Your personnel services provider
in Frankfurt am Main

Welcome to your recruitment agency in Frankfurt!

Are you looking for a new professional challenge? Or do you need professional support for your new project or in order to fill an open vacancy? As a leading personnel service provider in Frankfurt am Main, we have been successfully bringing companies and specialists together since 2006. Be it in the construction & property, engineering, finance, healthcare or human resources, IT, legal, life sciences, retail and sales & marketing areas: Our team of experts would be delighted to advise you on any matter regarding personnel recruitment in the metropolitan region of Frankfurt am Main, and will deal with your individual requirements in the drawing up of contracts.

Find your new professional challenge or your (project) employee. Decide for yourself whether you wish to be quick and flexible using temporary employment, free up resources by recruiting for projects via contracting or in a reliable and long-term way by means of permanent employment. Be it a partner company, external specialist or applicant: We will collaborate with you to find the kind of contract which suits you and your needs.

Bina Brünjes
Office manager

Office address
An der Welle 3
60322 Frankfurt am Main

T: +49 69 300882 0

  • For companies
  • For partners
  • For applicants
  • For freelancers

Are you looking for specialists or managerial staff in Frankfurt?

Would you like to take the pressure off your HR department when you are looking for highly specialized experts? If so, you can put your complete trust in the industrial knowledge of our team of experts. Your personal contact has access to our pool of experts as well as having extensive knowledge of the market. We will introduce you to your future staff or external specialists for your project very quickly.


Find your new specialists

Do your specialists still have free capacity?

Is your team of permanent specialists not fully utilized at the moment? Make use of free capacity and transfer the know-how of your team to external projects. You can draw on the full potential of your team using work contracts or project work. More than 3,000 customers from a wide variety of industries depend on the support of your employees. We will give you access to opportunities which have not (yet) been officially advertised – i.e. your chance to also place the competence of your team in free projects.


Find projects for free capacity

Are you looking for a job in Frankfurt or the surrounding area?

Searching for an exciting professional challenge can be hard work. Make your life easier and simply upload your profile to us. We will check your application documents quickly, easily and free of charge, search for interesting employers on your behalf and be at your side you throughout the entire application process. We look forward to receiving your application profile.


Find current job offers in Frankfurt

Are you looking for an exciting project in Frankfurt?

Your expertise is in demand. Numerous well-known companies are just waiting to successfully carry out a project with you. And we know where this expertise is needed. Because our team of experts often already knows which company is looking for external specialists before the projects are openly advertised. In this way, we will find your next challenge and pave the way for exciting projects.


Find current projects in Frankfurt


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Address and directions in Frankfurt


An der Welle 3
60322 Frankfurt am Main
T: +49 69 300882 0

Reception is located on the 6th floor.
We wish you a good journey and look forward to your visit!

Accessibility: Our branch is barrier-free. The barrier-free toilets are located in each gallery by the lifts. For further information on accessibility, please contact our visitor reception or

Parking:The Alte Oper multi-storey car park
Public Transport:Proceed from the main train station to the Frankfurt (M) Taunusanlage stop.

Your advantages when collaborating with Hays in Frankfurt

All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.
All sorts of benefits when you work with Hays: You can contact us for all of your needs. We communicate quickly. We offer professional and discreet support. We have a large selection of jobs and/or applicants.

Personnel services in Frankfurt: We'll find the right employees for your company

As an internationally recognized financial hub and an important metropolis for industry, services and trade fairs, Frankfurt am Main offers a wide range of options in the personnel consulting area. Not only do skyscrapers reach for the sky here, but also well-known companies and highly specialized experts and managers. In order to find the right staff and get a foot in the door in your dream company as a candidate, we collaborate successfully in personnel recruitment with our “find and bind” concept.

We would be pleased to welcome you in person at our branch office on the Welle, just a few steps from the Frankfurt Opera, and discuss your need for highly specialized and competent expert and managers with you. In order to search for suitable candidates in a targeted way, our team of headhunting experts in Frankfurt am Main can fall back on our extensive internal network, and also career networks such as Xing or LinkedIn. We can establish initial contacts between your company and suitable candidates within just 24 hours. If the talks are successful and we find a suitable match for you, then all that remains is to draw up the contract with Hays - from temporary employment to recruitment for projects via contracting or permanent employment, anything is possible.

Your job exchange – working in “Mainhatten”

One job, many opportunities. This is exactly what the Rhine-Main metropolis of Frankfurt has to offer. However,with this wide range of possibilities, it's also easy to lose track of things. Which is why we help you to negotiate the big city jungle with our personnel service in Frankfurt. We will find the best position for your professional future together. We will help you to find the company of your dreams or perfect your application.

Our team of experts will not only advise you on matters concerning to your application, but also has excellent contacts within companies. Our experts often hear about open vacancies that which not yet been advertised. You'll find the way to your dream job with us - be it at Axa, Continental, Assmann, Lufthansa or other well-known employers.

