Zwei Kollegen in Bauarbeiter-Kleidung

Job profile
Electronics technician (m/f/d)

Electronics technicians are skilled workers who specialise in the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic systems. They are responsible for the planning, construction and maintenance of electrical installations and systems. 

Depending on their specialisation in telecommunications technology, devices and systems, automation technology, building technology or operating technology, they have a wide range of opportunities in numerous industries. 

In Germany, the profession is a classic training occupation, which is initially divided into the areas of industry or trade and later into various specialisations. 

Key Facts
Electronics technician

  • Planning
  • Installation
  • Maintenance
  • Repair of electronic devices and systems
  • Completed electronics training
  • Manual dexterity
  • Technical understanding
  • Between €40,000 and €50,000 gross salary 
  • Planning, installation, maintenance and repair of electronic devices and systems
  • Completed electronics training
  • Manual dexterity, technical understanding
  • Between €40,000 and €50,000 gross salary 

  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancer

Are you looking for a job as an electronics technician (m/f/d)?

Electronics technicians have a variety of tasks related to the installation and maintenance of electrical devices and machines. If you are looking for a new job in this field, then let's plan your next career move together.  

Are you looking for an experienced electronics technician (m/f/d)?

Does your company need competent support with the maintenance of electrical devices? Then an experienced electronics technician is exactly the specialist you should hire. We will find you the specialists that are right for you. 

Are you looking for a new project as an electronics technician (m/f/d)?

Are you an expert in the installation, testing and production of electrical systems? Then expand your expertise in a new, exciting project as an electronics technician with the support of Hays. 

What is an electronics technician?
Definition and overview

Electronics technicians are responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical systems and devices. They work in various sectors, including industry, trade, energy supply and communication technology. 

Electronics technicians can specialise in various fields, including:

  • Operating technology: Electronics technicians for operating technology are responsible for the installation and maintenance of production and operating systems. They ensure that machines and systems run smoothly and carry out regular inspections and repairs. 

  • Energy and building technology: These electronics technicians install and maintain electrical systems in buildings, such as lighting and air conditioning systems, security systems and energy supply equipment. 

  • Devices and systems: Electronics technicians for devices and systems develop, assemble and maintain electronic devices and systems, such as medical devices, communication systems and measuring instruments. 

  • Automation technology: This specialisation covers the planning, programming and maintenance of automated production facilities and robot systems. 

Electrician or electronics technician? What's the difference?

The ‘electrician’ was replaced by the ‘electronics technician’ back in 2003. The term ‘electrician’ is therefore no longer commonly used today. The more modern term ‘electronics technician’ describes the field of electrical engineering more comprehensively and thus encompasses several specialisations in the field. 

Electronics technician salary:
a comprehensive overview

The average salary for trained electronics technicians is between 40,000 and 50,000€ gross per year.  

Average salaries vary depending on the specialisation. 

With increasing professional experience, management tasks and further training, electronics technicians can increase their earnings accordingly after a few years. The size of the company and its location are also relevant for the level of earnings. The right demeanour is also very important in salary negotiations for electronics technicians. 

Starting salary as an electronics technician:
Junior electronics technician salary

Trained electronics technicians in Germany earn an average of € 39,000 per year when starting out. Trainees receive a gross monthly salary of between €770 and €900 in their first year of training. 

What does an electronics technician do?
Tasks and everyday working life

Depending on the industry and position, electronics engineers are already involved in the planning phase of an electrical system and develop switching systems, select assemblies or produce layout designs. All of this work is carried out in close coordination with the client. The systems or machines are then assembled. 
The main tasks of an electronics technician include 
  • Planning and installation: Electronics technicians plan and install electrical systems and installations in accordance with technical drawings and specifications. 

  • Documentation: You create technical documentation and reports on the work carried out and record the maintenance and repair history of the systems. 

  • Testing and measuring: Electronics technicians check electrical systems and components for safety and functionality and carry out measurements to ensure compliance with standards. 

  • Maintenance and repair: You will carry out regular maintenance work to ensure the functionality of the systems and rectify faults and errors. 

Due to the different specialisations into which the electronics technician apprenticeship is divided, their day-to-day tasks also look very different. While some electronics technicians install large industrial operating systems, others develop communication systems or maintain automated systems. 

Training as an electronics technician:
the path to electronics

Anyone who decides to pursue a career as an electronics technician usually chooses an electronics technician apprenticeship. In the course of this training, trainees can specialise in a particular field. As an alternative to training, those interested can also opt for a degree programme. 

Electronics technician training: The usual way

In Germany, training to become an electronics technician is a dual vocational training programme that teaches both theoretical and practical skills. It usually lasts 3.5 years. During this time, phases at vocational school and in the training company alternate so that the trainees can gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. 

At the beginning of their training, prospective electronics technicians have to decide whether they want to specialise in the skilled trades or in industry. This choice influences the specific content and focus of the apprenticeship. 

Electronics technician specialisations

In the second year of their training, prospective electronics technicians can choose from several specialisations. Each specialisation has its own focus and areas of responsibility: 
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering 

  • Electronics technician for information and systems technology 

  • Electronics technician for automation technology 

  • Electronics technician for devices and systems 

  • Electronics technician for energy and building technology 

Content of the training

Training as an electronics technician covers a wide range of topics and areas of responsibility: 
  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering: This includes electrical circuits, measurement technology and safety regulations. 

  • Documentation: The creation of technical documentation and reports is also part of the training content. 

  • Testing and measuring: Electronics technicians check the safety and functionality of electrical systems and carry out measurements. 

  • Maintenance and repair: An important part of the training is the maintenance and repair of electrical installations and systems. 

