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Recruitment consultant (m/f/d)

The job as a recruitment consultant

Recruitment consultants have a broad range of different tasks. One of their key tasks is to provide competent and targeted advice to companies on matters related to personnel decisions. Usually, they are responsible for the entire recruitment process, the active search for suitable specialists and staff and the posting of appealing job advertisements for their company.

Recruitment consultants have good prospects; especially companies in the IT and engineering industry increasingly rely on recruitment consultants and headhunters for their recruitment activities. By completing a relevant training programme, e.g. at the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, newcomers have the chance to start a successful career as a recruitment consultant as well. Recruitment consultants who have already worked in the commercial area and acquired the related skills have an advantage on the labour market. Learn more about the individual areas recruitment consultants can work in.

Recruitment consultants support companies in searching suitable specialists and executives in a competent and targeted way. They are specialised either in direct search or executive search and post job advertisements on web portals and via other media. In case of direct search, recruitment consultants create requirements profiles matching the tasks of the vacant position. Another key task is to search and find specialists, e.g. in professional networks like Xing or LinkedIn, in databases or by other means. Their range of tasks also includes the conduct of telephone or personal interviews as well as the elaboration of employment contracts.

Recruitment consultants are the first point of contact for internal employees who want to follow a new career path within their company. Thus, the recommendation of suitable employees to the management board belongs to their daily business as well.

  • Executive search
  • Posting of job advertisements
  • Research activities
  • Conduct of telephone and personal interviews
  • Recommendation of suitable employees
  • Personnel communication (internal & external)

  • Personnel marketing

  • Active sourcing in social media (social recruiting)

  • Compensation consulting

Recruitment consultants support companies in searching suitable specialists and executives in a competent and targeted way. They are specialised either in direct search or executive search and post job advertisements on web portals and via other media. In case of direct search, recruitment consultants create requirements profiles matching the tasks of the vacant position. Another key task is to search and find specialists, e.g. in professional networks like Xing or LinkedIn, in databases or by other means. Their range of tasks also includes the conduct of telephone or personal interviews as well as the elaboration of employment contracts.

Recruitment consultants are the first point of contact for internal employees who want to follow a new career path within their company. Thus, the recommendation of suitable employees to the management board belongs to their daily business as well.

  • Executive search
  • Posting of job advertisements
  • Research activities
  • Conduct of telephone and personal interviews
  • Recommendation of suitable employees
  • Personnel communication (internal & external)

  • Personnel marketing

  • Active sourcing in social media (social recruiting)

  • Compensation consulting

Recruitment consultants must possess the expertise required in their company’s industry. Furthermore, good knowledge of and professional experience in sales or the service industry, excellent communication skills and very good skills in German and English are essential, too.

Besides, recruitment consultants require certain soft skills, such as good social skills and an independent way of working.

  • Knowledge of psychological testing procedures
  • Good consulting and negotiation skills
  • A target-oriented way of working
  • Team spirit
  • Confidentiality
  • Good communication skills

Recruitment consultants must possess the expertise required in their company’s industry. Furthermore, good knowledge of and professional experience in sales or the service industry, excellent communication skills and very good skills in German and English are essential, too.

Besides, recruitment consultants require certain soft skills, such as good social skills and an independent way of working.

  • Knowledge of psychological testing procedures
  • Good consulting and negotiation skills
  • A target-oriented way of working
  • Team spirit
  • Confidentiality
  • Good communication skills

The salary of a recruitment consultant depends on the region, professional experience and the size of the employer. The starting salary is on average 40,000 euros per year, but can increase over time to up to 80,000 euros for managers. In addition to the regular salary, a recruitment consultant often receives annual bonuses. This means that at the end of the year he or she receives an extra 4,000 euros.
Extraordinarily large jumps are possible in the salary of recruitment consultants. Top earners can reach a sum of 200,000 to 300,000 euros annually. The prerequisite for such a high salary for a consultant is a corresponding qualification and particularly good networking.


The salary of a recruitment consultant depends on the region, professional experience and the size of the employer. The starting salary is on average 40,000 euros per year, but can increase over time to up to 80,000 euros for managers. In addition to the regular salary, a recruitment consultant often receives annual bonuses. This means that at the end of the year he or she receives an extra 4,000 euros.
Extraordinarily large jumps are possible in the salary of recruitment consultants. Top earners can reach a sum of 200,000 to 300,000 euros annually. The prerequisite for such a high salary for a consultant is a corresponding qualification and particularly good networking.


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