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Checklists: free checklists for your perfect application

Checklists and guidelines for a successful application

Have you found an interesting new job or a suitable project that you definitely want to apply for? You dive into your application bursting with enthusiasm. You know exactly what you can do, what experience you can score points with and have an impressive CV. However, that is precisely the major challenge when you are looking for a job – selling yourself and persuading others.

Use our free checklists and make an impression with your application photo, your application documents and finally in the interview. You can also get valuable tips for your onboarding process once you have successfully overcome the hurdle of the application. With the right professional preparation, structure and skills, you will be convincing in any industry.

Checklist application photo

Checklist application

Checklist CV

Checklist telephone interview and application interview

Interview guide

Checklist Onboarding

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