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Software Tester (m/f/d)

Software tester: Work in software development

Software testers are responsible for applying the final touches to new apps, programs or websites. They are always called in when programmers have completed their work on new developments, and the product is about to be released.

This work step involves putting the product through its paces from the user’s point of view. All functions must be tried out at least once under different conditions and in different configurations, and all of the possible options must be tested. Software testers carry out their work in accordance with their own methods and concepts, and use a wide variety of test tools. Nothing must be overlooked. The test procedures must therefore be perfectly organized.

Software testers are faced with the following questions time and time again: Is the website, app or program user-friendly? Is the application intuitive to use? And have all of the functions been clearly explained?

Software testers work in a wide range of application areas. Because they are needed wherever software is being developed or websites are being created.


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Are you looking for a job as a software tester (m/f/d)?

Are you proficient in the most popular programming languages, and do you have a good feel for user behaviour in new software? If so, make use of your IT expertise and your communication skills as a software tester for exciting new software solutions or even for current gaming developments, and carry out meticulous troubleshooting.

Are you looking for an experienced software tester (m/f/d)?

Do you constantly develop new software, apps or websites and are looking for software testers who will put your application through its paces? Does your future software tester need to know all the programming languages that you use and keep a close eye on the needs of your users? If so, let's go on a search together – so that your products will exceed the expectations of your customers.

Are you looking for current software tester projects (m/f/d)?

Have you already tested a wide variety of software, and are you familiar with the development of apps, websites and perhaps also the gaming sector? Do you look at things from the user's point of view, and know what the users need for a specific application? If so, focus all of your experience on new software testing projects, and only test the software that you enjoy using.

Software tester – a job with many possible uses

Software and online applications should work perfectly. In order to make this to be possible, not only technically experienced software programmers are required, but above all software testers. They take another critical look at newly developed software, apps or websites and carry out intensive troubleshooting.

The new software can only be launched onto the market after every function has been tested by software testers, and it has been ensured that the software is user-friendly.

Since software testers are needed wherever software is being developed, you can find a job in large software companies and also companies which provide software as a service. If you are looking for as much variety as possible, you are in good hands with the software service. Or does gaming float your boat? If so, you can be the first person to test the next gaming trend.

Software tester with laptop in hardware room tests software for machine
Software tester with laptop in hardware room tests software for machine
Software tester with laptop in hardware room tests software for machine

Duties of software testers

Software testers are in close contact with the developers. They don't just point out where the errors are. They pass on problems using technical expressions, and produce test protocols and test reports.

As well as looking for errors in new PC applications, apps or on websites, software testers develop concepts for optimal software testing. They also check whether the new software is user friendly, paying particular attention to security-related issues.

How much does a software tester earn?

Like any other area, the salary of software testers depends on the industry in which they are employed, how much professional experience they have and/or the size of the company they work for.

On average, (junior) software testers can expect a gross annual salary of EUR 40,000. As they gain professional experience, this can increase to a gross annual salary of EUR 50,000 to EUR 74,000. Software testers with a master’s degree can earn up to EUR 10,000 more per annum.

As well as the factors which have already been mentioned, the location also plays a part: the salaries in Munich, Nuremberg or Hamburg are higher than the salaries in more rural regions on average. Wholesale and the food sector are currently the best places to work. These industries currently pay the best salaries for software testers.

As a software tester, you are not restricted to working in the IT industry: You can also test programs for insurance companies, banks or in the automotive industry. The job market has good career opportunities for software testers who are proficient in many programming languages and testing tools.

Software testers are particularly in demand in IT system houses, the software industry, in telecommunications, in the media industry, in electrical engineering and in wholesale. In other words, there is plenty of choice for starting a career in software testing.

As a software tester, you are not restricted to working in the IT industry: You can also test programs for insurance companies, banks or in the automotive industry. The job market has good career opportunities for software testers who are proficient in many programming languages and testing tools.

Software testers are particularly in demand in IT system houses, the software industry, in telecommunications, in the media industry, in electrical engineering and in wholesale. In other words, there is plenty of choice for starting a career in software testing.

