Kollegen stehen im Kreis und geben sich gut gelaunt die Hand

3 Story Software
Technology combined with market knowledge

Request a demo now

Market knowledge + technology from a single source. 

3 Story Software combines technological know-how with our market expertise. This software offers everything you need to facilitate effective workforce management and allows you to manage your suppliers fast and cost-efficiently. 

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Your advantages with 3 Story Software:  

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Management in compliance with your contractual agreements


Management of service contracts, temporary employment, direct hire and statement of work.  

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Transparency and overviews through individual reportings and detailed forecasts to manage your external staff more effectively. 

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Fast updates


Fast and continuous updates of industry requirements such as equal pay and industry surcharges. 

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Continuous development


Continuous improvement based on customer feedback and innovative product development by applying agile methodology. 

3 Stories, one goal

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  • End to end transparency over the entire procurement process 
  • Create requests, compare offers, generate orders 
  • Rate the performance of your suppliers and resources based on analytics 


  • Fast response to requests, receive comparable offers, planning of interviews, confirmation of orders and confirmation of the times recording by resources 
  • Utilize reports to measure supplier performance and optimize collaboration  

Service Team

  • Reliable partner for procurement of external resources and for supplier management 
  • Customer on site or remote support  
  • Takes responsibility for the recruitment process from request to billing and offboarding  

The VMS-Solution: request to reporting

1. Request 

2. Bid 

3. Placement 

4. Time Tracking  


6. Reporting  

  1. 1  
  2. 1. Request

    The Request created in
    3 Story Software is reviewed for completeness by the service team, approved by procurement and automatically distributed to your relevant suppliers.

    FEATURES Job templates, supplier distribution models, forecast calculation, separation by contract types in one solution

    Junger Kollege sitzt mit Kollegin vor zwei Bildschirmen
  3. 2  
  4. 2. Bid

    The offers created by the suppliers are reviewed by the service team, shortlisted for the customers, and renegotiated to fit market benchmarks.

    FEATURES Interview coordination, temporary labour, offer matching, savings report

    Mitarbeiter telefoniert von seinem Schreibtisch
  5. 3  
  6. 3. Placement

    The selection, ordering and on- and off-boarding of the resource are performed in
    3 Story Software. The supplier confirms the order, and the resource can start upon completion of the onboarding process.

    FEATURES E-signature, API Interfaces, off-boarding assessment

    Eine Gruppe von Kollegen steht zusammen und unterhält sich
  7. 4  
  8. 4. Time Tracking

    The hours worked by the external resource are entered in 3 Story Software, confirmed by the supplier, and approved by the customer. The calculation of the incurred costs is done automatically.

    FEATURES Mobile time recording, import of time data, calculation of extra pay, expense tracking

    ITler sitzt vor seinem Laptop und arbeitet
  9. 5  
  10. 5. Invoicing

    In 3 Story Software the customer receives an overview of planned and actual costs. The service team creates a pre-invoice for suppliers to simplify invoice creation and invoice verification.

    FEATURES Automated incurred costs calculation, amendment to the temporary employment Act, API Interfaces

    Kollege und Kollegin machen die Abrechnung im Büro
  11. 6  
  12. 6. Reporting

    Because of standardized processes,
    3 Story Software creates a consistent database that enables comprehensive reporting for the customer.

    FEATURES Standard reports, management dashboards, ad-hoc reporting, pivot reports

    Mitarbeiterin beobachtet Graphen auf dem Bildschirm

Feature highlights of 3 Story Software  

Temporary employment  

If you want to assign temporary workers in compliance with the German temporary employment act, 3 Story Software guides you and all users involved step-by-step through the end-to-end process – from the request to the order. 

Process step:
Bid, Invoicing 


Using electronic signatures, contracts can be signed very conveniently, quickly and on the move. Contracts generated during the creation of orders in 3 Story Software are digitally signed using an E-signature solution. This fulfils all compliance requirements for mapping qualified electronic signature (QES), required for fast processes in your external workforce management. 

Process step:
Placement, On-boarding  

Punch Out to Ariba  

Use the added value of a vendor management system directly out of your e-procurement solution. Order your external employees by using “PunchOut” by 3 Story Software via your Ariba-procurement-system. 

Process step:

Interfaces, Integrations  

With the provision of API standard web service interfaces, data can be transferred between 3 Story Software and a third-party system. The customer specific configuration without development effort allows highest flexibility in automating the end-to-end process. 

Process step:
Placement, Invoicing 

Reporting, Analytics 

Optimize your external Workforce Management processes with real-time data and interactive reports. You recognize trends, anomalies and hotspots and you can quickly identify areas for action. The following reporting options are available to you: Management dashboard, standard reports (e.g. measurement of supplier performance), creation of ad-hoc and pivot reports.  

Process step:

Get more information about 3 Story Software 

Do you want to manage your external workforce more effectively?

We will show you how with the help of our "3-Story-Software".

Your contact person

  • Timo Grün,
  • Head of MSP Sales & Service Delivery Germany
  • Region: DACH
Timo Grün
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