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Webinar Karriere-Sprechstunde Vorstellungsgespräch


Datum: 07.05.25, 16:00-17:00 Uhr

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You made it: Your application was successful and you have been invited to your first job interview. But you’re unsure about the procedure of a telephone, video or on-site interview? You don't know how to prepare and how you can present yourself in the best way? Maybe you are uncertain about how to handle salary-related questions or what outfit to wear?

In our “Job interviews” Q&A session, we have compiled the most important interview tips and will be available for all your questions. The session is, of course, free of charge and non-binding.

Our current webinars

  • Titel: Karrieresprechstunde Vorstellungsgespräch
  • Date:  19.12.2024
  • Time: 12:00 - 13:00 o´clock
  • Place: Online - GoToWebinar

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