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How to create a job profile
Reach suitable candidates faster

There are currently around 840,000 open vacancies across all industries in Germany ( Certainly, your company has also advertised some of them. However, do you receive the desired number of qualified applications? If not, it is probably worth taking a critical look at the job profile and the specific requirements. Do you succeed in describing the advertised position and the general conditions just as well as your corporate philosophy or the necessary formal requirements? This is often the reason for receiving many applications that are not suitable.

You will achieve greater success in finding the right candidate if you describe the advertised position as concretely as possible. Our tips will help you create informative and meaningful job advertisements in the future and receive applications that meet your expectations.


Job or requirements profile: What is the difference?

In order to find the ideal candidates for your positions, it is crucial to have an authentic employer branding as well as a meaningful job advertisement including a job and requirements profile. Note the following differences:

A job profile contains a specific description of your vacancy, including all responsibilities and goals of your future employee.

In contrast, the requirements profile describes the type of person that best fits your corporate culture and requirements.

Create a meaningful job profile

Are you in the process of creating a job profile for vacancies, but don't know where to start? Then focus on describing the job in detail. This is not about a detailed job description, but rather about getting the broad facts straight.

Answer the following questions:

  • 1. What is the name of your company and what is your core business?

    Briefly introduce your company. Describe the industry and the size of the company, but also give a little insight into the corporate culture and management style.

  • 2. What position are you looking to fill in the near future and what basic information do you need?

    Inform your prospects about the job title, the type of employment, the place of work and the start date.

  • 3. What are the responsibilities and tasks of the future employee?

    State the main and secondary tasks of the advertised position and, if possible, indicate the reason for the advertisement. This creates trust and understanding among potential new employees.

  • 4. What do you offer your future employees?

    With attractive benefits such as a pension scheme, 13th monthly salary, a job bike or a petrol card, you can certainly attract some applicants. Communicate openly what benefits they can expect from you and provide information on working time and job location, further training opportunities or even your onboarding process.

  • 5. What formalities and deadlines should applicants observe? Do you need a cover letter, a CV, certificates and proof of qualifications?

    Inform your applicants about your required application documents. It is equally important to clearly communicate your application deadline and provide information about your application process and contact persons.

Create a requirements profile for job ads

The requirements profile for your recruitment is based on the job description and should be defined for each advertised position. This will make it easier for you to compare the applications with your job advertisement later on. The more detailed your defined requirements and desired or required skills are, such as (personal) characteristics, the more successful your recruitment will be.

Make a note of the desired requirements for each position:

  • Education, degrees, professional experience or qualifications

  • Professional skills such as software skills, foreign languages or IT skills

  • Methodological competencies such as analysis, interpretation, strategic and analytical thinking

  • Soft skills such as resilience, assertiveness, emotional intelligence, ability to work in a team, but also leadership skills, such as decision-making ability, ability to deal with conflicts or negotiating skills

  • Personal characteristics, e.g. motivation, willingness to learn and grow or even an independent way of working

Our tip: Put yourself in the position of the applicants and ask yourself if your job description is detailed enough and gives a realistic picture of the open position. 

Create your job posting from your job and requirements profiles

With the job and advertisement profile, you create the perfect basis for your job description. The scope of the job description depends on the position to be filled as well as on the area of responsibility or the expected professional competencies. Publish the job ad on your website as well as on career platforms or in specialist journals.

Use your comprehensive job and requirements profiles for your personnel selection and compare them with the applications received. This allows you to quickly evaluate CVs and application letters according to fixed criteria and prepare a meaningful list of questions for the interview.

If you are unable to find suitable candidates for your vacancies despite detailed job descriptions and communication through various channels, please contact us. Our HR experts will be happy to help you find new employees in line with the industry.

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