Software testers live in two worlds at the same time. On the one hand, they have to look at the software from the user's point of view in order to identify their needs and test their behaviour. On the other hand, software testers have to look through the eyes of the developers in order to be able to communicate in a technically correct way or identify problems directly in the source code. Very good knowledge of IT and various programming languages (e.g. Java or Python) is a prerequisite. Depending on the programming language in which the software to be tested has been written, software testers must also be proficient in this language.

Software testers should also have the following skills:

  • Knowledge of methods
  • Industry expertise
  • Analytical capabilities
  • Communication skills and ability to work in a team
  • Staying power
  • Careful way of working

Software testers live in two worlds at the same time. On the one hand, they have to look at the software from the user's point of view in order to identify their needs and test their behaviour. On the other hand, software testers have to look through the eyes of the developers in order to be able to communicate in a technically correct way or identify problems directly in the source code. Very good knowledge of IT and various programming languages (e.g. Java or Python) is a prerequisite. Depending on the programming language in which the software to be tested has been written, software testers must also be proficient in this language.

Software testers should also have the following skills:

  • Knowledge of methods
  • Industry expertise
  • Analytical capabilities
  • Communication skills and ability to work in a team
  • Staying power
  • Careful way of working

The way in which software testers proceed and the system in accordance with which they work have to defined by themselves. There are a number of tools and methods which make testing much easier. Ideally, the developer thinks about the implementation of all of the function tests and unit tests. Because the following tests will help every software tester with their analysis:

  • Unit testing
  • System tests
  • Integration tests
  • User acceptance tests

The way in which software testers proceed and the system in accordance with which they work have to defined by themselves. There are a number of tools and methods which make testing much easier. Ideally, the developer thinks about the implementation of all of the function tests and unit tests. Because the following tests will help every software tester with their analysis:

  • Unit testing
  • System tests
  • Integration tests
  • User acceptance tests

Since software testers do not get their jobs by means of specific training or a special course of study, lateral entry into this profession is the usual path for software testers.

However, when they are looking for a job, it is useful if software testers have a degree in computer science, engineering or natural sciences. Since quality assurance tends to be neglected in the above-mentioned courses, the best way to obtain the necessary skills is during an internship or in a part-time job as a software tester.

The professional experience which is gained and the references which are acquired are a tremendous advantage when looking for a job, and should ensure that you have a successful career as a software tester. And: the more work experience you gain, the higher your salary as a software tester will be.

Since software testers do not get their jobs by means of specific training or a special course of study, lateral entry into this profession is the usual path for software testers.

However, when they are looking for a job, it is useful if software testers have a degree in computer science, engineering or natural sciences. Since quality assurance tends to be neglected in the above-mentioned courses, the best way to obtain the necessary skills is during an internship or in a part-time job as a software tester.

The professional experience which is gained and the references which are acquired are a tremendous advantage when looking for a job, and should ensure that you have a successful career as a software tester. And: the more work experience you gain, the higher your salary as a software tester will be.

We are convinced that there is the perfect person for every position and every company. And we are just as good at finding a suitable project or company for every software tester.

In order to maximise our success in placing software testers and companies, we use our innovative "Find & Engage" concept. In concrete terms, this means that we create comprehensive profiles of both our companies and our applicants in which requirements, skills and also specific requirements are taken into consideration. When we are looking for the best possible candidate, we match the company profiles with those of our candidates and only make contact if we are confident that the criteria of both parties will be fulfilled.

The software companies and software testers then find out whether they can imagine working together in a joint discussion.

If mutual interest is shown, Hays looks after the design of the general conditions. Software testers can be hired directly by the company or as part of a temporary employment contract at Hays.

We are convinced that there is the perfect person for every position and every company. And we are just as good at finding a suitable project or company for every software tester.

In order to maximise our success in placing software testers and companies, we use our innovative "Find & Engage" concept. In concrete terms, this means that we create comprehensive profiles of both our companies and our applicants in which requirements, skills and also specific requirements are taken into consideration. When we are looking for the best possible candidate, we match the company profiles with those of our candidates and only make contact if we are confident that the criteria of both parties will be fulfilled.

The software companies and software testers then find out whether they can imagine working together in a joint discussion.

If mutual interest is shown, Hays looks after the design of the general conditions. Software testers can be hired directly by the company or as part of a temporary employment contract at Hays.

Top job offers for software testers

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