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Coach (m/w/d)

Coaches: partners for a successful career

In their job, coaches help clients, be they companies or individuals or groups or teams, to make optimal use of personal and corporate potential and to successfully overcome most challenges. Through coaching, you ensure that professionals achieve their career goals and at the same time a high degree of work-life balance. Likewise, you support companies in achieving their goals, whether annual, quarterly or monthly, and in overcoming crises or transformations.

Business woman talks to group

  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancers

Are you looking for a new challenge as a coach?

Coaches have a varied job due to the many possibilities and points of contact in companies and a wide range of tasks. If you are looking for a new job as a coach with your knowledge and skills in the areas of professional reorientation assistance, coaching and/or counselling, then let's take your next career step together.

Are you looking for an experienced coach?

Does your company need support in overcoming a crisis or pushing employees to take the next step? Then a coach is exactly the position you should fill. Coaches can help, both entrepreneurially and personally, to achieve the goals and to grow beyond oneself. 

Are you looking for a new project as a coach?

Are you an expert in advising companies and private individuals on the topics of development and crisis management? Then expand your expertise in a new, exciting project as a coach with Hays.

Which opportunities do coaches have on the labour market?

Job coaches work on behalf of companies or for private clients. Companies make use of their support, especially in change processes, from the introduction of innovative organisational structures to the integration of new employees after mergers and acquisitions. Coaches help in their job with individual professional reorientation as well as with overcoming personal crises. As the economy is currently facing major upheavals (keywords: digitalisation, Industry 4.0, energy transition), the employment situation for job coaches is extremely positive. Authorities and other public-sector organisations are also increasingly asking for coaching services.


What does a coach do?

Coaches work for companies or private clients who support them in their development - be it on an individual and private basis or on a higher level and across departments, e.g. in transformation. They help employees individually (individual coaching) or teams or departments (group coaching) to adapt to changed work situations and to resolve conflicts. In doing so, coaches use sophisticated psychological techniques and actively moderate change processes, naturally taking into account the personality traits of the employees they support.

Coaching processes may take a few sessions only or continue for several years. Regardless of their duration, they involve the following steps:

  • Analysis of the current situation, possibly via shadow coaching in the customer’s everyday working life
  • Elaboration of an effective development concept, including the definition of milestones
  • Support with the implementation of new strategies via prompt feedback
  • Review of the achievement of the objectives

Which hard skills and soft skills should coaches have?

Bei der Berufsbezeichnung „Coach“, handelt es sich nicht um eine geschützte Berufsbezeichnung – grundsätzlich steht diese Tätigkeit jedermann frei und es gibt somit keine einheitliche Coach Ausbildung. Bei der Ausbildung, die die meisten Coaches haben, handelt es sich um eine Fort- oder Weiterbildung. Angesehener sind jedoch abgeschlossene Studiengänge wie Psychologie, Wirtschaftspsychologie oder Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Um eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Coach zu starten, werden umfassendes psychologisches Wissen, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Verhaltenstherapie vorausgesetzt. Außerdem erweisen sich Kenntnisse der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Theorie und Praxis als nützlich. Hinzu kommen je nach Einsatzgebiet. Projektmanagement und Kenntnisse in der methodischen (Groß-) Gruppenarbeit.

In addition, coaches need to have certain soft skills:

  • Strong communication skills
  • A highly analytical way of thinking
  • Empathy
  • Advisory skills
  • Assertiveness
  • Knowledge of pedagogy and didactics

What does a coach earn?

What a coach earns as a salary can vary greatly. As a rule, only large corporations employ their own coaches in their HR departments. Here, starting salaries range between 30,000 and 45,000 euros. They rise with the assumption of more responsibility, such as executive coaching, to between 70,000 and 90,000 euros. The vast majority of coaches in this country work as freelancers. Depending on qualifications (degree in psychology and business administration), experience and clients, hourly rates range from 80 to 150 euros. Top coaches charge fees in the high three-digit euro range.

Finding your ideal job as a coach – with Hays

Whether you are looking for a permanent or a temporary position or wish to work as a freelance coach – we can regularly provide you with exciting job offers for business coaches in various industries that match both your professional and personal skills.

Learn more about the benefits of finding a job with Hays!

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