer brand manager, it is important to closely work with the management. Because he or she needs their backing to be successful. Employers are increasingly confronted with reviews on Google or kununu and they need to learn how to deal with them. In order to prevent negative reviews, employer branding managers need to be proactive and take steps to ensure that their own employees are content and committed.

This can include regular surveys, organising focus groups or events to reinforce team building and communication. Through measures like these, employer branding managers can help create a positive corporate culture that encourages employees to express positive opinions about the company online.

Another essential task of employer branding managers is marketing.

Here the following measures and objectives must be pursued:

  • Strategic development of the external image
  • Creation or support of the company’s recruitment and career pages
  • Creation of suitable campaigns to support recruiting
  • Set-up and maintenance of recruiting profiles on job boards
  • Administration and management of employer evaluation portals
  • Participation in relevant recruiting and job fairs
  • Development and establishment of (local) career fairs together with other companies in the industry

The career prospects for employer branding managers are promising. In the future, it will increasingly become important for companies and organisations to position themselves as an attractive employer brand in order to precisely address those candidates who will drive the further development of their own company. That’s why companies and organisations are already looking for employer branding specialists.

The career prospects for employer branding managers are promising. In the future, it will increasingly become important for companies and organisations to position themselves as an attractive employer brand in order to precisely address those candidates who will drive the further development of their own company. That’s why companies and organisations are already looking for employer branding specialists.

Employer branding managers take on different roles in the development of an employer brand. They are networkers with a strong presence in the company, support the management in building an attractive corporate culture and have basic knowledge of brand management as well as in the communication and HR areas.

In addition, employer brand managers should have the following skills and characteristics:

  • Know-how in project management and personnel management
  • A strong willingness to change and the ability to implement things independently
  • Enthusiasm and the ability to convince and motivate colleagues at all hierarchy levels to support the employer brand
  • Diplomatic skills to win over supporters at a decision-making level
  • Strong interest in integrating people from different cultural backgrounds into the company and developing creative measures to achieve this goal
  • Insight and knowledge of internal business regulations
  • Knowledge of recruiting is an advantage

Employer branding managers take on different roles in the development of an employer brand. They are networkers with a strong presence in the company, support the management in building an attractive corporate culture and have basic knowledge of brand management as well as in the communication and HR areas.

In addition, employer brand managers should have the following skills and characteristics:

  • Know-how in project management and personnel management
  • A strong willingness to change and the ability to implement things independently
  • Enthusiasm and the ability to convince and motivate colleagues at all hierarchy levels to support the employer brand
  • Diplomatic skills to win over supporters at a decision-making level
  • Strong interest in integrating people from different cultural backgrounds into the company and developing creative measures to achieve this goal
  • Insight and knowledge of internal business regulations
  • Knowledge of recruiting is an advantage

A position in employer branding management is ideal for anyone who is broadly positioned in the field of marketing, recruiting and business administration and who can mobilise and inspire different people and target groups.

The Deutsche Employer Branding Akademie (German Employer Branding Academy, DEBA) currently offers a university certificate course in cooperation with WU Vienna and the TU Munich. The training is extra-occupational and conveys the most important points and insights in online seminars in order to put your own employer brand in the best light.

A position in employer branding management is ideal for anyone who is broadly positioned in the field of marketing, recruiting and business administration and who can mobilise and inspire different people and target groups.

The Deutsche Employer Branding Akademie (German Employer Branding Academy, DEBA) currently offers a university certificate course in cooperation with WU Vienna and the TU Munich. The training is extra-occupational and conveys the most important points and insights in online seminars in order to put your own employer brand in the best light.

Employer branding manager salary

The salary of employer branding managers depends on his or her professional experience and also on the period of employment. Someone who has worked in this position for less than three years can expect a gross annual salary of between 36,000 and 40,000 euros. With up to nine years of professional experience, the employer branding specialist salary rises to between 41,000 and 43,500 gross per year.

With more than nine years of professional experience, the salary can rise to more than 50,000 gross per year.

Find your next dream job or get the position as EB manager with Hays

Are you looking for a new professional experience with different challenges in employer branding management? Do you want to successfully contribute your versatile skills and your wealth of experience as well as your know-how from related fields of work to a company or organisation? With us, you will find the job that suits your wishes and in which you can live your strengths. We not only have contacts to renowned companies and specialists in employer branding, but we also identify together with you your concrete requirements.

Our “find & engage” concept links your employer brand with experienced employer branding managers who will give you and your company a boost in employer branding.

If your beliefs and values match and the skills and experience of the candidates also match, we ensure to bring both parties together. If the chemistry is also right in a personal meeting, we will together agree on the content of the contract. Together we will create a milestone for your corporate brand. In the process, you and your company can choose between different types of contract – that suits your wishes and ideas.

