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Find the right people for your vacancies

Your company absolutely needs qualified personnel for new vacancies. But where exactly can you find the specialists that you need? Do they already exist within your own ranks, and “only” need to be trained accordingly? Or are external specialists particularly valuable for your company for this particular vacancy?

In recruiting, there are several ways you can go in order to recruit the best talent for your vacancies. Several factors play a part in deciding whether to look for your future staff internally or externally. The most important thing is: The need for personnel should be covered in terms of both quantity and quality, space and time.

The goal of recruitment is to find the best talent with suitable qualifications and capabilities and convince them to accept a vacancy. During the recruiting process, you therefore need to check whether the person is suitable for the vacancy and the respective company.

Recruitment definition

Recruitment is a process within personnel planning which deals with the recruitment, procurement and hiring of employees to fill vacancies within a company. The term “hiring” is becoming more frequently used, and also refers to recruitment.

There are two types of hiring: internal and external recruitment. With internal recruitment, vacancies are filled with existing employees, whereas with external recruitment, new talent is recruited from outside.

Both types of recruitment have their advantages and disadvantages, whereby the most effective strategy depends on the needs of the company. Ultimately, the best hiring strategy is the one which fulfils the company's needs in the most efficient way.


Recruitment: Phases and procedure

It depends on several factors whether you are looking internally or externally for suitable personnel for vacancies. Looking towards the future and the development of your company, but also existing resources and the costs which are incurred will be particularly decisive for your recruitment. In any case, you will run through the following phases during recruitment:

Planning for the future is always important, particularly when it comes to filling vacancies within your company. To do this, take a close look at the demographic development of your company. This will allow you to identify possible retirement waves or staff shortages. You will be in a better position to assess which departments will be affected by a shortage of skilled workers, and where growth potential exists.

After your analysis, get approval from senior management before making an appointment or advertising a position.

Planning for the future is always important, particularly when it comes to filling vacancies within your company. To do this, take a close look at the demographic development of your company. This will allow you to identify possible retirement waves or staff shortages. You will be in a better position to assess which departments will be affected by a shortage of skilled workers, and where growth potential exists.

After your analysis, get approval from senior management before making an appointment or advertising a position.

Each vacancy to be filled has a detailed job description. Think about what you are looking for, which qualifications the applicants should have and what their tasks look like. In order to develop a suitable applicant profile, it is always worth taking a look at the current job market. Take the time to understand the market and the requirements. It will then be easier for you to produce a job description which attracts the right applicants.

Consider the following: The more detailed and informative your job advertisement is, the easier it will be for your company to find suitable matches.

Each vacancy to be filled has a detailed job description. Think about what you are looking for, which qualifications the applicants should have and what their tasks look like. In order to develop a suitable applicant profile, it is always worth taking a look at the current job market. Take the time to understand the market and the requirements. It will then be easier for you to produce a job description which attracts the right applicants.

Consider the following: The more detailed and informative your job advertisement is, the easier it will be for your company to find suitable matches.

Finding the right person for your vacancy can be very time-consuming, and also depends on whether you fill the vacancy internally or externally. You should also think about where to place your job advertisement. E-mails, bulletin boards and chats are worthwhile locations for internal advertisements. On the other hand, when you are searching externally you can search for candidates on social media, in online and offline job markets, using recruiting agencies or by means of newsletters, for example.

Finding the right person for your vacancy can be very time-consuming, and also depends on whether you fill the vacancy internally or externally. You should also think about where to place your job advertisement. E-mails, bulletin boards and chats are worthwhile locations for internal advertisements. On the other hand, when you are searching externally you can search for candidates on social media, in online and offline job markets, using recruiting agencies or by means of newsletters, for example.

Before the overall application process begins, determine how you can filter out suitable applicants from the crowd. If you are a large company and expect a flood of applications, an assessment centre is a good choice. In medium to small companies, one interview is often sufficient. Aptitude tests or practical exercises can also help.

Before the overall application process begins, determine how you can filter out suitable applicants from the crowd. If you are a large company and expect a flood of applications, an assessment centre is a good choice. In medium to small companies, one interview is often sufficient. Aptitude tests or practical exercises can also help.

Once you have found the right personnel for your vacancy, all that is left to do is draw up the contract. The contract should contain the general conditions for your cooperation, and you can start to onboard your new employees.

Once you have found the right personnel for your vacancy, all that is left to do is draw up the contract. The contract should contain the general conditions for your cooperation, and you can start to onboard your new employees.

