
Job profile

Quality Manager (m/f/d)   

Quality managers ensure the quality of products and therefore the health and safety of consumers by ensuring compliance with the necessary standards. You can find out exactly what tasks they have, what their salary is and how they gain a foothold in quality management here. 

Key Facts

Quality Manager

  • Development and documentation of quality standards for products and services
  • optimisation of internal processes
  • Degree in quality management
  • relevant further training
  • Legal knowledge
  • analytical skills
  • industry knowledge
Ø 62.000 €
gross per year
  • Development and documentation of quality standards for products and services
  • optimisation of internal processes
  • Degree in quality management
  • relevant further training
  • Legal knowledge
  • analytical skills
  • industry knowledge
Ø 62.000 €
gross per year

  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancer

Are you looking for a job as a Quality Manager? (m/f/d)

Are you looking for a challenging job where you won't get bored? Do you have strong communication skills and an eye for detail and quality? Then a job in quality management (QM) is just right for you. Take a look at our job market or contact us for more information.

Are you looking for a suitable Quality Manager? (m/f/d)

Do you want to take the quality of your products and processes to the next level? Then it's time to look around for a suitable quality manager. In our pool of applicants, you will find specialists who recognise potential for improvement, optimise your processes and ensure compliance with quality standards.

Are you looking for an exciting project as a Quality Manager? (m/f/d)

Have you already proven yourself as a quality manager and are now looking for a new project in which you can put your skills to the test? Something that does justice to your extensive knowledge and further enhances your portfolio? Then we should get to know each other. Together we will find your next exciting project. 

What is a quality manager?
Definition and overview

Quality managers (QM) are responsible for compliance with certain quality standards and regulations in a wide range of industries. They are also responsible for the systematic further development and optimisation of quality management systems (QMS). In doing so, they always pursue the goal of improving the quality of the product or service in order to provide customers with the best possible experience. 

Quality managers are in demand in a wide range of industries. They are mandatory in certain industries where quality has a direct impact on the health or safety of customers, such as pharmaceuticals and aerospace. 

Quality management salary:
a comprehensive overview

On average, quality managers in Germany earn around € 62,000 gross per year. As in any profession, the salary of quality managers depends on many factors. Depending on the industry, company size and training, higher salaries in quality management are also possible. The highest QM salaries in Germany are paid in Baden-Württemberg. 

Starting salary as a quality manager: Junior quality manager salary

As a career starter, the salary is usually between €52,000 gross per year. After around three years of experience in the job, the salary of quality managers rises to around €54,300. 

Senior Quality Manager Salary

Senior quality managers earn correspondingly more than their less experienced colleagues. The average quality manager salary after around 9 years of professional experience is €65,000 per year. 

What does a quality manager do?
Tasks of quality management

Quality managers have important tasks, as they are responsible for the quality delivered in a company. They develop, document and monitor quality standards for products and services. But that's not all: the optimisation of internal company processes and measures is also part of the job profile. 

The exact tasks of quality managers depend heavily on the industry and the size of the company. Essentially, however, it is always about identifying potential for improvement and deriving measures for optimisation from this. This is why regular process, product and supplier audits are just as much a part of the job as strategy development. 

As in product management, quality management also serves as a cross-departmental interface function. Communication with company management is therefore just as much a part of the job as liaising with the relevant department heads. 

However, the profession of quality manager should not be confused with quality assurance. Quality assurance is a sub-area of quality management. Quality assurance develops measures to ensure the quality of the end product - based on defined specifications from quality management. 

The specific tasks of quality management are 

  • Development of quality guidelines: Creation and implementation of guidelines and standards that ensure the quality of products and processes 

  • Monitoring quality development: Continuously monitoring and analysing quality indicators to identify opportunities for improvement 

  • Carrying out audits: Plan and conduct internal and external audits to verify compliance with quality standards 

  • Failure mode and effects analyses (FMEA): Identifying and analysing potential sources of error in processes and products in order to develop preventative measures 

  • Creation of quality management manuals: Documenting quality processes and measures in manuals that serve as a reference for employees 

  • Reporting to the management: preparing reports on the quality situation and the results of the audits, as well as proposing measures for quality improvement 

  • Supplier audits: Verify the quality and reliability of suppliers to ensure they meet company standards 

  • Continuous improvement: Developing and implementing measures for the continuous improvement of quality processes and standards 

  • Compliance with legal standards: Ensure that all quality processes comply with legal requirements and standards, such as ISO 9001 

How do you become a quality manager?
Training, studies & further education

There is no fixed training programme for the job of quality manager. However, in many cases a Bachelor's or Master's degree is required for a career in quality management. Industry-specific training may also be required. 

Ultimately, you should master the methods of quality management and the basics of business management in your (future) job. On the one hand, you can acquire this by studying quality management. On the other hand, experienced professionals can also make the step into quality management. Part-time study programmes in quality management and further training are suitable for this. There is currently no specific training programme for the job. 

Quality management studies

The usual route to becoming a quality manager is usually via a degree programme. A specialised quality management course is suitable for both part-time and full-time study. 

Suitable degree programmes for prospective quality managers are e.g: 

Further training as a quality manager

Experienced career changers who would like to switch to quality management can acquire the necessary skills through further training. 

