Calendar maintenance was yesterday! Today, assistants support the management with extensive projects and important controlling tasks
The management assistant is the right hand of the top management and supports the management in all tasks relating to the organization of the office, schedules customer meetings and prepares meetings. She is an important interface between the management and the staff.
The tasks of the management assistant often go far beyond regular secretarial duties. This position is an all-rounder function that is often entrusted with independent projects within the scope of its competencies in order to relieve the management. The assistant prepares presentations and carries out controlling tasks. In addition, they compile important information to support the management in strategic decisions with a solid data basis.
Management assistants today take on a variety of tasks in project management, event management and HR support. The exact tasks are different in every organization, but many typical activities occur in every company.
Assistant to the management
Are you looking for a new challenge as a management assistant (m/f/d)?
Are you looking for a management assistant (m/f/d)?
Are you looking for a new challenge as a management assistant (m/f/d)?
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In addition to day-to-day communication by telephone and e-mail, the management assistant in many companies has challenging and varied tasks that go beyond day-to-day business. Typical tasks include
- General support: The management assistant helps with all kinds of tasks in day-to-day business. This includes, for example, creating presentations, preparing reports or organizing company events.
- Organizational tasks: A management assistant is responsible for organizing meetings, appointments and travel. They ensure that the managing director is always well prepared and has all important information and documents available in good time.
- Communication: She is often the first point of contact for client companies, employees and other external parties. She answers calls, emails and letters on behalf of the managing director and ensures that all inquiries are processed quickly and effectively.
- Controlling: The management assistant monitors company figures and prepares analyses. It helps to draw up budgets and financial plans and prepares the basis for management decisions.
- Project management: She supports the planning and implementation of projects. It coordinates the work of various departments and ensures that all project goals are achieved.
The management assistant should be able to think quickly, communicate well and have excellent organizational skills. Most companies require commercial training as a minimum professional qualification.
Eine Assistenz der Geschäftsführung kann verschiedene Ausbildungswege einschlagen. Oft wird für die Position der Geschäftsleitungsassistenz eine kaufmännische Ausbildung vorausgesetzt. Eine Ausbildung als Industriekaufmann oder Industriekauffrau, eine Ausbildung für Büromanagement oder im Bankwesen können eine solide Grundlage bieten.
Ebenso ist ein Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre oder eines verwandten Bereichs von Vorteil. Die Weiterbildung zum geprüften Management Assistant (m/w/d) ist auch ohne Studium berufsbegleitend nach dem mittleren Bildungsabschluss und einer abgeschlossenen Berufsausbildung möglich.
Da es keine spezifische Ausbildung für die Position der Assistenz der Geschäftsführung gibt, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass Assistentinnen und Assistenten der Geschäftsleitung häufig Quereinsteigende sind. Wer sich für diese Position interessiert, bringt idealerweise bereits Berufserfahrung im gehobenen Assistenzumfeld mit. Durch die Nähe zum Management wissen Assistentinnen und Assistenten über wichtige Geschäftsvorgänge Bescheid und haben Zugriff auf vertrauliche Daten. In ihrer Funktion wird daher Diskretion, Zuverlässigkeit und Professionalität erwartet.
Executive assistants are real all-rounders. If you like to organize things, have a quick overview and enjoy working with people, this is the job for you .
As an executive assistant, organizational skills, communication skills and the ability to work under pressure are important qualities for this role. In addition, there are a number of skills and competencies that are beneficial for a successful career as an executive assistant. Here are some examples:
- Analytical skills: An executive assistant should be able to analyze data and create reports. This requires knowledge of Excel and other analysis tools.
- Organizational skills: Due to the variety of tasks, the management assistant should have strong organizational skills. This also includes good time and self-management skills and an independent and structured way of working.
- Communication skills and foreign language skills: As an executive assistant is the first point of contact for employees and client companies, they should have excellent communication skills. They often communicate with international client companies and partners, so foreign language skills can be a great advantage.
- Technical skills and project management: The management assistant should be able to use various software programs and tools. These include the MS Office suite including email program, calendar tools and project management software.
- Soft skills: The management assistant should have good problem-solving skills. They should also be loyal, empathetic and stress-resistant and work reliably and discreetly

