Our understanding of compliance
The fundamental concept regarding the daily work at Hays is “Doing the right thing”.
In this context, it is essential that Hays as a whole and its employees comply with applicable laws and rules and adhere to voluntary commitments at all times.
Hays takes a clear stance against corruption and bribery and requires both its employees and its business partners to always act in conformity with the law. This fundamental requirement is also outlined in the company’s binding code of conduct.
Besides, in order to ensure a legally compliant conduct, Hays has established a compliance management system, which has regularly been certified by the German Technical Inspection Association (TÜV) since 2016 (according to TR CMS 101:2015 based on ISO 19600, re-certified on 08/11/2022)).
In this way, Hays supports its employees in acting in a legally compliant way and reduces possible legal and economic risks.
Considering compliance a management responsibility and a joint task of all persons involved, Hays has the ambition to continuously develop its compliance culture.
Compliance Management System
Through its CMS, Hays strives to ensure that the corporate compliance philosophy is actually and effectively pursued within the company. This contributes to preventing compliance violations altogether or to rendering them more difficult and enables the detection of and dealing with occurring violations.
Based on a collection of company-specific legal provisions, Hays carries out annual risk analyses in cooperation with the specialist departments. This enables a regular assessment of potential risks in consideration of current developments.
Moreover, comprehensible internal company guidelines have been developed in order to support the employees in their daily work in a clear and transparent manner.
Along with structural and technical verification mechanisms and a clearly structured incident management system, the CMS of Hays ensures that the above-mentioned objectives are achieved. In addition, regular training and the provision of an effective whistleblower system contribute to further raising the employees’ awareness for the compliance philosophy of Hays.
Express your concerns discreetly and confidentially
Cooperation based on mutual trust is one of our top priorities. Therefore, we attach particular importance to compliance with applicable laws and guidelines.
The Whistleblower Protection Act serves to protect persons who draw attention to abuses or illegal activities in a company or organisation. It obliges companies to introduce whistleblower systems with different reporting channels in order not to expose whistleblowers to any reprisals or disadvantages.
The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act: Focus on human rights and environmental protection
The law assigns responsibility to companies for potential human rights violations and environmental damage along their global supply chains and obliges them to “observe their human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in an appropriate manner”.