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Treasurer (m/f/d)

Treasurers: highly qualified financial experts in responsible positions

In their job, treasurers organise the payment flows in companies to ensure their liquidity at all times. In addition, they take over foreign exchange management and take care of the selection of low-interest loans as well as lucrative forms of investment. In a broader sense, treasury belongs to the field of accounting and is thus part of every professional finance department.

Banking Treasurer
For applicants


  • For applicants
  • For companies
  • For freelancers

Are you looking for a job as Treasurer (m/f/d)?

As a treasurer, you are part of the finance department in large companies and groups and ensure that financial risks are identified in good time. You will be responsible for liquidity planning and provide support on all financial issues. Find your new job with us.

Are you looking for an experienced treasurer (m/f/d)?

Does your company need support in the area of finance? Are you looking for employees who are familiar with financial risk management and financial asset management? Then fill the position of treasurer with qualified professionals from Hays.

Are you looking for a new project as Treasurer (m/f/d)?

Have you already brought a wide variety of projects in the area of finance to a successful conclusion, thus securing companies' liquidity? Then bring your skills to new projects and companies with Hays.


Which career opportunities do treasurers have on the labour market?

Larger companies and groups with an annual turnover of at least EUR 100 million need the support of financing specialists. Therefore, they employ treasurers and promote their professional advancement. Treasurers having worked for a specific company for a few years may be promoted to commercial manager or board member, for example. In the light of increasing risks on the international capital markets and increasing legal regulation of financial transactions, the demand for treasurers is constantly growing.


What exactly does a treasurer do? Maintaining the solvency of the company at all times is the main activity of the treasurer. In corporate groups it is necessary to consolidate or pool the financial resources of all subsidiaries on a daily basis. In doing so, treasurers always take into account the financing costs in the form of interest on loans.

Treasury also includes the following tasks in the Finance department

✓ Financial risk management
✓ Procurement of loans from banks or on the capital market
✓ Cooperation with various financial organisations
✓ Managing and planning creditworthiness
✓ Reporting to the Executive Board
✓ Foreign exchange management

Only through cooperation with different departments and roles (e.g. CEO, CFO, controller, risk manager, legal departments and external stakeholders) can these extensive reports be produced. Therefore, strong interpersonal skills are an important prerequisite for the treasury profession.

Which skills should treasurers have?

To work as a treasurer, an academic degree in business administration with focus on finance or banking is usually required. Besides, prior professional experience gained at credit institutions, insurance companies or other financial organisations is advantageous. In addition, business fluent English skills are required since treasurers mostly work at large multinational companies.

Treasurers also need to have certain soft skills:

  • An analytical way of thinking and decisiveness
  • Stress resistance
  • Team spirit
  • An understanding of macroeconomic relationships in different countries
  • A strong willingness to assume responsibility


Companies reward the work of a treasurer extremely well. How much a treasurer earns exactly depends - as in many other professions - on what specific tasks are taken on. As a junior treasurer, you start with a gross annual salary of between 40,000 and 55,000 euros.

After a few years of professional experience, you advance to senior treasurer and usually earn at least 70,000 euros a year. But salaries of 100,000 euros and more are also quite common. Treasurers often receive a high salary-related bonus in addition to a fixed monthly salary.


Top job offers for treasurers (m/f/d)

Reference number: 805560/1

Treasurer (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Verwalten der Konten sowie aller offenen Forderungen und Verbindlichkeiten, um eine reibungslose Abwicklung zu gewähren
  • Freigabe von Zahlungen und Durchführung von Mahnläufen 
  • Enge Abstimmung mit der Projektleitung, Buchhaltung und dem Controlling
  • Erstellung von regelmäßigen, liquiditätsrelevanten Auswertungen für langfristige Verbesserung der Prozesse 
  • Durchführung von Bonitätsprüfungen, um Risiken frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu steuern
Online since: Mon Feb 10 10:49:49 CET 2025
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Reference number: 809395/1

Manager Treasury Operations (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Erstellung verschiedener Managementberichte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Controlling/Rechnungswesen
  • Verantwortung für das Kreditmanagement, d.h. die Beurteilung der Kreditwürdigkeit von Kunden und deren laufende Überwachung durch Kreditberichte
  • Verantwortung für das Tagesgeschäft im Cash- und Liquiditätsmanagement, insbesondere die Durchführung des gesamten Zahlungsverkehrs, die Abwicklung von Fremdwährungsderivaten und Backoffice-Tätigkeiten im Garantiemanagement in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Kollegen im Treasury
  • Aktives Beziehungsmanagement zu Rating-Agenturen und externen Stakeholdern sowie für die Aktualisierung der Rating-Berichte
  • Unterstützung des Monatsabschlusses und der Finanzbuchhaltung
  • Unterstützung der Front-Office-Kollegen bei der Steuerung der konzernweiten Liquiditätsplanung
  • Arbeit an der ständigen Optimierung und Digitalisierung der Treasury-Prozesse und Unterstützung von Projekten im Cash Management und der Treasury-Systemlandschaft
  • Verwaltung von Bankkonten einschließlich der Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von regulatorischen Anforderungen (z.B. FATCA und KYC). In diesem Bereich organisieren und verwalten Sie die Vollmachten für alle Konten zentral und bilden diese in allen Treasury-Systemen ab
Online since: Tue Feb 25 15:09:05 CET 2025
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