External recruitment

When you are recruiting externally, suitable candidates are sought outside of the company. If this is carried out actively, it includes job advertisements, online advertisements, active sourcing or also unsolicited applications from people who are interested in the vacancy. Regardless of the approach which companies choose, external recruitment is an effective way of finding qualified applicants for vacancies.

If you fill a position internally, how many potentially suitable employees are then available? The number may vary, but once you look outwards, you will find a much bigger pool of talent which is full of people with a wide range of qualifications, experience and personalities. These introduce motivation and new energy into the team, and give the company new perspectives, new impulses and new views. And since you are already selecting highly qualified specialists for your vacancies, expensive training measures are not required. In addition to technical expertise, you will also gain additional work resources and counteract the shortage of skilled workers within your company.

If you fill a position internally, how many potentially suitable employees are then available? The number may vary, but once you look outwards, you will find a much bigger pool of talent which is full of people with a wide range of qualifications, experience and personalities. These introduce motivation and new energy into the team, and give the company new perspectives, new impulses and new views. And since you are already selecting highly qualified specialists for your vacancies, expensive training measures are not required. In addition to technical expertise, you will also gain additional work resources and counteract the shortage of skilled workers within your company.

External recruitment can be time-consuming and costly. This is because suitable personnel must first be found, trained and integrated into the team. There is always the risk that outsiders will not fit in well with the existing employees or simply do not fulfil the required standards. Your own workforce can also react enviously to new colleagues or sit at their desks without motivation. An internal employee may have had an eye on the position and saw it as a possible opportunity for advancement.

External recruitment can be time-consuming and costly. This is because suitable personnel must first be found, trained and integrated into the team. There is always the risk that outsiders will not fit in well with the existing employees or simply do not fulfil the required standards. Your own workforce can also react enviously to new colleagues or sit at their desks without motivation. An internal employee may have had an eye on the position and saw it as a possible opportunity for advancement.

Ultimately, the decision as to whether to recruit internally or externally depends on the advantages that exist for your company in a specific case.

Internal recruitment

With internal recruitment, a vacancy is filled with employees who already work for the company. Depending on the reasons for the vacancy, internal recruitment takes place either with or without personnel movement. If there is only a short-term additional need, the employees retain their current job, but are also used for other areas of activity.  With personnel movement, internal vacancies are filled that are also needed in the company over the long term. Qualified specialists from other departments, teams or areas of responsibility are recruited for this new position.

Internal recruitment often takes place by means of promotions or transfers and is therefore often quicker and cheaper than external recruitment. Furthermore, internal recruitment can help to improve morale and reduce turnover by providing employees with opportunities to advance within their organization. And finally, if it is carried out properly, internal recruitment can help to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are hired, since they already have a clear understanding of the company's culture and values.

Internal recruitment often takes place by means of promotions or transfers and is therefore often quicker and cheaper than external recruitment. Furthermore, internal recruitment can help to improve morale and reduce turnover by providing employees with opportunities to advance within their organization. And finally, if it is carried out properly, internal recruitment can help to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are hired, since they already have a clear understanding of the company's culture and values.

Even though it's a nice idea to promote your own employees and open up additional career possibilities by giving them internal training, for example, there are also some challenges lurking in internal recruitment. This can quickly lead to competitive pressure and an associated strained working atmosphere. And what if the originally planned specialist is not suitable for the new position? Additional training can sometimes be very expensive. Frustration and lack of motivation can quickly spread, and the thought arises that an external appointment might have been a better decision. And last but not least, the much-appreciated view from the outside is lost. It is difficult to get rid of tunnel vision by means of a job change and bring new perspectives and opinions into the company.

Even though it's a nice idea to promote your own employees and open up additional career possibilities by giving them internal training, for example, there are also some challenges lurking in internal recruitment. This can quickly lead to competitive pressure and an associated strained working atmosphere. And what if the originally planned specialist is not suitable for the new position? Additional training can sometimes be very expensive. Frustration and lack of motivation can quickly spread, and the thought arises that an external appointment might have been a better decision. And last but not least, the much-appreciated view from the outside is lost. It is difficult to get rid of tunnel vision by means of a job change and bring new perspectives and opinions into the company.

What challenges does recruiting face?

Applicants have more choices than ever before in today's job market. The shortage of skilled workers is having its effect, and increasing numbers of companies are finding themselves involved in the "War for Talents". This makes it all the more important for companies who are competing for the best talent to ensure that their company stands out from the crowd. The right HR marketing measures will help you to demonstrate how your company is different from the others. You should communicate why you are the right choice on a wide variety of channels, and use your arguments to acquire your ideal candidates. Strong employer branding goes a long way to convincing top applicants to choose your company rather than the others. So if you want to win over the best of the best, you need to show your best side.

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