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from our candidates

Hays - More than 50 years of service and experience
Because Hays is a major player in the field of personnel services, it's impossible to think of the recruitment industry and not think of Hays. With 257 offices in 33 countries, this internationally active company can look back over its more than 50 years of experience with pride. Whether it's supplying professionals in the medical sector, IT industry, sales or finance, Hays is the go-to personnel services provider.

What our candidates think

In this video interview, candidates talk about there experiences with Hays (only in German).

Experience with temporary employment

Katharina, 34 years, Lawyer
Duration: 2:48 min.

Patrick Lehrbach, Agile coach
Duration: 1:23 min.

Pawel, 37 years, Recruiter
Duration: 2:48 min.

Ullrich, 67 years, Expert in environment, health and safety
Duration: 2:42 min.

Experience with permanent employment

M.Sc. Betehlhem Mekonnen Demissae, Architect
Duration: 1:52 min.

Experiences of freelancers

Dietmar Höpfner, IT Consultant
Duration: 1:39 min.

Dr. med. Oliver Emmler, Managing Director doctoroo GmbH
Duration: 1:43 min.

More business partner stories

Business Partner Story - Contracting

This one-pager story gives you an insight into the experience of a business partner with Hays in the field of freelancing.

Business Partner Story - Temporary employment

This one-pager story gives you an insight into the experience of a business partner with Hays in the field of temporary employment.

Our candidate satisfaction speaks for itself

Grafik Kandidatenzufriedenheit
Grafik Kandidatenzufriedenheit
Grafik Kandidatenzufriedenheit


What our customers think

Here you can find testimonials from some of our customers.

Auf die Ohren

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