Top job offers for employer branding managers

Reference number: 796713/1

HR Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Aufbau der Personalabteilung
  • Beratung und Betreuung der Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte in allen personalwirtschaftlichen und arbeitsrechtlichen Fragestellungen
  • Mitarbeit und Unterstützung bei Veränderungsprozessen
  • Mitwirkung bei der Umsetzung von HR-Projekten, wie z.B. beim Aufbau von Employer Branding und Recruiting-Maßnahmen 
  • Aktive Begleitung von Performance-Management-Prozessen, inklusive der Nachfolgeplanung
  • Selbständige Bearbeitung aller Personalangelegenheiten, einschließlich Pflege der Personalstammdaten und des Zeiterfassungssystems
  • Führen von Mitarbeitergesprächen, Austrittsinterviews sowie die Abwicklung von Kündigungen
Online since: Tue Dec 03 13:50:06 CET 2024
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Reference number: 802437/1

HR Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Großraum Eisenach
  • Du unterstützt die Geschäftsführung und Führungskräfte als Sparringspartner in allen HR-Themen und leitest das HR-Team.
  • Du übernimmst Verantwortung für die Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung und sorgst dafür, dass die Mitarbeitenden sich weiter qualifizieren und voll entfalten können.
  • Du entwickelst und setzt moderne HR-Strategien und -Konzepte um, verbesserst kontinuierlich die HR-Prozesse und gestaltest aktiv die Unternehmensentwicklung mit.
  • Du verantwortest die reibungslose Abwicklung aller Prozesse der Personalsachbearbeitung und Entgeltabrechnung.
  • Du gestaltest das Employer Branding und übernimmst das Recruiting neuer Talente. 
  • Du verantwortest das monatliche HR-Reporting und bringst dich in globale HR-Projekte der Unternehmensgruppe ein.
  • Du bist der Ansprechpartner/die Ansprechpartnerin für interne und externe Prüfungen und Stakeholder.
Online since: Thu Jan 23 17:52:44 CET 2025
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Reference number: 800375/1

Personalleitung / HR Manager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Proaktive Entwicklung und Verwaltung von Personalaktivitäten in der Organisation im Einklang mit derPersonalmanagementstrategie und der Geschäftsstrategie der Organisation.
  • Methodische Unterstützung des Managements der Organisation im Bereich des Personalmanagements undLeitung des HR-Teams von 7 Personen.
  • Verantwortung für das Management der Personalverwaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit externen und internen Partnern in den jeweiligen fünf Ländern Mitteleuropas.
  • Koordinierung des Leistungs- und Kompetenzentwicklungsprozesses innerhalb der Organisation. 
  • Kontrolle und kontinuierliche Verbesserung des Arbeitssystems und der Prozesse im Bereich desPersonalmanagements innerhalb der Organisation.
  • Vorantreiben von Projekte in den Bereichen Employer Branding, Social Media, Vielfalt und Integration, Führung, Prozessoptimierung und Digitalisierung 
  • Gesamtverantwortung für die HR-bezogene Geschäftsberichterstattung.
  • Verwaltung und Koordinierung der Einführung globaler HR-Projekte in dem zugewiesenen Bereich, aktiveBeteiligung an zugewiesenen HR-Projekten.
Online since: Mon Jan 20 14:51:33 CET 2025
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Reference number: 797483/1

Leiter Personalentwicklung und Rekrutierung (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • In dieser Führungsrolle treiben Sie sowohl die strategische Entwicklung als auch die operative Umsetzung von Personalentwicklungs- und Recruitingprozessen voran. Sie finden neue Wege in der Mitarbeitergewinnung und -bindung und setzen sich für effiziente und automatisierte Prozessgestaltung ein. Dabei berichten Sie direkt an den CHRO. Ihre Verantwortlichkeiten umfassen im Wesentlichen:
  • Führung und Motivation: Leitung eines Teams von Referenten in verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen
  • Strategie und Umsetzung: Weiterentwicklung und Modernisierung der Prozesse und Ansätze in den Bereichen Recruiting, Personalmarketing und Personalentwicklung  
  • Konzeption, Planung und Umsetzung: Ausarbeitung von neuen Ansätzen und Inhalten im Employer Branding, bei der Rekrutierung, bei Weiterbildungsangeboten und in der Organisationsentwicklung
  • Candidate Journey: Verantwortung vom Personalmarketing über das Recruiting und Onboarding bis zum Offboarding und Retention Management
  • Eignungsdiagnostik: Gestaltung von Auswahlverfahren bei der Führungskräftegewinnung
  • Personalentwicklung: Gestaltung der Karriere- und Laufbahnplanung sowie Führungskräftenachwuchsprogramme, Einführung und Koordination von Mitarbeiter-Entwicklungsgesprächen
  • Prozessverbesserung: Effizienzsteigerung durch die Auswahl und Implementierung geeigneter IT-Tools
Online since: Mon Dec 09 16:51:17 CET 2024
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