Fully absorbed in the assistant role or switch to a management position? Further development into a managerial role is often the obvious choice
Management assistants sit close to the decision-makers in the company. They are closely involved in their management tasks and learn in detail how company decisions are made based on strategic goals. They know how to prepare important business data and interpret it correctly.
Their great importance for the managing director is beyond question, as they significantly reduce their workload. However, management assistants also benefit from their proximity to management. They often take on responsibility for important projects or sub-projects, for example when introducing new IT systems or in other transformation processes.
Once you have successfully proven yourself as a management assistant, the next step on the career ladder is often to take on responsibility as a manager. The position of assistant is therefore often used to prepare for a management position and often serves as a stepping stone to the upper echelons of management.

Our vacancies as assistant to the management
Interesting careers of former management assistants
Many top managers started their career in an assistant position
In practice, many CEOs have already made their way from assistant to the top of the company. One of them is Stefan Wendrich, who has been Managing Director of Lufthansa Aviation Training, a subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group that offers flight training for pilots and flight attendants, since 2018. He began his career at Lufthansa Flight Training in 1999 as an assistant to the management. So did Dr. Christian Göke, who has been Chairman of the Management Board of Messe Berlin GmbH, one of the world's leading trade fair organizers, since 2013. From 2000 to 2006, he was assistant to the then Chairman of the Management Board and subsequently took on various management positions within the company. Dr. Stefan Sommer, a former assistant to the Board of Management, has been a member of the management of Volkswagen AG since 2019, as Board Member for Components and Procurement. From 1997 to 2004, he was Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Management of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, one of the world's leading suppliers of driveline and chassis technology.
The same applies here as for almost all jobs: with increasing experience and in large companies, the salary is higher.
The salary of an executive assistant depends on many factors, including the size of the company, the industry and the employee's experience. The starting salary is often between 45,000 and 55,000 euros. The average annual salary for this position in Germany is around 65,000 euros.

An assistant position with maximum flexibility in a company that tends to be smaller.
The clients are start-ups, small and medium-sized companies or private individuals who need temporary support for their business. A virtual assistant supports them with various tasks that can be completed online. They usually work independently and from home or from another location that has Internet access. The virtual assistant can offer different services depending on their skills, interests and experience. Common tasks of a virtual assistant include:
- Secretarial and administrative tasks, such as answering e-mails, arranging appointments, creating invoices, recording data, etc.
- Social media management, such as creating profiles, scheduling posts, creating content, replying to comments, etc.
- Web design and copywriting, e.g. designing websites, creating landing pages, writing newsletters, etc.
- Research and editing, e.g. searching for information, correcting texts, preparing presentations, etc.
- Save time and money, as no travel, no office and no permanent employment are necessary.
- Flexibility and scalability, as virtual assistance can be commissioned according to requirements and budget.
- Expertise and quality, as the virtual assistant can specialize in certain areas and undergo continuous further training.

Working as a virtual assistant offers very varied tasks and the opportunity to work for different clients at the same time. While management assistants often work for large companies and corporations, virtual assistants tend to work for smaller companies.
Working as a virtual assistant requires a lot of self-discipline and self-organization. In return, it offers the great advantage of working independently in terms of time and location.

Die Aufgaben einer Assistenz der Geschäftsführung reichen von einfachen Sekretariatsaufgaben bis zur Begleitung von komplexen Projekten und Transformationsprozessen. Hauptaufgabe dieser Rolle ist die Unterstützung des Managements sowohl im Tagesgeschäft als auch bei typischen Management Aufgaben.
The starting salary is often between 45,000 and 55,000 euros. In general, however, the salary for the position of management assistant depends on the company and its size and sector. Professional experience and skills also have an influence on the salary level.
The position of executive assistant is not a management position itself, but in many cases serves as preparation for a management position. Many C-level positions in the business world are filled by former executive assistants.
It is quite possible that the tasks of an executive assistant are limited to secretarial activities and the day-to-day business of the company. However, the duties of an executive assistant tend to go beyond the usual secretarial tasks and include activities in projects and management issues.