Suitable further training courses in quality management are: 

knowledge is power

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Competences of a quality manager:
these hard and soft skills are required

The requirements for quality managers are very extensive. They can also vary depending on the industry and company. Here you will find the basic requirements and thus the tools of the trade for quality managers: 
  • Legal knowledge: Knowledge of legal and corporate regulations and standards forms the basis of quality management. 

  • Industry knowledge: The quality of processes and products differs depending on the company and industry. Specific industry knowledge therefore promotes and facilitates successful quality management. 

  • Assertiveness: Successful quality management means identifying problem areas and initiating changes. In order for the optimisations to bear fruit, quality managers must motivate their employees and convince them of the potential of the improvements. 

  • Strong communication skills: As a cross-departmental interface, employees in quality management communicate with many different people - often in different languages. 

  • Methodological competence: Quality managers know and master quality management methods. 

  • Analytical skills: In order to recognise potential for improvement, quality managers must have a certain affinity for figures and processes. 

Quality manager career:
Your chances on the labour market

Quality managers are employed in a wide variety of industries. Moreover, quality management is not limited to a specific area of the company. Almost every company needs a quality management specialist and, depending on the type and size of the company, it is even mandatory. The current supply on the (German) labour market is correspondingly large and diverse. 

The promotion and career prospects of female quality managers are also very variable and depend on the respective company and industry. In principle, many doors are open to you - even up to management level. The highest salaries and best career prospects are usually found in the medical technology, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as in the aerospace sector. 

Top vacancies for quality managers:
jobs throughout Germany   

Reference number: 811136/1

Qualitätsmanager (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Bad Mergentheim
  • Sie sind verantwortlich für die Sicherstellung der Qualität in Projekten und Kundenaufträgen. 
  • Dazu gehören die Prüfung und Einhaltung von Qualitätsanforderungen aus Verträgen und Pflichtenheften. 
  • Sie stimmen Qualitätsmerkmale, Toleranzen und Herstellbarkeit mit den relevanten Schnittstellen ab und erstellen Prüfpläne. 
  • Zudem moderieren Sie FMEA-Sitzungen und planen die Validierung technischer Prozesse und Montagelinien.
  • Sie koordinieren und überwachen Prozess-, Maschinen- und Messmittelfähigkeitsuntersuchungen und betreuen Kundenaudits. 
  • Die Qualifizierung und Bewertung von Lieferanten sowie die Durchführung von System- und Prozessaudits gehören ebenfalls zu Ihren Aufgaben. 
  • Sie leiten Korrekturmaßnahmen bei Reklamationen und Qualitätsabweichungen ein und überwachen deren Umsetzung.
Online since: Tue Mar 18 13:29:25 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811789/1

Quality Assurance Manager Medizintechnik (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Nürnberg + Remote (Hybrid)
  • Als Quality Assurance Manager organisieren und optimieren Sie kontinuierlich die operativen Qualitätsprozesse im Geschäftsbereich Service
  • Im Rahmen des Kunden-Reklamationsprozesses analysieren Sie in Zusammenarbeit mit beteiligten Fachabteilungen Fehler und Ursachen, leiten daraus Maßnahmen ab und überprüfen deren Wirksamkeit
  • Sie nehmen bei der Analyse und Aufbereitung von Complaints eine zentrale Schlüsselrolle ein und kümmern sich um die stetige Entwicklung von sowohl präventiven als auch reaktiven Maßnahmen
  • Auch die Dokumentation und Bewertung von Beschwerdeakten in SAP fallen in Ihren Aufgabenbereich
  • Gemeinsam mit unserem Director Quality Management entwickeln Sie das präventive Qualitätsmanagementsystem weiter und setzen dieses entsprechend um
  • Sie erstellen statistische Qualitätsauswertungen und etablieren wichtige KPIs
Online since: Tue Mar 11 17:16:08 CET 2025
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Reference number: 775138/1

Projektleiter Sanierung (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Gleichzeitige Steuerung mehrerer Sanierungsprojekte im Wohnungsbau
  • Fachliche Führung der Bauleiter, Jungbauleiter als auch Qualitätsmanager
  • Wirtschaftliche und technische Optimierung der Ausführungsplanung
  • Baustellenabwicklung und -kontrolle bis zur erfolgreichen Abnahme
  • Betreuung der jeweiligen Auftraggeber sowie zentraler Ansprechpartner für alle Projektbeteiligten
Online since: Wed Mar 12 16:04:08 CET 2025
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A quality manager in Germany earns an average of around €62,000 gross per year, with a starting salary of around €52,000, which can rise to up to €65,000 with more professional experience. 

A quality manager in Germany earns an average of around €62,000 gross per year, with a starting salary of around €52,000, which can rise to up to €65,000 with more professional experience. 

A quality manager develops, documents and monitors quality standards for products and services, carries out audits and optimises internal processes in order to improve quality. 

A quality manager develops, documents and monitors quality standards for products and services, carries out audits and optimises internal processes in order to improve quality. 

A bachelor's or master's degree is often required for the profession of quality manager, often supplemented by industry-specific training or further training in quality management.
A bachelor's or master's degree is often required for the profession of quality manager, often supplemented by industry-specific training or further training in quality management.

Yes, quality managers are in demand in many sectors, especially in industries where the quality of the product or service has a direct impact on the health or safety of consumers, such as the pharmaceutical or aerospace industries.  

Yes, quality managers are in demand in many sectors, especially in industries where the quality of the product or service has a direct impact on the health or safety of consumers, such as the pharmaceutical or aerospace industries.  

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