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From administrator to designer: the role of the HR Business Partner

The digital transformation, more agile network structures and the increasing importance of New Work are leading to increased demands on management and organizational development in companies. 

This also entails new tasks for HR managers that go far beyond administrative activities. Companies are increasingly involving their HR experts in strategic processes. HR Business Partners are taking on this task. They have an expert function in the field of human resources and act as an interface between HR and management.

HR Business Partners are strategic consultants who combine business objectives with effective HR strategies. They play a key role in personnel development, talent management and organizational development in order to promote business success.

They are therefore increasingly supporting management in an advisory capacity and with distinct methodological expertise. Employees in this role actively contribute to the company achieving its goals and developing further. HR Business Partners act on an equal footing with top management, but remain an important point of contact for employees at all times.

Are you looking for a job as a HR Business Partner (m/f/d)?

As a HR business partner, you will bring your know-how to a company in organizing the administrative area of applicant management and in answering internal and external inquiries. You have the choice whether you want to work in the personnel services sector, the industrial sector, as a service provider in the freelance, scientific and technical fields or many other sectors.

Are you looking for a HR Business Partner?

As a HR business partner, you will bring your know-how to a company in organizing the administrative area of applicant management and in answering internal and external inquiries. You have the choice whether you want to work in the personnel services sector, the industrial sector, as a service provider in the freelance, scientific and technical fields or many other sectors.

Are you looking for an exciting project as a HR Business Partner?

Do you need a HR business partner who, with their specialist knowledge, is jointly responsible for the administrative area of your company? With the specialized know-how in your industry, administrative knowledge and experience in personnel management, experts can take on a wide range of tasks. We have the right candidates for you.

Background to the role: the HR Business Partner Model by Dave Ulrich

Dave Ulrich's HR Business Partner Model is a concept that redefines the role and organization of the HR department in a company. It is based on the idea that the HR department should not only fulfill administrative tasks, but also make a strategic contribution to business success. To this end, he divides HR activities into three areas:

► Administrative experts: Employees in this function are responsible for the efficient and high-quality handling of operational HR processes, such as payroll accounting, personnel administration, recruitment, etc. They usually work in shared service centers. They usually work in shared service centers that provide standardized services for several business units or locations.

► Employee champions: They are responsible for the support, development and satisfaction of employees and act as a contact person as well as an advisor and mediator for employees in all HR-related matters. Employee champions usually work decentrally in the business units or locations in order to ensure close proximity to the employees.

► Business Partner: They are responsible for the strategic direction and design of HR activities in line with business objectives. HR Business Partners act as internal consultants and sparring partners for management in all HR strategy issues, such as organizational development, change management, talent management, etc. They usually work at management or business unit level to enable a high level of influence on business decisions.

With his HR business partner model, Dave Ulrich pursued the goal of making this HR function a valuable partner to management and thus making a measurable contribution to the company's value creation. However, this model also requires a high degree of adaptability, a clear distribution of roles and close cooperation between the three areas. The model is not static, but must be constantly adapted to changes in the market, the company and the HR organization.

Strategic interface function: Tasks of an HR Business Partner

The HR Business Partner's tasks include developing HR strategies, advising managers on HR-related matters and implementing HR projects. However, HR Business Partners take on numerous other tasks in many companies:

Strategic personnel planning

Strategic personnel planning is an important part of human resources management and comprises the short, medium and long-term planning of personnel deployment. Demographic developments and the shortage of skilled workers present German companies with the major challenge of finding sufficient suitable personnel. This makes it all the more important for HR business partners to work closely with specialist departments and management to ensure effective personnel planning that helps a company achieve its goals and operate economically. With the right personnel planning, HR Business Partners ensure the competitiveness of the company and other aspects:

  1. Optimization of personnel costs: Personnel planning helps to optimize personnel costs by ensuring that the company only employs as many employees as it needs.
  2. Improving the workload: Effective personnel planning ensures that the workload is evenly distributed and that employees are not overloaded.
  3. Ensuring the availability of qualified employees: Good personnel planning ensures that the company has sufficient qualified employees to meet its operational targets.
  4. Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations: Effective workforce planning ensures that the company complies with all laws and regulations that apply to its dealings with employees.
A company's strategic HR planning also includes hiring and terminating employees. HR business partners can act in an advisory capacity or manage the process themselves. In addition, they are often closely involved in the onboarding process for new employees.

Personnel cost planning

Strategic HR planning can only be carried out if personnel costs are taken into account. HR Business Partners keep a close eye on figures and data. They create reports and analyses and evaluate them. These serve as the basis for possible future scenarios and thus form an important basis for all further personnel decisions.

Employee development through training & coaching

The internal training of employees is becoming increasingly important for companies, as new employees with the desired skills and competencies are often difficult to find on the job market. In addition, HR Business Partners can precisely assess the respective needs of the departments thanks to their close contact with the specialist departments. This enables them to provide employees with perfectly tailored training opportunities. Employee development is an important strategic element for the company's success and also saves high recruitment costs.

Sparring partner for executives and management

As a sparring partner, the HR Business Partner is an important point of contact for management and executives. He or she is a trusted advisor on all HR-related topics and supports executives and management in the implementation of HR strategies.


Conflict situations can arise in any company for a variety of reasons. As a mediator, the HR Business Partner acts as an intermediary in conflicts between employees or between employees and managers. Thanks to his expertise in personnel management and legal issues, the HR Business Partner can analyze the problem areas together with the conflicting parties and develop possible solutions. In his role as mediator, he takes on conflict management, moderation and communication between the conflicting parties.

Change management

The globalization of the economy, new working models and the digital transformation pose major challenges for many companies. The Business Partners from the Human Resources organization help to manage and moderate change processes. Thanks to their proximity to managers, they act as communicators and motivators to drive and support change processes. In order to get as many employees as possible excited about the changes in the company, they promote team building, develop efficient training systems and improve work processes and management techniques.

Labor law topics

HR Business Partners are important contacts for employees and often act as the first point of contact for employment law issues. This can range from drawing up contracts to issuing warnings in the event of employee misconduct. The HR Business Partners work closely with the legal department or the works council.

Financially attractive: HR Business Partner Salary

As with all other professions, the salary of the HR Business Partner depends on various influencing factors, including the size of the company and professional experience. The HR Business Partner is in close contact and on an equal footing with senior management. It can be said that this requires sound professional experience and corresponding expertise.

The HR Business Partner has an important function within the HR organization, which is reflected in their earning potential: In Germany, the annual salary for this role is around 52,000-79,000 euros.

Requirements & skills: What should you bring to the role of HR Business Partner?

The requirements for an HR Business Partner vary depending on the company and industry. However, some key skills are generally required. These include knowledge of HR-related topics and HR processes, confidence in dealing with labor law and collective bargaining law and experience in project management and employee leadership.

Soft skills: social and personal skills

Communication skills: An HR Business Partner should have excellent communication skills to communicate effectively with employees, managers and other stakeholders.

Analytical skills: He or she should be able to analyze and interpret data to make decisions and develop strategies.

Leadership skills: An HR Business Partner should be able to lead and motivate employees.

Conflict resolution skills: In the role of HR Business Partner, people should be able to resolve conflicts between employees or between employees and managers.

Organizational skills: Another competence is the ability of an HR Business Partner to organize and manage complex projects.

Willingness to change: An HR Business Partner should be open to change and ready to take on new challenges.

Empathy: When working as an HR Business Partner, you should have empathy and be able to put yourself in the shoes of employees.

Business understanding: An HR Business Partner should understand the company's business and be able to make the right HR-related decisions in the context of the company.

Hard skills: degrees and professional qualifications

The high demands placed on the role of HR Business Partner and the extensive know-how that employees in this position have means that companies generally require a degree in human resources, business administration or a similar field, often combined with correspondingly sound professional experience in HR.
Individuals with a specific interest in the HR Business Partner role can further their education in the field of human resources and also choose specific HR Business Partner training courses that are tailored to the requirements of the profession.
Training providers can be found on the Internet throughout Germany. The Haufe Akademie, for example, offers further training to become a certified HR Business Partner: https://www.haufe-akademie.de/34356


Companies are increasingly integrating their HR experts into strategic processes. HR Business Partners take on this task. They have an expert function in the field of human resources and act as an interface between HR and management.

As strategic partners, they support management in an advisory capacity, but remain important contacts for employees at all times.

Companies are increasingly integrating their HR experts into strategic processes. HR Business Partners take on this task. They have an expert function in the field of human resources and act as an interface between HR and management.

As strategic partners, they support management in an advisory capacity, but remain important contacts for employees at all times.

The salary of the HR Business Partner depends on various factors, including the size of the company and professional experience. The HR Business Partner plays a central role in the HR structure, which is reflected in the income opportunities: In Germany, the annual salary for this position is around 52,000-79,000 euros.

The salary of the HR Business Partner depends on various factors, including the size of the company and professional experience. The HR Business Partner plays a central role in the HR structure, which is reflected in the income opportunities: In Germany, the annual salary for this position is around 52,000-79,000 euros.

HR Business Partners are employees from the HR organization. They are responsible for the strategic direction and design of HR activities in line with business objectives. HR Business Partners act as internal consultants and sparring partners for management in all HR strategy issues, such as organizational development, change management and talent management.

HR Business Partners are employees from the HR organization. They are responsible for the strategic direction and design of HR activities in line with business objectives. HR Business Partners act as internal consultants and sparring partners for management in all HR strategy issues, such as organizational development, change management and talent management.

As a rule, people in the role of HR Business Partner have a degree and several years of professional experience. However, there are also special training courses to develop into the role of HR Business Partner. HR Business Partners have knowledge of HR-related topics and HR processes, are confident in dealing with labor law and collective bargaining law and have experience in project management and employee leadership.

As a rule, people in the role of HR Business Partner have a degree and several years of professional experience. However, there are also special training courses to develop into the role of HR Business Partner. HR Business Partners have knowledge of HR-related topics and HR processes, are confident in dealing with labor law and collective bargaining law and have experience in project management and employee leadership.


Reference number: 808567/1

HR Business Partner (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Ansprechpartner für die Mitarbeiter an derzeit vier unserer Kontraktlogistikstandorte in West- und Süddeutschland sowie zugeordneten Zentralbereichen
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Führungskräften des Betreuungsbereichs und Beratung in allen personalrelevanten Fragestellungen unter Berücksichtigung arbeitsrechtlicher und betriebsverfassungsrechtlicher Vorgaben
  • Sicherstellung der Einhaltung aller arbeits-, sozialversicherungs- und lohnsteuerrechtlichen sowie tarifvertraglichen Regelungen
  • Pflege einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit mit Betriebsräten
  • Mitarbeit bei der Gestaltung lokaler Betriebsvereinbarungen und eigenständige Verhandlung dieser
  • Aktive Begleitung bei der Besetzung von Fach- und Führungskräften sowie organisatorischen Veränderungen
  • Sicherstellung der ziel- und termingerechten Umsetzung aller Personalmaßnahmen mit den Kollegen des HR Shared Service
  • Übernahme bundesweiter Projekte im HR-Bereich
Online since: Thu Feb 20 13:52:40 CET 2025
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Reference number: 806367/1

HR Business Partner (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Du berätst und unterstützt proaktiv Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter bei allen personalrechtlichen Fragestellungen in deinem Verantwortungsbereich.
  • Du steuerst eigenständig alle HR-Prozesse des Mitarbeiterzyklus – von der Einstellung bis zum Austritt.
  • Du arbeitest vertrauensvoll mit dem Betriebsrat in arbeitsrechtlichen Themen zusammen.
  • Du bist für den gesamten Recruitingprozess verantwortlich.
  • Du wirkst an HR-Projekten mit und entwickelst vorhandene HR-Prozesse und -Instrumente weiter.
  • Du übernimmst die Personaladministration und erstellst Statistiken und Auswertungen.
  • Du arbeitest mit der internen Entgeltabrechnung zusammen.
Online since: Tue Feb 18 14:53:28 CET 2025
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Reference number: 804861/1

HR Business Partner (m/w/d)

Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Umsetzung von HR-Richtlinien und -Initiativen zur Unterstützung unserer Geschäftsziele / Unterstützung bei Einstellungsprozessen, einschließlich Stellenausschreibungen, Lebenslaufscreening, Terminierung von Vorstellungsgesprächen und Referenzprüfungen
  • Koordination von Einführungs- und Orientierungsprogrammen für neue Mitarbeiter
  • Unterstützung bei Leistungsmanagementprozessen und Verfolgung von Leistungsbeurteilungen
  • Bearbeitung von Mitarbeiteranfragen und Weiterleitung komplexer Fälle an leitende HR-Mitarbeiter
  • Zusammenarbeit mit dem Betriebsrat und Überwachung der Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter
  • Pflege aktueller Mitarbeiterdaten in HR-Systemen
  • Erstellung von HR-Berichten und -Analysen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung
  • Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von Arbeitsgesetzen und -vorschriften
  • Teilnahme an HR-Projekten zur Verbesserung der HR-Prozesse und Mitarbeiterbindung
  • Allgemeine administrative Unterstützung im HR-Bereich
Online since: Fri Mar 21 06:16:58 CET 2025
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Reference number: 811174/1

HR Business Partner (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
  • Proaktive Beratung und Unterstützung für Mitarbeitende und Manager*innen zu HR-bezogenen Themen
  • Verwaltung des gesamten Employee-Life-Cycles, einschließlich Rekrutierung, Onboarding, Personalverwaltung und Offboarding
  • Sicherstellung der Einhaltung lokaler Arbeitsgesetze, Vorschriften und interner Richtlinien
  • Organisation und Koordination von Schulungs- und Entwicklungsinitiativen
  • Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung globaler und lokaler HR-Projekte und -Initiativen
Online since: Fri Mar 07 16:13:21 CET 2025
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