Make your job search in Frankfurt as easy as possible. Upload your application documents to us and together we'll figure out the best way to present you. If you have already found a job advertisement that you are interested in in Frankfurt and the surrounding area, you can also send your application directly to your personal contact person or upload it to our applicant portal.

If you are looking for vacancies in a specific specialist area, take your time and have a look around in our large job exchange for Frankfurt:

Impressed customers – you can only benefit from this

More 50 years of experience in job placement make us the number 1 personnel service provider in Germany. At our branch in Frankfurt am Main, we do all that we can to bring well-known companies and highly qualified specialists and executives together in Frankfurt, Mainz, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden, both in personnel recruitment and in looking after our customers. In so doing, we provide our expertise in personnel recruitment to various industries, and are available at all times as a contact and advisor, not only to companies but also people who are looking for a professional challenge.

Take a look at some of our customers throughout Germany.


Top job offers for Frankfurt, Mainz, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden

Reference number: 813530/1

(Senior) Fixed Income Sales Trader (m/f/d)

Permanent employment with our customer
Frankfurt am Main
  • Trading for commission in all relevant fixed income segments and all currencies
  • Understand drivers of relevant markets and establish a high degree of competence with clients around executing trades
  • Enhancing relationships with clients, providing advice on Fixed Income market developments and key issues that may affect their trading strategies
  • Provide support analysis of economic, market trends and other financial data to identify undervalued and overvalued Fixed Income products
Online since: Tue Mar 25 16:53:43 CET 2025
View now
Reference number: 811757/1

Accountant with Chinese skills (m/f/d)

Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
  • Invoice payments and reimbursements 
  • Fixed asset accounting 
  • Head Office reports 
  • Core banking system parameter maintenance 
  • Accounting regulation and policy update 
  • Accounting voucher management
Online since: Thu Mar 20 14:52:18 CET 2025
View now
Reference number: 808032/1

Deputy Store Manager - Frankfurt (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Frankfurt am Main
  • Gemeinsam mit der Filialleitung führst und vertrittst du den Store
  • Du pflegst eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit dem Managementteam
  • Du führst deine bis zu 50 Mitarbeitenden fair und engagiert, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf ihre Weiterentwicklung
  • Du schaffst eine angenehme Atmosphäre für sowohl Kunden als auch Mitarbeitende
  • Du bist motiviert durch die Performance des Stores und arbeitest daran, sein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen
Online since: Tue Feb 18 13:46:26 CET 2025
View now
Reference number: 807096/1

Objektbuchhalter (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Frankfurt am Main
  • Verantwortung für die Objektbuchhaltung von rund 40 separaten Gesellschaften in DATEV
  • Durchführung und Überwachung des Zahlungsverkehrs
  • Bearbeitung steuerrelevanter Sachverhalte in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Steuerberater
  • Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung von Monats- und Jahresabschlüssen nach HGB
  • Übergabe relevanter Daten an das Controlling sowie den Steuerberater
  • Pflege von Stammdaten in den Systemen
Online since: Thu Feb 13 14:28:04 CET 2025
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Reference number: 805693/1

Junior Controller (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Frankfurt am Main
  • Erstellung und Analyse der Monatsabschlüsse sowie Durchführung von Soll-/Ist-Analysen mit Kommentierung
  • Unterstützung bei der Erstellung und Weiterentwicklung des Standard-Reportings
  • Durchführung von Ad-hoc-Analysen und Abstimmarbeiten. Mitwirkung bei Forecasting- und Budgetierungsprozessen
  • Unterstützung bei Projekten und Weiterentwicklungen im Finanzbereich. Zusammenarbeit mit der Buchhaltung bei laufenden Tätigkeiten
  • Überwachung der Debitoren- und Paymaster-Entwicklung sowie Plausibilisierung der Inventuren
  • Durchführung von stichprobenartigen Kontrollen in Hotelbetrieben bei Auffälligkeiten
Online since: Wed Feb 05 13:55:21 CET 2025
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Reference number: 813144/1

Lead Frontend Developer (m/w/d)

Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
Frankfurt am Main
  • Implementierung von Enterprise-Webanwendungen in React zu deren Weiterentwicklung
  • Anleitung von Junior-Frontend-EntwicklerInnen als Know How-TrägerIn des Teams
  • Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Entwicklungsprozessen, -methodiken und -technologien
  • Treffen von Designentscheidungen in Abstimmung mit der Teamleitung
  • Mitgestaltung der Software-Architektur und -Lösungen auf Basis von Produktanforderungen
  • Einhaltung technischer Standards, einschließlich Software-Codierungsstandards
  • Überwachen und Sicherstellen der Projektziele in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Projektmanagement 
  • Erstellung und Pflege von Konzepten und Dokumentationen
  • Mitgestaltung von Testplänen und Testfällen
Online since: Tue Mar 25 15:09:41 CET 2025
View now

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