  • Installation and commissioning: Trainees learn how electrical installations and systems are installed and commissioned. 

Studying to become an electronics engineer: the path to electrical engineering

If you want to delve deeper into the subject and have a high school diploma, you can opt for an electrical engineering degree programme. After successfully completing a Bachelor's or Master's degree, graduates can call themselves electrical engineers. 

Students can choose between a full-time or part-time degree programme at a university or university of applied sciences. 

Electronics technician training

There are various further training opportunities for trained specialists in the field of electronics.
  • Further training to become a technician: A good way to advance in your career is further training to become a technician. After completing their training and gaining relevant work experience, electronics technicians can choose a specialisation in the technician further training course. This takes 2 years full-time and 4 years part-time and ends with the title of state-certified technician. 

  • Studying electrical engineering: For qualified electronics technicians, it may be interesting to study electrical engineering, mechatronics or similar subjects. 

  • Advanced training course to become an Industrial Master Electrician (IHK): For those who are aiming for a management position, the advanced examination to become an Industrial Master Electrician is recommended. A course lasting several days is suitable for preparing adequately for the examination. The admission requirement is a completed electronics technician apprenticeship. 

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Skills of an electronics technician:
These skills are required

First and foremost, electronics technicians need a completed apprenticeship or a degree in order to be prepared for the day-to-day tasks of the job.  

To summarise, electronics engineers need skills like these: 

  • Completed electronics training 

  • Knowledge of English 

  • Drawing skills for the creation of circuit diagrams or production plans 

  • Organisational ability 

  • IT skills 

  • Mathematical and physical understanding 

  • Technical understanding 

  • Craftsmanship 

Electronics technician career:
opportunities on the labour market

Electronics technicians can find suitable jobs both in the skilled trades and in industry. Potential employers include companies in the energy, automotive, measurement and control technology, medical technology and information and communication technology sectors. Many companies take on their trainees directly after they have successfully completed their training.  

As electronics technicians, such as mechatronics technicians, are among the professions with a major shortage of skilled labour, jobseekers have good prospects of finding a job quickly. Due to increasing digitalisation and automation, the situation for electronics technicians will remain comfortable and demand for them will continue to rise. 

After the apprenticeship, there are numerous opportunities for further training, such as further training to become a master craftsman or technician, as well as the opportunity to study electrical engineering. 

Top vacancies for electronics technicians:
Jobs throughout Germany  

Reference number: 786087/1

Elektriker (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Oberbayerischen Landkreis
  • Identifikation und Meldung von Störungsquellen im Produktionsprozess
  • Selbstständige Störungsbehebung und Wartung im Bereich Elektrik/Elektronik, Messtechnik, Hydraulik, Pneumatik und aller kinematischen Anlagenteile sowie der Robotertechnik im Team mit der mechanischen/elektrischen Abteilung
  • Instandhaltung und Wartung an unserem Anlagenpark
  • Umsetzung von sicherheitsrelevanten Maßnahmen im elektrischen Bereich
  • Bearbeitung von kleineren Projekten, sowie Mitarbeit bei der Umsetzung von Investitionsprojekten und Umbaumaßnahmen an den Anlagen
  • Mitarbeit an der Optimierung von Produktionsabläufen
Online since: Wed Mar 26 14:09:13 CET 2025
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Reference number: 808646/1

Elektriker (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Sicherstellen der technischen Verfügbarkeit unserer Produktionseinrichtungen
  • Reparatur und Wartung von Anlagen im Bereich der Gebäude- und Betriebstechnik
  • Erkennen und Beheben von Störungen während des Anlagenbetriebes
  • Zustandsorientierte wie auch präventive Instandhaltung im elektrischen Bereich
  • Durchführen von Funktions- und Sicherheitsprüfungen an elektrischen Anlagen
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:16:23 CET 2025
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Reference number: 799522/1

Elektriker (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Vorbereiten des Montageauftrags (Prüfen auf Vollständigkeit)
  • Vorgegebene Änderungen gemäß Dokumentation selbstständig vorbereiten und einarbeiten
  • Sichtprüfung des angelieferten Materials (Vollständigkeit und Unversehrtheit)
  • Materialzusammenstellung anhand von Stücklisten
  • Montage der elektrischen und elektronischen Teile für Lokomotiven 
  • Verkabelung nach Verdrahtungsunterlagen festlegen und durchführen
  • Dokumentation von Abweichungen, Änderungen sowie Fehlteilen in der P8 Liste
Online since: Mon Mar 24 15:45:58 CET 2025
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FAQ - Job profile of an electrician

An electronics technician is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic systems and equipment.

An electronics technician is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic systems and equipment.

The term ‘electrician’ was replaced by ‘electronics technician’ in 2003, whereby ‘electronics technician’ provides a more comprehensive description of the field of work in electrical engineering and covers several specialisations.

The term ‘electrician’ was replaced by ‘electronics technician’ in 2003, whereby ‘electronics technician’ provides a more comprehensive description of the field of work in electrical engineering and covers several specialisations.

Trained electronics technicians earn on average between €40,000 and €50,000 gross per year, with a starting salary of around €39,000.
Trained electronics technicians earn on average between €40,000 and €50,000 gross per year, with a starting salary of around €39,000.

Training as an electronics technician usually takes 3.5 years and is a dual programme, i.e. both at vocational school and in the training company.
Training as an electronics technician usually takes 3.5 years and is a dual programme, i.e. both at vocational school and in the training company.

To start training as an electronics technician, you generally need a secondary school leaving certificate or an intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss).

To start training as an electronics technician, you generally need a secondary school leaving certificate or an intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss).